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Substances that accept hydrogen ions are called:
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Which lower leg bone is smaller and is located laterally?
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Anatomy Final


Substances that accept hydrogen ions are called: bases
Which lower leg bone is smaller and is located laterally? fibula
All of the following muscles are part of the rotator cuff muscles except the: deltoid
Which is true of a reflex arc? It always consists of an afferent neuron, an efferent neuron, and an interneuron.
The brainstem does not include the: cerebellum
All cell bodies of the autonomic nervous system are located within the CNS. False
Endolymph is made in the stria vascularis
The nerve carrying taste information from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is the facial
The fauces, one of the seven openings found in the pharynx, opens into the: oropharynx
In the kidney, blood flows from the interlobular artery into the: afferent arteriole
The calyces of the kidney join together to form a large collection reservoir called the renal pelvis
The portion of the nephron tubule that is essentially always impermeable to water is the: ascending nephron loop
Under normal conditions, most nutrients are reabsorbed in which portion of the nephron Proximal tubule
A portion of the nephron that can lie within the medulla is the nephron loop
Which of the following is the approximate threshold level for the reabsorption of glucose? 300 mg/100 ml
Which structure of the kidney narrows as it exits the kidney to become the ureter? Renal pelvis
The portion of the nephron that empties into a calyx is the: collecting tubule
Which of the following hormones causes ejection of milk into the mammary ducts, making it accessible for the infant? Oxytocin
The dense, white, fibrous capsule that encases each testis is called the: tunica albuginea
Fertilization of an ovum most often occurs in the: fallopian tube
Which of the following is not an accessory sex organ of the female reproductive system Ovary
In the male, LH: stimulates the interstitial cells to increase their secretion of testosterone.
Which of the following is not a supporting structure of the male reproductive system? Prostate
The tube connecting the ovaries to the uterus is called the: uterine tubes, oviducts, fallopian tubes
The final stage in the process of ovarian follicle development is the: corpus albicans
Created by: shid1851
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