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The Ear
Term | Definition |
Acous/o | Hearing |
ot/o | ear |
typan/o | eardrum |
aer/o | air or gas |
salping/o | tube |
External Ear | outer structures of the ear that collect sound |
external acoustic meatus | external passage for sounds collected from the auricle to the tympanic membrane |
external auditory meatus | external passage for sounds collected from the auricle to the tympanic membrane |
Middle Ear | structures in the middle of the ear that vibrate sound from the tympanic membrane to the internal ear |
cochlea | coiled tubular structure of the internal ear that contains the spiral organ of Corti; |
perilymph | fluid that fills the bony labyrinth of the internal ear |
endolymph | fluid within the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear |
vestibule | functions to provide body balance and equilibrium |
utricle | the larger of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear |
saccule | the smaller of two sacs within the membranous labyrinth of the vestibule in the inner ear |
otalgia | earache |
otorrhea | purulent drainage from the ear |
tinnitus | a ringing or buzzing in the ears; a jingling |
myringitis | inflammation of the eardrum |
tympanitis | inflammation of the eardrum |
aerotitis media | inflammation of the middle ear from changes in the atmospheric pressure |
otosclerosis | hardening of the bony tissue in the ear |
labyrinthitis | inflammation of the labyrinth (internal ear), usually accompanied by vertigo and deafness |
deafness | general term for partial or complete loss of hearing |
conductive hearing loss | hearing impairment caused by interference with sound or vibratory energy in the external canal, middle ear, or ossicles |
sensorineaural hearing loss | hearing impairment caused by lesions of dysfunction of the cochlea or cochlear (auditory) nerve |
mixed hearing loss | combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss |
presbycusis | hearing impairment in old age |
audiometer | instrument to measure hearing |
audiologist | hearing professional who specializes in the study of hearing impairments |
otoscope | instrument for examining the ear |
microsurgery | surgery with the use of a microscope used on delicate tissue, such as the ear |
otoplasty | surgical repair of the external ear |
hearing aid | an external amplifying device designed to improve hearing by more effective collection of sound into the ear |
BAEP | brainstem auditory evoked potential |
ENT | ear, nose, and throat |
PE | polyethylene |
TM | tympanic membrane |