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Nervous System

The Nervous System consists of Brain, Spinal Cord, Cranial & Spinal Nerves
The 2 divisions of the Nervous System The Central Nervous System & The Peripheral Nervous System
The Central Nervous System contains Brain and Spinal Cord
The Peripheral Nervous System divides into Somatic & Autonomic Divisions
The Peripheral Nervous System contains 12 pairs of cranial nerves and 31 pairs of Spinal Nerves
The Afferent Division has these types of Nerves: Sensory Nerves
The Afferent Nerves carry impulses from The body to the Central Nervous System
The Efferent nerves carry impulses from The Central Nervous System to muscles and glands
The Efferent Division has these type of Nerves: Motor Nerves
The Somatic Nervous System supplies Motor Impulses to Skeletal Muscles
The Somatic Nervous system provides what kind of control over Skeletal Muscle Contractions Voluntary Control
The Autonomic Nervous system divides into two different types of Nerves known as Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves
Sympathetic Nerves are your Flight or fight response nerves
Parasympathetic Nerves are your Restful state nerves
A neuron is Functional unit of a nerve cell
A neuron contains 3 basic parts- Cell body, 1 Axon, 1 or more Dendrites
Axons carry impulses Away from the cell body
Neurons carry impulses Towards the cell body
Microglia protect the CNS through Phagocytosis
Oligodendrocytes Neuroglia cell creates the myelin sheath for the Axons
Neuroglia cells are Helper cells to the Neuron
Three types of Neuroglia cells Astrocytes, Microglia, Oligodendrocytes
Three membranes that line the skull and the vertebral canal Meninges
The Brain and Spinal Cord are also surrounded by Cerebrospinal Fluid
The CSF provides a pathway for the removal of Waste products
The Cerebral Spinal Fluid acts as A watery cushion or shock absorber
The CSF helps the brain by Nourishing it & Protecting it
The largest part of the Brain Cerebrum
The four parts of the Brain Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Brain Stem, Hypothalamus
Elevations (folds) and Grooves (ridges) of the Cerebrum Gyri and sulci
The 2 hemispheres of the Brain The Left & Right Cerebral Hemispheres
Longitudinal Fissure Separates the Left & Right Cerebral Hemispheres
The Four Lobes of the Brain are Frontal, Parietal, Occipital, Temporal
The second largest part of the Brain Cerebellum
The Hypothalamus controls The Autonomic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System controls Blood pressure, maintaining body temperature, maintaining water balance, appetite regulation, plays a role in emotions such as fear and pleasure
The Spinal Cord carries 31 pairs of Spinal Nerves
The Spinal Cord affects The lower limbs and lower trunk
The Spinal Cord is a pathway for Impulses traveling to and from the Brain
Cranial Nerves The set of 12 nerves that originate in the Brain
The functions of the Cranial Nerves are Sensory, motor, or both
Thec/o Sheath
Dendr/o Tree; branches
Caus/o Burning
Hemi- Half
Tax/o Order
Tetra- Four
Laminectomy The surgical removal of the bony arches from one or more vertebrae
Ventricle A small hollow within the brain that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
Myelography Procedure in which contrast medium is introduced into the lumbar subarachnoid space
Encephalitis Inflammation of the Brain (or spinal cord tissue)
Bradykinesia Abnormally slow movement
Cranitomy Incision into the skull (cranium)
Bell's Palsy A usually temporary weakness and paralysis of the muscles in the face
Hydrocephalus Many times this condition requires the use of a shunt to remove CSF and decrease intracranial pressure
Transient Ischemic Attack A very brief period of ischemia in the brain, lasting from minutes to hours, which can cause a variety of symptoms
Electroencephalography A measurement of electrical activity produced by the brain and recorded through electrodes placed on the scalp
Grand Mal Seizure A seizure that begins with a sudden loss of consciousness, characterized by the presence of muscle-contraction or tension followed by relaxation, also called “Tonic Clonic
Alzheimer's Disease A degenerative disease that progresses through stages ending with the deterioration of mental, emotional, and physical functioning
Quadriplegia Paralysis of all 4 extremities
Aphasia Without speech
Dysphasia Difficult speech
Paraplegia Paralysis of the lower extremities and trunk
-plegia Paralysis
-sis Condition
-algia Pain
-itis Inflammation
-kinesis Movement
Created by: MsKim6399
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