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Unit 8 Urinary

urethral meatus the external opening of the urethra
renal cortex the outer region of the kidney
renal vein returns filtered blood to the bloodstream after it passes through the glomerulus
occupied bed patient is currently staying in this bed
mitered corner special folding technique that secures the linens under the mattress
edema swelling due to the excess amount of fluid in the tissues
micturate also called to urinate or to void
blog an online community maintained by one or more individuals to provide information on a topic
electronic mail creating and sending messages from one computer to another
pyelonephritis type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that generally begins in your urethra or bladder and travels to one or both of your kidneys; caused by pyogenic bacteria
hemodialysis procedure that filters out waste products DIRECTLY from the blood of patients with no kidney function
urethritis inflammation of the urethra caused by bacteria, viruses, and bubble bath solutions
telemedicine use of videos, audio, and computer systems to provide medical care
incontinence inability to control the process of urination
uremia toxic condition that occurs when kidneys fail and urinary waste products are in the bloodstream
anuria the absence of urination
cystocele hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall; also called "bladder prolapse"
cystolith stone located in the urinary bladder
dialysis procedure to remove waste products from blood via machine for patients with no kidney function
extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy use of high energy waves through water to break up kidney stones
hydroureter distention of the ureter with urine that cannot flow due to a blockage
hyperproteinuria presence of abnormally large concentration of protein in the urine
nephrolithiasis presence of stone(s) in the kidney
nephroptosis prolapse, or drop down, of kidney into the pelvic area when standing; also known as a floating kidney
nocturia urination at night
oliguria below normal amounts of urine
polyuria excessive urination
prostatism disorder from the compression or destruction of the urethra due to BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
pyelotomy surgical incision into the renal pelvis
urethrorrhagia discharge of blood from the ureter
urethrostenosis narrowing of the urethra
hematuria blood in the urine
pyuria pus in the urine
dysuria painful urination
proteinuria protein in the urine
albuminuria albumin in the urine
bid twice a day
BUN blood urea nitrogen (measures urea in the blood)
UA or U/A urinalysis
RN registered nurse
cyst/o urinary bladder
lith/o stone, calculus
-lysis breakdown, separation, SETTING FREE, destruction, loosening
nephr/o or ren/o kidneys (also ren/o)
-pexy surgical fixation
pyel/o renal pelvis
-tripsy to crush
ur/o or urin/o urine (also urin/o)
hydronephrosis The dilation of one or both kidneys that is the result of an obstruction of the flow of urine
hyperproteinemia The presence of abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood.
nephropyosis Suppuration of the kidney.
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasi
cath catheter
C&S culture & sensitivity
GU genitourinary
IVP intravenous pyelogram
KUB kidneys, ureters, bladder
lb pound
mEq milliequivalent
q every
qid 4 times a day
tid 3 times a day
UTI urinary tract infection
-cele hernia, tumor, swelling
dia- through, between, apart, or complete
-ectasis enlargement, stretching, or dilation
glomerul/o glomerulus
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
-uria urine, urination
benign prostatic hyperplasia abnormal enlargement of the prostate gland
chronic kidney disease progressive loss of renal function over months or years
cystitis inflammation of the bladder
cystiopexy surgical fixation of the bladder to the abdominal wall
cystoscopy visual examination of the urinary bladder using a cystoscope
diuresis increased output of urine
edema excessive fluid accumulation in the body tissues
end-stage renal disease final stage of chronic kidney disease that is fatal unless the functions of the failed kidneys are successfully replaced by dialysis or with a kidney transplant
enuresis involuntary discharge of urine
glomerulonephritis form of nephritis causes by inflammation of the glomeruli that causes red blood cells and proteins to leak into the urine
hemodialysis procedure that filters waste products directly from the patient's blood to replace the function of damaged kidneys
hydronephrosis dilation of one or both kidneys that is the result of an obstruction of the flow of urine
hypoproteinemia presence of abnormally low concentrations of protein in the blood
hypospadias congenital abnormality in the placement of the urethral opening
incontinence the inability to control the excretion of urine and/or feces
interstitial cystitis chronic inflammation within the walls of the bladder
nephrolith stone located in the kidney
nephrolysis freeing of a kidney from adhesions
nephrons the microscopic functional units of the kidney where urine is produced
nephropathy any kidney disease including degenerative and inflammatory conditions
nephropyosis suppuration of the kidney
nephrostomy placement of a catheter to maintain an opening from the pelvis of one or both kidneys to the exterior of the body
neurogenic bladder urinary problem caused by interference with the normal nerve pathways associated with urination
percutaneous nephrolithotomy surgical removal of a nephrolith through a small incision in the back
peritoneal dialysis dialysis in which the lining of the peritoneal cavity acts as the filter to remove waste from the blood
suprapubic catheterization placement of a catheter into the bladder through a small incision made in the abdominal wall just above the pubic bone
uremia toxic condition resulting from renal failure in which urea and other waste products are retained in the blood; uremic poisoning
urethritis inflammation of the urethra
urethroplasty surgical repair of damage or a defect in the walls of the urethra
urinary catheterization insertion of a tube into the bladder in order to procure a sterile specimen for diagnostic purposes, to drain urine from the bladder when the patient is unable to urinate, or to place medication into the bladder
prostat/o prostate
Created by: user-1506226
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