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Term | Definition |
ureterectomy | ureter/ectomy excision of the ureter |
cystotomy | cyst/o/tomy incision into the bladder |
polyuria | poly/uria excessive urine |
cystoscopy | cyst/o/scopy visual examination of the bladder |
vesicotomy | vesic/o/tomy inciscion into the bladder |
pyelolithotomy | pyel/o/lith/o/tomy incision into the renal pelvis |
diuresis | di/ur/esis condition of urine passing through (increased excretion of urine) |
nephrectomy | nephr/ectomy excision of the kidney |
urethrocystitis | urethr/o/cyst/itis inflammation of the urethra and the bladder |
urogram | ur/o/gram radiographic image of the urinary tract |
pyelonephritis | pyel/o/nephr/itis inflammation of the renal pelvis and the kidney |
nephroscopy | nephr/o/scopy process of viewing the kidney |
urinary | urin/ary pertaining to urine |
nocturia | noct/uria night urination |
cystitis | cyst/itis inflammation of the bladder |
nephrostomy | nephr/o/stomy creation of an artificial opening into the kidney |
cystostomy | cyst/o/stomy creation of an artificial opening into the bladder |
urologist | ur/o/logist physician who studies and treats diseases of the urinary tract |
nephrology | nephr/o/logy study of the kidney |
nephrolitotomy | nephr/o/lith/o/tomy incision into the kidney to remove stone(s) |
nephrolysis | nephr/o/lysis separating the kidney (from body structures) |
hematuria | hemat/uria blood in the urine |
nephrolithotripsy | nephr/o/lith/o/tripsy surgical crushing of stone(s) in the kidney |
cystogram | cyst/o/gram radiographic image of the bladder |
glycosuria | glycos/uria sugar (glucose) in the urine |
cystocele | cyst/o/cele protrusion of the bladder |
glomerulonephritis | glomerul/o/nephr/itis inflammation of the gomeruli of the kidney |
ureteroscopy | ureter/o/scopy visual examination of the ureter(s) |
pyuria | py/uria pus in the urine |
dysuria | dys/uria difficult or painful urine |
nephromegaly | nephr/o/megaly enlarged kidney |
pyelitis | pyel/itis inflammation of the renal pelvis |
oliguria | olig/uria scanty urine (output) |
nephroptosis | nephr/o/ptosis drooping kidney |
nephrography | nephr/o/graphy radiographic imaging of the kidney |
cystectomy | cyst/ectomy excision of the bladder |
cystolith | cyst/o/lith stone(s) in the bladder |
ureterstenosis | ureter/stenosis narrowing of the ureter |
nephrosonography | nephr/o/son/o/graphy process of recording the kidney using sound |
nephropexy | nephr/o/pexy surgical fixation of the kidney |
nephroma | nephr/oma tumour of kidney |
ureterolithiasis | ureter/o/lith/iasis condition of stone(s) in the ureter |
anuria | an/uria absence of urine |
albuminuria | albumin/uria albumin in the urine |
nephrologist | nephr/o/logist specialist who studies and treats disease and disorders of the kidney |
ureteritis | ureter/itis inflammation of the ureter |
retrograde urogram | retrograde ur/o/gram radiographic image of the urinary tract |
cystorrhaphy | cyst/o/rrhaphy suturing the bladder |
cystoscope | cyst/o/scope instrument used for visual examination of the bladder |
nephrolithiasis | nephr/o/lith/iasis condition of stone(s) in the kidney |
renogram | ren/o/gram radiogrphaic record of the kidney |
ureterostomy | ureter/o/stomy creation of an artificial opening into the ureter |
azotemia | azot/emia urea in the blood |
meatotomy | meat/o/tomy incision into the meatus |
meatal | meat/al pertaining to the meatus |
ureterocele | ureter/o/cele protrusion of a ureter |
hydronephrosis | hydro/nephr/osis abnromal condition of water in the kidney |
urology | ur/o/logy study of the urinary tract |
pyeloplasty | pyel/o/plasty surgical repair of the renal pelvis |
cystography | cyst/o/graphy radiographic imaging of the bladder |
cystolithotomy | cyst/o/lith/o/tomy incision into the bladder to remove stone(s) |
distended | stretch out |
incontinence | inability to control the bladder and/or bowels |
micturate | to pass urine |
enuresis | involuntary urination |
urinal | receptacle for urine |
void | empty or evacuate waste material, urinate |
stricture | abnormal narrowing |
lithotripsy | lith/o/tripsy surgical crushing of stone(s) |
nephritis | nephr/itis inflammation of the kidney |
Nephroblastoma |