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Shaelee Gull

Anatomy week 6-12

In pushing (pressing) a weight from shoulder height to above the head, which of the following muscles is least utilized? Triceps Brachii
A muscle that assists with mastication is the: Masseter
A muscle is attached to the femur and tibia. Its function or action is to bend the knee. When it contracts, it is acting as the: Prime Mover
The muscle(s) assisting in rotating the arm outward is (are) the: Teres Minor
The flexor muscles that move the fingers are mostly located on the: anterior medial surface of the forearm.
Which compound cannot cross the blood-brain barrier? Dopamine
Nerves that contain mostly afferent fibers are called _____ nerves Sensory
What is the deepest connective tissue layer of a nerve? Endoneurium
The brain has _____ major divisions. six
True or False: Visceral effectors are innervated by sympathetic fibers. True
What is the transparent structure of the eye containing regularly aligned collagen fibers. Cornea
Which division of the autonomic nervous system sends fibers to the heart? Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Molecules formed by the reactions of the complement cascade assemble themselves on the enemy cell’s surface, which results in cytolysis
The _____ postulates that when an antigen enters the body, it selects the clone whose cells are committed to synthesizing its specific antibody and stimulates these cells to proliferate and to thereby produce more antibodies. Clonal Selection Theory
The respiratory portion of the nasal passage is lined with a mucous membrane made up of _____ epithelium. pseudostratified columnar
Created by: sgull
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