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Muscular System
Term | Definition |
Abductor | Stretches over fingers and separates the fingers |
Abductor Digiti Minimi | Runs along the outside border of the foot and connects to the heel and moves the smallest toe away from the other toes |
Abductor Hallucis | Runs along the interior border of the foot and moves the big toe away from the other toes |
Adductor | stretches over fingers and draws the fingers together |
Anterior | In front of |
Aponeurosis | a tendon that connects the frontalis and the occipitalis muscles in the epicranium |
Auricularis Anterior | In front of the ear |
Auricularis Posterior | behind the ear |
Auricularis Superior | above the ear |
Belly | The term applied to the mid-section of the muscle between the two attached sections |
Bicep | Primary muscle in the front of the upper arm. Raises the forearm, bends the elbow and turns the palm of the hand down |
Buccinator | Between the jaws and cheek. Compressing the cheek to release air outwardly as in blowing |
Caninus | Above the corners of the mouth. Raises the angle of the mouth, as in snarling |
Corrugator | Between the eyebrows controls the eyebrows drawing them in and downward |
Deltoid | Triangle-shaped; covers the shoulder and lifts the arm or turns it |
Depressor | draws down or depresses |
Dilator | Opens enlarges or expands |
Epicranium | Consists of all the structures above the cranium including muscle skin |
Epicranius | broad muscle covering the scalp |
Extensor | Mid-forearm, on the outside of the arm. Straightens the fingers and wrist |
Extensor Digitorum Longus | Outside of the lower leg and bends the foot up and extends the toes |
Extensor Hallucis Longus | Between the tibialis interior and extensor digitorum longus. Extends the big toe and flexes the foot |
Flexor | Mid-forearm, on the inside of the arm. Bends wrist and closes the fingers |
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis | Along the base of the small toe and flexes the joint of the small toe |
Flexor Digitorum Brevis | Across the ball of the foot between the toes and flexes the toes |
Frontalis Muscle | Do it muscle that extends from the forehead to the Top of the skull it raises eyebrows or draws the scalp forward |
Gastrocnemius | Back of the leg attached to the lower rear surface of the heel and pulls the foot down |
Inferioris | Located below or is smaller |
Insertion | The portion of the muscle joint to movable attachments bones movable muscles or skin |
Latissimus Dorsi | Flat, triangular; covers the lumbar (lower back) region and lower half of the thoracic region. Aids in swinging of the arms |
Levator | Lifts up |
Levator Palpebrae Superioris | Above the eyelids raises the eyelid |
Masseter | Covers the hinge of the jaw. Aids in closing the jaw, as in chewing (mastication) |
Mentalis | Tip of the chin. Pushes lower lip up and/or wrinkles the chin, as in expressing doubt |
Myology | The study of structure function and diseases of the muscles |
Non-Striated Muscle | Muscles that respond automatically to control various body functions including the functions of internal organs |
Occipitalis Muscle | At the nape of the neck. Draws the scalp back |
Occipitofrontalis | Broad muscle formed by two muscles joined by the aponeurosis tendon |
Opponens | Causes the thumb to move toward the fingers giving the ability to grasp or make a fist |
Orbicularis Oculi | Circles the eye socket and closes the eyelid |
Orbicularis Oris | Circles the mouth. Contract, puckers and wrinkles the lips in kissing or whistling |
Origin | Non-moving fixed portion of the muscle attached to bones or other fixed muscles |
Pectoralis Major and Minor | Extend across the front of the chest and assist in swinging the arms |
Peroneus Brevis | Originates in the lower third of the fibula and bends the foot down and out |
Peroneus Longus | Originates in the upper two-thirds of the outer fibula and causes the foot to invert and turn outward |
Platysma | Extends from the tip of the chin to the shoulder and chest. Draws the lower lip and corner of the mouth sideways and down, partially opening the mouth, as in surprise or fright |
Posterior | Behind or in back of |
Procerus | between the eyebrows Across the bridge of the nose and draws brows down wrinkles the area across the bridge of the nose |
Pronator | Runs across the front of the lower part of the radius and the ulna. Turns the palm of the hand downward and inward |
Quadratus Labii Inferioris | Below the lower lip. Pulls the lower lip down or to the side, as in expressing sarcasm |
Quadratus Labii Superioris | Consists of 3 parts located above the upper lip. Raises both the nostrils and the upper lip as in expressing distaste |
Risorius | Corner of the mouth. Draws the mouth up and out, as in grinning |
Serratus Anterior | Under the arm. Helps in lifting the arm and in breathing |
Soleus | Originates in the upper portion of the fibula from just below the knee to the heel and bends the foot down |
Sternocleidomastoideus | Extends along the side of the neck from the ear to the collarbone. Causes the head to move from side to side and up and down, as in nodding yes or no. |
Striated Muscle | Muscles that respond to commands regulated by will |
Superioris | located above or is larger |
Supinator | Runs parallel to the ulna. Turns the palm of the hand up. |
Temporalis | Above and in front of the ear. Opening and closing the jaw, as in chewing (mastication) |
Tibialis Anterior | Covers the front of the shin and bends the foot upward & inward |
Trapezius | Flat, triangular; cover the upper and back part of the neck and shoulders. Aids in drawing the head back and elevating the shoulder blades |
Triangularis | Below the corners of the mouth. Draws the corners of the mouth down as in expressing sadness |
Tricep | Extends the length of the upper arm to the forearm. Controls forward movement of the forearm |
Zygomaticus | Major and minor; outside the corners of the mouth. Draws he mouth up and back, as in laughing |