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Breanna beebe

Anatomy week 1-5

Anatomy Is defined as the study of the structure of an organism and the relationships of its parts.
Physiology Is the science that deals with the functions of the living organisms and its parts.
Atoms Are tiny spheres of matter they are small and invisible.
Mitochondria Is the powerhouse of cells that provide energy needed by cells to carry on day to day functions, growth and repair.
Golgi apparatus Is a set of sacs that provides a packaging service to cells by storing material for future internal use or export from the cell.
Endoplasmic-reticulum Is a network of channels within the cell that act as highways for movement of chemical processing.
Organ Is defined as a structure made up of several different kinds of tissues arranged so that, together they can preform a special function.
Axial It consists of the head, neck, torso and trunk .
Appendicular Consists of the upper and lower extremeties and their connection to the axial portions.
Homeostasis Is the maintenance of relatively constant internal conditions despite changes in either the internal or the external environment.
Afferent Its a signal traveling towards a particular center or point of reference.
Efferent Is a signal moving away from a center or other point of reference.
Integrator Is called the integration center or control center of the feed-back loop. It recieves input from a homeostatic sensor.
Effectors Are the organs such as muscles or glands, that directly influence controlled physiological variables.
Elements Can not be broken down or decomposed into two or more different substances.
Compounds Are two or more elements joined to form chemical combinations.
Octet rule Atoms with fewer that eight electrons in the outer energy level will attempt to lose, gain or share electrons with other atoms to acheive stability.
Isotopes Is an element that contains the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons.
Ionic bond Is the strong electrostatic force that binds the positive and negative charged ions together in a crystal.
Covalent bond Is a chemical bond formed by the sharing of one or more pairs of electrons between the outer energy levels of two atoms.
Decomposition reactions Result in the breakdown of a complex substance into two or more simpler substances.
carbohydrates Provide the primary source of chemical energy needed by every body cell.
Membranous organelles Are sacs and canals made of the same type of membrane material as the plasma membrane.
Rafts Are stiff groupings of membrane molecules that are rich in cholestrol that travel together.
Signal transduction Is the process by which cells translate the signal recieved by a membrane receptor into a specific chemical change in the cell.
Cytoskeleton Is the cells internal supporting framework.
Interphase Is when the cell is not experiencing mitosis during th e growth phase between cell divisions.
Tissue Is a group of simililar cells that perform a common function that forms the organs of the body and holds all the organs together as a whole.
Occipital bone Creates the framwork of the lower posterior part of the skull.
Endosteum Is a thin fibrous that lines the medullary cavity of the long bones.
Symphysis Is a joint in which a pad or disk of fibrocartilage connects two bones.
Created by: bmbeebe
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