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Final 2020


Which is the dominant method of carbon dioxide transport? Dissolve in plasma as bicarbonate ions
Which of following processes is the function of the smooth muscle layer of the digestive system? Mixing and propulsion
Which of the following accessory organs produces a fluid that functions to emulsify dietary fats? Liver
This layer functions by secreting a lubricating fluid. Serosa
Which of the following pancreatic enzymes digests lipids? Lipase
This hormone functions to counteract the effect of gastric acid in the small intestine. Secretin
Which of the following is a waste product normally excreted by the kidneys? Urea
Which is the correct order of filtrate flow? Glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule (PCT), loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule (DCT), collecting duct
Which structure of the nephron reabsorbs the most substances? Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)
This structure transports urine from the kidney to the bladder. Ureter
This is a nephron process that results in a substance in blood entering the already formed filtrate. Secretion
Increased secretion of aldosterone would result in a/an ___________ of blood ____________. increase, sodium
The type of body fluid found within the cells is called _____________. intracellular fluid
A solution that contains equal numbers of hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is ____________. neutral
The most abundant buffer system inside body cells and in plasma is the __________. protein buffer system
When blood pH drops, the amount of oxyhemoglobin _______ and oxygen delivery to the tissue cells ________________. decreases, increases
This structure is the site of sperm production. Seminiferous tubules
This structure is composed of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue each surrounded by a fibrous tissue. Penis
What is produced by the ovaries? Secondary oocytes, estrogen and progesterone
__________ hormone, secreted by the __________, controls the ovarian and uterine cycles. FSH, anterior pituitary
This is the uterine phase when the thickness of the endometrium doubles. Proliferative phase
The intervillous spaces of the placenta ______________. contains maternal blood
After implantation, ________________. the morula becomes a blastocyst
By the end of the first month of gestation, ________________. the fetus has a fully formed head with properly located eyes and ears
The developing embryo is surrounded by and bathed in _____________. amniotic fluid
The placental stage of labor ends with ________________. expulsion of the afterbirth
The Pancreas is only an exocrine gland. True
The main cell in the Liver for detoxification of Portal Blood from the Digestive System is the Reticulo-Endothelial Cell
Clotting in an unbroken blood vessel is called a thrombosis
The percentage of total blood volume occupied by RBC’s is called the hematocrit
The Sino-Atrial Node is also known as the pacemaker
The various sounds that are heard while taking blood pressure are called Korotkoff sounds
Listening to the heart sounds is called auscultation. True
The Arytenoid cartilage is associated with sound production True
The Trachea is surrounded by rings of C-shaped hyaline cartilage
Yawning has no known cause. False
Inspiratory reserve volume, tidal volume and expiratory reserve volume is also known as Vital Capacity
The part of the brain that controls respiration is the brainstem
Sensory neurons that are sensitive to chemicals are called chemoreceptors
Stretch sensitive receptors that line the bronchi and bronchioles are called baroreceptors
CO2 + H2O <> H2CO3 <> H+ <> HCO3-This reaction is part of which buffer system? Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer
The four layers of the Digestive System are the Mucosa, Submucosa, Muscularis, Serosa
The Enteric Nervous System is located in the G.I. Tract. True
Microvilli increases surface area of the Small Intestine. True
The order of the Small Intestine consists of the Duodenum, Jejunum and Ileum. True
Chylomicrons are absorbed in the small intestine by way of lacteals which are part of the lymphatic system. True
Which blood cell type is elevated in a parasitic infection? Eosinophils
The primary site of hemopoiesis in adult humans is in the ___________. red bone marrow
An individual who lacks A and B agglutinogens (antigens) and has both A and B agglutinins (antibodies) has ABO blood type _________. AB
White blood cells are identified microscopically by the shape of their __________ and presence or absence of __________ in the cytoplasm. nuclei, granules
Vascular spasms and platelet plug formation are steps in ___________. hemostasis
This heart structure carries oxygen poor blood. Right atrium and right ventricle
Which of the factors shown below would increase stroke volume? Increased preload, decreased afterload, increased contractility.
This vessel plays a key role in regulating blood flow into capillaries. Arteriole
Which of the following would NOT increase blood pressure? Increased sympathetic stimulation
The pressure that provides information about the condition of the cardiovascular system such as atherosclerosis is the ___________. pulse pressure
What is the major difference between lymph and interstitial fluid? Location
The lymph from the right foot empties into the ____________. thoracic duct
The left subclavian vein receives lymph from the ____________. thoracic duct
This portion of the lymph node contains lymphatic nodules. Medulla
Which of the following is a function of the spleen? Removes worn out blood cells
These are mainly used to kill infected body cells and tumor cells. Natural killer cells
Which of these provides a nonspecific cellular disease resistance mechanism? Macrophages
Which of the following is NOT a sign of inflammation? Mucus production
T Cells secrete this toxin that is used to fragment DNA. Lymphotoxin
A natural exposure to an infectious agent leads to _________. active immunity
During swallowing, which structure rises? Pharynx
Exhalation begins when _______________. the inspiratory muscles relax
This is the sum of the residual and the expiratory reserve volume. Functional residual capacity
Which of the following is not a factor on which the rate of pulmonary and systemic gas exchange depends? Force of contraction of diaphragm
Parietal cells of the Stomach secrete HCL & Intrinsic factor
The Pancreas is a(n) all the above. (exocrine gland, endocrine gland, gland that secretes an alkaline digestive mixture of juices
The Esophagus, Inferior Vena Cava and Abdominal aorta all pass through the Respiratory Diaphragm
White blood cells are identified microscopically by the shape of their __________ and presence or absence of __________ in the cytoplasm. nuclei, granules
The Right Atrium is the ‘meeting” place of the a&b. Superior Vena Cava, Inferior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Vein
Antibody mediated immunity is most effective against extracellular pathogens
The ring-shaped cartilage just inferior to the thyroid cartilage is the ____________cartilage. cricoid
During normal quiet inhalation the diaphragm and external intercostals relax
The amount of air moving in and out of the respiratory tract during normal quiet breathing is known as tidal volume
This organ is the primary site of digestion and absorption of nutrients. small intestine
This organ secretes digestive enzymes and buffers into the small intestine by way of ducts. pancreas
The regular contractions of the smooth muscles that push food through the entire gastrointestinal tract are known as peristalsis
The vitamin that is essential for the production of several clotting factors is vitamin K
Which of the following lists the regions of a nephron in the correct order of filtrate flow? glomerular capsule, proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule
The uptake of substances from the lumen of the kidney tubules into the peritubular capillaries is known as tubular reabsorption
What is primary at controlling extracellular fluid volume and water distribution? sodium
Secreted by the pituitary gland, this hormone results in vasoconstriction of blood vessels, facultative water reabsorption by the distal convoluted tubule and production of concentrated urine. antidiuretic hormone
All of the following are found within the spermatic cord EXCEPT: urethra
Which of the following is reproduced each month and then sloughed off if fertilization does not occur? stratum functionalis of the endometrium
This hormone stimulates ovulation and formation of the corpus luteum. luteinizing hormone
Implantation of the embryo usually occurs in the uterine (fallopian) tube
Which of the following represents the correct sequence of flow of an electrical impulse through the heart? SA node, AV node, AV bundle, Purkinje fibers
Nerve impulses that reach the heart by means of the vagus nerve are parasympathetic and cause decreased heart rate
Ventricular contraction is caused by atrial depolarization, atrial repolarization, ventricular depolarization, ventricular repolarization.
Nervous regulation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata
The right atrium receives blood directly from 3 vessels. They are the superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and left internal jugular vein
Blood is carried away from the left ventricle of the heart by systemic arteries
Which of the following is a branch of the brachiocephalic trunk? right subclavian artery
The pulmonary arteries bring ___ blood to the ___. oxygen-poor, alveoli of the lungs
Created by: Jpereira72
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