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Chapte 5

Tissues Similiar cells with common function. Study of tissues is called histology.
Tight Junctions Close space between cells by fusing membranes (base stitching)Simplest type. Located among cells that form linings.(small intestine)
Desmosomes Bind cells by forming "spot welds" between membranes.(fingers interlaced)Most complex type.Outer skin cells.
Gap Junctions Form tubular channels between cells that allow exchange of substances. Muscle cells of heart, digestive tract.
Epithelial Tissue Protection,secretion,absorption and excretion. Covers body surface, cover and line internal organs, compose glands. Lack blood vessels,cells tightly packed and readily divide.
Simple Squamous Single layer, flattened cells. Line air sacs, blood vessels, and lymph vessels.
Simple Cuboidal Single layer cube-shaped cells. Line kidney tubules, cover ovaries, line ducts of some glands.
Simple Columnar Single layer, elongated cells. Nuclei near basement. Have goblet cells and sometimes cilia. Line uterus, stomach and intestines.
Pseudostratified Columnar Single-layer, elongated cells. Nuclei at more than 1 level. Often have cilia and goblet cells. Line respiratory passageways.
Stratified Squamous Many layers, top cells flattened. Outer layer of skin. Line oral cavity, vagina, and anal canal.
Stratified Cuboidal 2 or 3 layers, cube-shaped cells. Line ducts of mammery glands, sweat glands, and pancreas.
Startified Columnar Top layer of elongated cells, lower layer of cube-shaped cells. Line male urethra and part of pharynx.
Transitional Cube-shapes and elongated mixed up.Line urinary bladder, ureters and part of urethra.
Glandular Composed of cells that specialize in producing and secreting substances.
Endocrine glands Ductless. They secrete their products into tissue fluid or blood.
Exocrine Glands Secrete their products into ducts that open onto surfaces, such as skin or the lining of the digestive tract.
Unicellular Exocrine gland Has one cell. Example goblet cell.
Multicellular Exocrine Gland Many cells. Example swear glands, salivary glands.
Merocrine Glands A fluid product released through cell membrane by exocytosis. Salivary glands, pancreatic glands, swear glands
Apocrine Glands Cellular product pinch off during secretion. Mammary glands, ceruminous glands
Holocrine Glands Secretes entire old cells filled with secretory products. Produces new cells to replace them. Sebaceous gland.
Connective Tissue Most abundant tissue type. Binds structures, provides suppost and protection, fills spaces and stores fat. Has varying degrees of vascularity(blood flow). Has cells that usually divide.
Fibroblasts Component of connective tissue. Widely distributed, large and star-shaped. Fixed cell and most common. Produce fibers.
Macrophages Component of connective tissue. Wandering cells. Phagocytic(engulfs things). Important in injury or infection. White blood cells.
Mast Cells Component of connective tissue. fixed cells. release heparin and histamine. Large cells usually located near blood vessels.
Collagenous Fibers Thick fibers of collagen that holds structures together. One connection point on each end. Tendons and ligaments.
Elastic Fibers Bundles of microfibrils embedded in elastin. Provide elastic quality to parts that stretch. Fibers branch. Vocal cords, air passages.
Reticular Fibers Very thin collagenous fibers. Highly branched. Form supportive networks within tissues.
Loose Connective (Areolar) Tissue Mainly fibroblasts. Contains collagenous and elastic fibers. Binds the skin to underlying organs and fills space between muscles.
Adipose Tissue Stores fat, cushions and insulates. Beneath skin, behind eyeballs, around kidney and heart.
Reticular Connective Tissue Composed of reticular fibers. Supports internal organ walls. Found in walls of liver, spleen,and lymphatic organs.
Dense Connective Tissue Packed collagenous fibers and elastic fibers. Few fibroblasts. Binds body parts together. Tendons, ligaments, dermis. Poor blood supply.
Elastic Connective Tissue Abundant in elastic fibers and some collagenous fibers. Has fibroblasts. Found in attachment between bones (spinal column) walls of large arteries, airways and heart.
Bone Solid matrix. Supports and protects. Forms blood cells and attachment for muscles. Skeleton
Blood Fluid matrix called plasma. Transports, defends, clots. Found throughout body in blood vessels and in heart.
Cartilage Provides support, frameworks and attachments;protects underlying tissues and forms structural models for many developing bones.Poor blood supply
Hyaline Cartilage Provides framework. Ends of bones, nose and rings in walls of respiratory passages.
Elastic Cartilage Provides flexible framework. External ear and part of larynx.
Fibrocartilage Absorbs shock. Between bony parts of spinal column, parts of pelvic girdle and knee.
Serous Membrane Line body cavities that don't open to outside. Secrete serous fluid. Inner lining of thorax and abdomem.
Mucous Membrane Line tubes and organs that open to outside. Secrete mucus. Line mouth, nose and throat.
Cutaneous Membrane Covers body otherwise known as skin.
Synovial Membrane Composed entirely of connective tissue. Lines joints.
Skeletal Muscle Tissue Long, threadlike cells, striated and have many nuclei. Voluntary movement. Attached to bone.
Smooth Muscle Tissue Shorter cells with single, central nucleus. Involuntary movement. Non-striated. Lines walls of hollow organs. Digestive tract, constricts blood vessels, and empties bladder.
Cardiac Muscle Tissue Branched cells, striated, and with central nucleus. Involuntary movement.Has intercalated discs and is only found in the heart.
Nervous Tissue Cell with cytoplasmic extensions. Sensory reception and conduction of nerve impulses. Brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves.
Created by: merobbins
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