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Chapter One Terms
Term | Definition |
Hemat/o | Blood |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Cardi/o | Heart |
Aden/o | Gland |
Arthr/o | Joint |
Carcino | Cancerous, cancer |
Cardi/o | Heart |
Cephal/o | Head |
Cerebr/o | Cerebrum (largest part of brain) |
Cis/o | To cut |
Crin/o | To Secrete |
Cyst/o | Urinary bladder; a sac or cyst containing fluid |
Cyt/o | Cell |
Derm/o | Skin |
Dermat/o | Skin |
Electr/o | Electricity |
Encephal/o | Brain |
Enter/o | Intestines |
Erythr/o | Red |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Glyc/o | Sugar |
Gnos/o | Knowledge |
Gynec/o | Woman/ female |
hemat/o | Blood |
Hem/o | Blood |
Hepat/o | Liver |
Iatr/o | Treatment/physician |
Leuk/o | White |
Log/o | Study of |
Nephr/o | Kidney |
Neur/o | Nerve |
Onc/o | Tumor |
Ophthalm/ | Eye |
Oste/o | Bone |
Path/o | Disease |
Ped/o | Child |
Psych/o | Mind |
Radi/o | x-rays |
Ren/o | Kidney |
Rhin/o | Nose |
Sarc/o | Flesh |
Sect/o | To cut |
Thromb/o | clot, clotting |
Ur/o | Urinary tract, urine |
-AC | pertaining to |
-AL | pertaining to |
CYTE | cell |
ECTOMY | excision, removal |
-EMIA | blood condition |
-GENIC | pertaining to producing, or produced in |
-GLOBIN | protein |
-GRAM | record |
-IC, ICAL | pertaining to |
-ION | process |
IST | specialist |
ITIS | inflammation |
LOGY | process of study |
OMA | tumor, mass, swelling |
OPSY | process of viewing |
-ALGIA | pain |
-OSIS | condition, usually abnormal |
-PATHY | disease condition |
-SCOPE | instrument to visually examine |
-SCOPY | process of visually examining |
-SIS | state of; condtion |
-TOMY | process of cutting |
-Y | process; condition |
A- , AN- | no, not without |
AUT-, AUTO- | self, own |
DIA- | complete, through |
ENDO | within |
EPI | above, upon |
EX, EXO | out, outside of, outward |
HYPER- | excessive, above, more than normal |
HYPO- | deficient, below, under, less than normal |
IN- | into, in |
PERI- | surrounding, around |
PRO- | before, backward, again |
RE- | back again |
RETRO- | behind |
SUB- | below, under |
TRANS- | across, through |