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chapter 11
Term | Definition |
99% of neurons are... | multipolar neurons |
dendrites | carry impulse toward cell body |
axon | carry impulse away from cell body |
functions of PNS | connects the CNS to the rest of the body |
function of the nervous system | receive stimulus |
function of the nervous system | conduct impulses to and from CNS |
function of the nervous system | interpret, make decisions, plan, store, etc |
function of the nervous system | respond via muscles or glands |
grey matter | unmyelinated neurons |
intraneurons | process and transfer information to motor neurons |
motor neurons | take information away from the spinal cord (to the muscles and glands) |
multiple sclerosis | immune system destroys myelin sheath |
myelin sheath | covers the axon of the nerve |
bipolar neurons have .. | 2 processes |
unipolar neurons have .. | 1 process |
parts of CNS | brain and spinal cord |
parts of PNS | cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves |
sensory neurons | carry impulses from the sensory organs to the spinal cord and brain (CNS) |
synapse | where two neurons communicate |
threshold | lowest level of stimulus that you can detect (lowest smell, lowest pain, lowest touch, etc.) |
white matter | myelinated neurons |
3 membranes that surround the CNS | meninges |
vagus nerve | base of the brain, internal organs |
the closer the nerve endings the.. | more sensitive |
CNS | central nervous system |
Central Nervous System | brain and spinal cord |
Peripheral Nervous System | connects CNS to other parts of the body |
DO | doctor of osteopathic medicine |
MD | medical doctor |
DC | doctor of chiropractic |
Acupuncture | inserting needles at specific points on the body to cure disease and ease pain |
Concussions | Mild TBI |
Meningitis | inflammation of the meninges of the brain and spinal cord |
Cerebral Palsy | loss or deficiency of motor control with involuntary spasms -- present at birth |
Epilepsy | abnormal brain activity. results in seizures |
Parkinson's | loss of dopamine |
shingles | viral disease that affects the PNS and causes blisters on the skin |
Ischemic Stroke | caused by blood clot that blocks or plugs blood vessel in the brain |
most common type of stroke | ischemic stroke |
Hemorrhagic Stroke | blood from an artery begins bleeding into the brain |
Spina Bifida | birth defect, spinal cord extends out and is not protected by vertebrae |
fight or flight neurotransmitter | adrenaline |
Synapse | junction between two nerve cells, consiting of a minute gap which causes |
Alcohol and Synapse | causes slow messages and slow reaction time |
Nerve Gas | organic chemicals that disrupt mechanism of how nerves transmit impulses |
Nerve Gas Damage | body losses control over muscles and it eventually causes death |
endorphins | euphoria neurotransmitters |
Endorphins | relieve pain and give pleasure |
What produces endorphins | ultra excerise like long distance running, pain, laughter, being held and loved, placebo, meditation, and acupuncture |
duplicate of cocaine | endorphins |
Meninges | line the skull and vertebral canal and enclose the brain and spinal cord. |
Dura Mater | thick, outermost layer of the meninges surrounding and protecting the brain and spinal cord |
Arachnid Layer | middle layer of meninges, web like |
Pia Mater | thin, delicate inner membrane of the meninges |
Reflex Arc | nerve pathway |
Medulla Oblongata | reflex control center: coughing, sneezing, and thinking |
ANS | autonomic nervous system |
Autonomic nervous system | part of the PNS, kicks in when stressed |
PNS | peripheral nervous system |
peripheral nervous system | controls glands and the msucles of the internal organs. |
sympathetic | stress, speeds up, fight or flight |
parasympathetic | returns body to its normal state |
Ivan Pavlov | classical conditioning |
EEG | electroencephalogram; shows brains electrical activity |
Neuroglia | surrounds and supports the neurons |
Integrative Function | coordinates information to create sensations, memory, thoughts, and make decisions |
Motor Function | decisions are acted upon. |
Sensory Neurons | toward brain and spinal cord |
Afferent Neurons | toward brain and spinal cord |
Efferent Neurons | away from brain and spinal cord |
Interneurons | neurons within the brain and spinal cord that communicate internally between the sensory outputs and motor inputs |
motor neurons | neurons that carry outgoing information from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands |
all or none principle | refers to the fact that the action potential in the axon occurs either full blown or not at all. |
Threshold | the lowest dose at which a particular response may occur |
Refractory period | period of inactivity after a neuron has fired |
Thick Myelinated Axon | 120 m/second |
Thin unmyelinated axon | 0.5m/second |
Cerebrum | largest part of the brain |
divided into two hemispheres | cerebrum |
Corpus Callosum | connects cerebral hemispheres |
Left Side Controls | responsible for controlling the right side of the body. It also performs tasks that have to do with logic, such as in science and mathematics |
Right Side Controls | hemisphere coordinates the left side of the body, and performs tasks that have do with creativity and the arts |
long term memory | holds information for hours, days, weeks, or years. changes the neurons |
Short term memory | holds a few items briefly, like the digits of a phone number while dialing |
Thalamus | gateway to brain: all sensory passes through before going to cortex |
Hypothalamus | maintains homeostasis by regulating visceral activies |
limbic system | emotinal responses, feelings, and behaviors, fight or flight |
Midbrain | cranial nerves attach |
pons | helps regulate rhythm of breathing |
dermatome | area of skin innervated by the sensory nerve fibers of a particular spinal nerve |
C6 Dermatome | thumb |
C7 dermatome | middle finger and middle of hand |
C8 dermatome | medial arm and forearm to long ring and little finger |
cranial nerves | 12 pairs |
Olfactory Nerve | nerve that carries smell impulses from the nerve to brain |