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Cardiovascular Sys

The Cardiovascular System

The heart is enclosed within an area of the thorax known as the _____. mediastinum
The double sac membrane that covers the heart is the _____. pericardium
The heart has three layers of tissue; the middle and thickest layer is called the _____. myocardium
The layer of the heart tissue lining the heart chambers and covering the valve tissue is the _____. endocardium
The heart chambers are separated longitudinally by a body of tissue known as the _____. cardiac septum
The blood receiving chambers of the heart are the _____. atria
The pumping chambers of the heart are the _____. ventricles
Blood returns to the heart from the lungs by means of the _____. pulmonary veins
The large artery carrying blood to the body from the left ventricle of the heart is the _____. aorta
Those blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are _____. arteries
Those blood vessels that care blood toward the heart are _____. veins
One the right side of the heart, the valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the _____. tricuspid valve
One the left side of the heart, the bicuspid valve has two flaps and is known as the _____. mitral valve
The valves leading to the pulmonary trunk and aorta are both referred to as the _____. semilunar valves
Arteries supplying blood to the tissue of the heart are the _____. coronary arteries
A blockage in vessels supplying heart muscle may cause a(n) _____. myocardial infarction
Because the sinoatrial node sets the pace for the autorhythmic cardiac muscle activity of the heart, it is commonly known as the _____. pacemaker
The QRS wave of an EKG represents the electrical activity of _____. ventricles contracting
The autorhythmic activity of the heart can be modified by a branch of the nervous system known as the _____. autonomic nervous system
Heart contraction is known by the alternate term of _____. systole
Relaxation periods of the hart when contractions are not occurring are knows as _____. diastole
The heart normally beats each minute approximately _____. 70-75 times
Unusual heart sounds, such as those emitted by poorly function valves, are called _____. murmurs
The smallest vessels, which carry blood to the cells of the tissues are the _____. capillaries
An artery’s lumen may be narrowed by _____. vasoconstriction
Dilated veins with pooled blood cause a condition known as _____. varicose veins
The pressure of the blood can be measured by an instrument known as a(n) _____. sphygmomanometer
A typical blood pressure reading contains two numbers of which the first number is the systolic pressure, and second number is the _____. diastolic pressure
A rapid pulse reflects a rapid heart rate and condition called _____. tachycardia
A slow pulse reflects a slow heart rate and a condition called _____. bradycardia
The regulatory center of the brain that maintains the flow of blood is a cluster of sympathetic neurons known as the _____. vasomotor center
Insufficient oxygen and nutrients delivered to the body cells may induce a condition known as _____. shock
The only artery of the body that carries oxygen-poor blood is the _____. pulmonary artery
The only vein of the body that carries oxygen-rich blood is the _____. pulmonary vein
The pattern of blood vessels within the brain is known as the _____. circle of Willis
Created by: KMCBSLCC
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