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Antecedent interventions
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section 8 antecedent interventions

Augmentative Communication Device signing, touching, exchanging picture
Antecedent interventions NCR HPCS FCT
NCR advantages Easier to implement than other strategies Makes + L envir Tx pkg that includes NCR and EXT may reduce ext bursts May coincidentally strengthen and maintain adaptive B
NCR disadvantages Free access may reduce motivation to engage in replacement B May accidentally strengthen problem B NCR escape procedure can disrupt instrxn Doesn't teach new behaviors
Fixed Time/Variable Time vs. Fixed Interval/Variable Interval FT/VT is just based on time going by; noncontingent delivery. FI/VI based on time AND correct response!
HPCS Method using high P B to increase likelihood of low P B Must use with B already existing in repertoire Rapid-fire presentation YAY--extremely non-aversive! Works bc B Momentum
FCT (Carr and Durand, 1985) Teach indv to mand for stimuli rather than display target B Application of DRA Capitalizes on present EO's Always use as part of tx pkg
Steps in FCT 1-Starts with dense schedules of reinf 2-Reduce Prompts (Fade) 3-Thin Schedule
Contingency Contracting Contract developed collaboratively Used in tx pkg Contract serves as response prompt Rule-governed Can help with self-mgmt
3 components of contingency contracts: CuCkoo BRD B description: who performs, what is B, when, how well, permanent products? Reward description: who decides whether criteria are met? what is reward? who delivers reward? when? how much? Data: Where is data recorded, when will data be reviewed?
Token Economy Contingency Pkg includes 3 parts: 1. Specified list of responses to reinf 2. Tokens for exhibiting specified responses 3. Back-up reinforcers that can be purchased with tokens. 4. Pkg may include response cost
Dependent Group Contingency Group's reinf depndent on B of indv or small group HERO procedure
Independent Group Contingency All mebers of group of offered contingency, but only those who meet contingency earn reinf
Interdependent Group Contingency All indvs in group must meet criterion for group to get reinf. *total group *group average *Good Behavior Game (teams)
Self-Management (Skinner) 2-response phenomenon 1. Controlling response=self-managing B (process) 2. Controlled response=B you want to alter (product)
Antecedent-based self-mgmt tactics AKA Environmental Planning or Situational Inducement
Self-monitoring person observes his/her own behavior systematically and records occurrence/nonoccurrence of B
Self-eval comparison of one's own performance with predetermined criterion
Self-instrxn Self-generated verbal responses, covert or overt that f(x) as response prompts for desired B. Often used to guide self through behavior chain
Habit Reversal Multicomponent tx pkg for reducing unwanted B by identifying preceding events and engaging in competing responses.
Self-Directed Systematic Desensitization Develop hierarchy of situations for you from least-to-most fear-inducing. Gradually expose yourself to each situation on the hierarchy, first imagining the situ and then moving to "in vivo."
Massed Practice Forcing yourself to perform undesired B repeatedly SOMETIMES works: dangerous to try on anyone but self
Stimulus prompts Act on antecedent stimuli, NOT on the response. EX: movement, position, redundancy
Response prompts Act on the response itself 1. Verbal 2. Modeling 3. Physical
4 ways to remove response prompts Most- to-least Least-to-most Graduated Guidance Delayed Prompting
2 ways to remove stimulus prompts Fading Shaping
Errorless Learning Instrxnal methods designed to prevent or substanially minimize learner errors that are used to teach particular discriminations Most-to-least prompting/fading Remove prompts so gradually that the likelihood of failure goes away
5 ABA based instrxn methodologies Discrete Trial Trng Incidental Tchg Direct Instrxn Precision Tchg Personalized System of Instrxn
Discete Trial (LOVAAS 1960's) SD; Prompt; Response; Reinf; Intertrial Interval
4 ways to introduce targets in DTT Mass Trial (touch car, car, car, car) Block Trial (touch car, car, bicycle, bicycle) Expanded Trial (touch car, bicycle, plane, car); make sure distracters have been mastered Random Rotation: (touch car, bicycle, plane, bus) all mastered
Incidental teaching: 6 guiding principles MdGee, Daly, and Jacobs 1994 Natural Envir Timing (throughout the day, by all) Training loosely Indiscriminable Contingencies Facilitates generalization Uses MO's to build verbal skills to request items
Direct Instrxn: 6 guiding principles Siegfried Engelmann Carefully designed curriculum Small Groups Fast-Paced Teaching (teach more in less time) Scripts Signals and Choral Responding Specific techniques for error correction ***reading, math, spelling, language
Precision Teaching: 4 guiding principles Ogden Linsdley Student is always right Focus on directly observable B Measure of performance is rate/freq (not % correct) Uses SCC
Personalized Systen of Instrxn: 5 guiding principles Fred Keller 1963 Self-pacing (personalized) Unit mastery (90% or better) Written materials--books or online, NO LECTURES Proctors=students who are further along in the program Instructor has admin role; lectures are considered reinf bc they are fun and interesting.
Created by: allymz93
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