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Prefixes, Suffixes
Roots, Combining Forms, Prefixes, and Suffixes
Question | Answer |
a- | without, lack of ex. - asymptomatic (absence of symptoms) |
ab- | away from ex. - abstinence (to hold back from) |
acou- | hearing ex. - acoustics (science of sound) |
-ac, -al | pertaining to ex. cardiac (the heart), myocardial (heart muscle) |
ad- | to, toward, near to ex. - adduction (move toward midline) |
aden-, adeno- | gland ex. - adenoma (tumor of a gland) |
af- | toward ex. - afferent (moving toward) |
albi- | white ex. albinuria (passing of pale or white urine) |
-algia | painful condition ex. - myalgia (muscle pain) |
an- | without, lack of ex. - anesthesia (absence of pain) |
andro- | male ex. - androgens (male hormones) |
angi-, angio- | vessel ex. - angiopathy (disease of blood vessel) |
ante- | before ex. - antepartum (before birth) |
anti- | against ex. - anticoagulant (prevents blood clotting) |
apo- | separated from, off ex. - apodia (congenital absence of feet) |
arthr-, arthro- | joint ex. - arthritis (inflammation of joint) |
-ary | associated with ex. - urinary (associated with urine) |
-asis, -asia | condition or state of ex. - homeostasis (state of metabolic balance) |
audio- | hearing ex. - auditory (belonging to the hearing sense) |
auri- | ear ex. - auricle (ear-shaped structure) |
auto- | self ex. - autolysis (self breakdown) |
baro- | weight, pressure ex. - baroreceptor (receptor for pressure change) |
bi- | twice, double ex. - bicuspid (two cusps) |
-blast | germ, bud ex. - chondroblast (cartilage-producing cell) |
brachi- | arm ex. - brachial (of the arm) |
brady- | slow ex. - bradycardia (slow heart rate) |
bucc- | cheek ex. buccal cavity (inside cheek region) |
callo- | thick ex. - callosity ( thickening of keratinized layer of epidermis) |
carcin- | cancer ex. - carcinogenic (causing cancer) |
cardio- | heart ex. - cardiogram (register of heart activity) |
caud- | tail ex. - caudal (by the tail) |
cepahl- | head ex. - cepahlic (be the head) |
cerebro- | brain ex. - cerebrospinal (of the brain and spinal cord) |
chondro- | cartilage, gristle ex. - chondrocyte (cartilage cell) |
-cide | kill ex.- spermicide (agent that kills sperm) |
circum- | around ex. - circumduction (movement forming a circle) |
-clast | break ex. - osteoclast (cell that breaks down bone) |
co-, com- | with, together ex. - cooperate, gray commissure (connects right/left horns) |
contra- | against, opposite ex. - contralateral (opposite side) |
cost- | rib ex. - intercostals (between ribs) |
crani- | skull ex. - cranial cavity (where the brain is) |
cune- | wedge ex. - cuneiform (wedge shaped) |
cuti- | skin ex. - subcutaneous (under the skin) |
cyan- | blue color ex. - cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin) |
cysti-, cysto- | sac, bladder ex. - cystoscope (instrument for examining the inside of the bladder |
-cyte, cyto- | cell ex. - erythrocyte (red blood cell), cytology (study of cells) |
demi- | half ex. - costal demifacet (half-moon facet on vertebra for rib articulation) |
derm- | skin ex. - dermatology (study of skin) |
di-, diplo- | two ex. - diploid (two sets of chromosomes) |
duct-, -duct | lead, draw ex. - ovarian duct, adduct (to lead away from) |
dur- | hard ex. - dura mater (tough menix of CNS) |
e-, ec-, ef-, ex- | out, from ex. - efferent (carries away from), excretion (eliminate from) |
ecto- | outside, outer ex. - ectocardia (displacement of heart) |
-ectomy | to cut out ex. - appendectomy (removal of appendix) |
ede-, -edem | swelling ex. - myoedema (muscle swelling) |
-el, -elle | small ex. - organelle (tiny structure that performs specific cellular functions) |
endo- | within ex. - endocardium (lining within heart chambers) |
entero- | intestine ex. - enteritis (inflammation of intestines) |
epi- | upon, on ex. - epicardium (membrane covering heart) |
ex-, exo- | outside ex. - exhale (breathe out), exocrine (gland that secretes to outside) |
extra- | outside ex. - extracellular (outside the cell) |
-ferent | carry ex. - afferent (carries, toward) |
-form | resembling, shape of ex. - fusiform (spindle-shaped) |
gastr-, gastro- | stomach ex. - gastric ulcer (stomach ulcer) |
gloss-, glosso- | tongue ex. - hypoglossal (under the tongue) |
-genesis, - genic | produce, origin ex. - gluconeogenesis (glucose from another molecule), carcinogenic (causes cancer) |
glyco- | sugar, sweet ex. - glycolysis (breakdown of glucose) |
gyn- | female, women ex. - gynecology (treatment of female reproductive organs) |
hapto- | single ex. - haploid (single set of chromosomes) |
hem-, hemato- | blood ex. - hematology (study of blood) |
hepato- | liver ex. - hepatitis (inflammation of liver) |
hetero- | different ex. - heterosexual (involving different sexes) |
hist-, histo- | tissue ex. - histology (study of tissues) |
holo- | whole, entire ex. - hologynic (manifests only in females), holocrania (absence of all bones of skull vault) |
homo-, homeo- | same ex. - homeostasis (constancy of body parameters) |
hydro- | water ex. - hydroadipsia (absence of thirst for water) |
hyper- | over, above ex. - hypertrophy (overgrowth of cells or part) |
hypo- | below, under ex. - hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) |
idio- | self, distinct ex. - idiopathic (disease of unknown cause) |
infra- | below ex. - infraspinatus (below the spine of scapula) |
inter- | between ex. - interosseous (between two bones) |
intra- | within ex. - intracellular (within the cell) |
-issimus | greatest ex. - latissimus (widest) |
iso- | equal, same ex. - isotonic (same concentration) |
-itis | inflammation ex. - neuritis (inflammation of nerve) |
juxta- | near ex. - juxtaglomerular (near the glomerulus) |
labi- | lip ex. - labia major (thickened fold of skin and connective tissue in female external genitalia) |
lacto- | milk ex. - lactose (milk sugar) |
leuko- | white ex. - leukocyte (white blood cell) |
lip- | fat ex. - lipid (an operational term denoting solubility characteristics; "fat soluble") |
-logy | study ex. - urology (study of urinary system) |
-lysis | breaking up , dissolve ex. - hemolysis (breaking up erythrocytes) |
macro- | large ex. - macrophage (certain large leukocytes) |
mamm-, mast- | breast ex. - mammary glands, mastectomy (breast removal) |
medi- | middle ex. - medial (toward the midline) |
melano- | black ex. - melanocyte (dark pigment-producing cells) |
-mers, -meres | parts ex. - polymers (larger molecules made of monomers) |
meta- | after, beyond ex. - metastasis (beyond the original position) |
micro- | small ex. - microorganism (very small organism) |
mono | one, single ex. - monomer (a single part), monosaccharide (a simple or single sugar) |
morph- | form, shape ex. - morphology (study of shape) |
myo- | muscle ex. - myometrium (muscular wall of uterus) |
necro- | dead ex. - necrotic (being of dead tissue) |
neo- | new ex. - neonatal (newborn) |
nephro- | kidney ex. - nephrology (study of kidneys) |
neuro- | nerve ex. - neurilemma (nerve cell membrane) |
oculo-, ophthalm | eyes ex. - oculomotor (movement of the eye), ophthalmology (study of the eye) |
odonto- | tooth ex. - odontoid (shaped like a tooth) |
-ole | little ex. - arteriole (small artery-like vessel) |
oligo- | few, little, deficient ex. - oliguria (little urine output) |
-oma | tumor ex. - carcinoma (cancerous tumor), osteoma (benign bone tumor) |
oo- | egg ex. - oocyte (egg cell) |
-osis | condition of ex. - osteoporosis (having bones that are porous) |
osse-, osteo- | bone ex. - osteoblast (bone-forming cell) |
oto- | ear ex. - otogenic (originating within the ear) |
para- | near, beside ex. - paranasal (by the nose) |
-pathy | disease ex. - neuropathy (nerve disease) |
pelv- | basin ex. - renal pelvis (collection area in kidney) |
-penia | deficiency ex. - leucopenia (deficiency of leukocytes) |
peri- | around ex. - periosteum (membrane covering bones) |
phag- | eat ex. - phagocytosis (cellular eating) |
phil- | have an affinity for ex. - lipophilic (associates with fat) |
-plegia | paralyze, stroke ex. - paraplegia (paralysis of lower extremities) |
pneumo- | air, gas, lungs ex. - pneumothorax (air in the pleural cavity) |
-poie, -poiesis | make, formation of ex. - erythropoietin (hormone that stimulates erythrocyte production) |