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CCNN Skeletal Sys

The Human Body in Health and Illness Chap 9

Humerus Long bone of the upper arm. Contains a head, which fits in the glenoid cavity on the scapula.
Maxilla Two bones fused to form the upper jaw. Carries the upper teeth.
Mandible Lower jaw bone. Carries the lower teeth.
Occipital Located at the back and base of the skull.
Foramen Magnum Large hole in the occipital bone. Allows the brain stem to extend downward as the spinal cord.
Zygomatic The cheekbones. Form part of the orbits of the eyes.
Atlas Supports the skull and allows us to nod "yes". First cervical vertebra.
Axis Allows your head to rotate from side to side as we say "no". Second cervical vertebra.
True Ribs Anteriorly the top seven pair of ribs that attach to the sternum by costal cartilage.
False Ribs The next five pair of ribs that follow the true ribs, attach indirectly to the sternum or do not attach at all, the floating ribs.
Floating Ribs The bottom two pair of false ribs lack sternal attachment.
Fontanels Soft fibrous membrane (soft spots) and the pulse can be felt in the soft spots.Infants skulls have not been converted to bone.
Tibia Is the shinbone and articulates with the femur at the knee.
Fibula The long thin bone that is positioned laterally along side the tibia in the lower leg.
Patella The kneecap. Triangular bone that is located within a tendon that passes over the knee.
Vertebral Column Also called the backbone, extends from the skull to the pelvis. Consist of 26 bones called vertebrae.
Bones of the Hands Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges.
Bones of the Feet Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges.
Periosteum Tough fibrous connective tissue membrane that covers the diaphysis.
Osteons The microscopic unit of compact bone. Consists of mature osteocytes arranged in concentric circles around large blood vessels.
Frontal Forms the forehead and upper part of the bony structure surrounding the eyes.
Foramen Magnum The large hole in the occipital bone.
Meatus A tunnel or tubelike passageway.
Epiphyseal Disc The growth bone. Longitudinal bone growth.
Ulna The second bone of the forearm. The bone on the pinkie side of the forearm.
Radius The first bone of the forearm. The bone on the thumb side of the forearm.
Joints (Articulations) Is the site where two bones meet. Joints perform two functions: they hold the bones together and they provide flexibility to a rigid skeleton.
Hematopoiesis Process of blood cell production.
Red Bone Marrow Produces blood cells.
Long Bones Longer than they are wide.
Short Bones Shaped like cubes and are found primarily in the wrists and ankles.
Flat Bones Thin, flat and curved: ribs, breastbone and the skull.
Irregular Bones Differently shaped: hip bones, vertebrae, etc.
Scoliosis Lateral curvature, usually involving the thoracic vertebrae.
Kyphosis Exaggerated thoracic curvature, also known as hunchback.
Lordosis Exaggerated lumbar curvature, also know as swayback.
Acetabulim Three bones joined together to form a depression. It receives the head of the femur, allowing the thigh to rotate at the hip joint.
Olecranon Process Depression of the ulna when the elbow is extended (arm is straight).
Ischial Tuberosity Part of the coxal bone you sit on.
Obturator Foramen A large hole that is formed as the pubic bone fuses with a part of the ishium.
Greater Trochanter Bony process on the femur, provide sites of attachment for many muscles.
Lesser Trochanter Bony process on the femur, provide sites of attachment for many muscles.
Immovable Joints The sutures of the skull are immovable joints.
Slightly Movable Joints Permit limited movement, usually achieved by bones connected by a cartilaginous disc.
Freely Movable Joints Synovial Joints. Provide much more flexibility and movement.
Diaphysis Long shaft of the bone.
Epiphysis Enlarged ends of the long bone.
Ossification Formation of bone. When cartilage and connective tissue change into bone.
Osteoblast Bone forming cells.
Osteoclast Bone destroying cells.
Ilium Flared upper part of the bone and can be felt at the hip.
Ischium Most inferior part of the coxal bone.
Pubis Most anterior part of the coxal bone.
Spongy Bone Soft bone.
Created by: DebraF
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