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Skin chap 7

Name the four organs of the INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM 1. skin 2. hair 3. nails 4. glands
What are the five Functions of the Integumentary System? Functions. a. Protection abrasion, infections, uv light, dehydration b. Thermal regulation (maintaining proper body temp) insulation= adipose layer cooling= sweat glands c. sensory reception (touch, temp, pain, etc) d. Vitamin D production e. com
What are the 3 layers of the skin? 1. epidermis 2. dermis 3. hypodermis
what layer of the skin provides strength to the skin Epidermis
What layer of the skin provides protection to the skin? epidermis
which layer of the skin has no vascularization epidermis
how does the epidermis get its nutrients it absorbs nutrients from the tissue deep to it
what layer of the skin are nails made of epidermis
How many layers does the epidermis have and what are they? it has 4 layers (thick has fifth layer) Stratum basale (deepest layer of epidermis) Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosum Stratum lucidum (only in thick skin) Stratum corneum (most superficial layer of epidermis)
what are the 4 cells found in the stratum 1. KERATINOCYTES 2. MELANOCYTES produce MELANIN 3.MACROPHAGES (ingest and destroy cells) 4. Merkel cells
What protein provides waterproofing and strength to the skin? Kertain
What pigment is produced in the stratum basale? Melanin
In what layer of the epidermis do cells stop dividing? Stratum spinosum
What layer of epidermis provides strength to the epidermis? Stratum spinosum
In what layer of the epidermis do cells start to die? Stratum granulosum
Why do most cells in the epidermis die? lack of nutrients because they are now too far from nutrient source in the connective tissue
The main difference between thick skin and thin skin relates to the thickness of this layer. Stratum corneum
This layer of the epidermis is only on the palms and soles and it is directly under the stratum corneum Stratum lucidum
Which layer has cells that provide protection from uv radiation? Stratum lucidum
What is a vesicle ? Blister smaller than mm
What us bulla Blister larger than 5mm
What re the 3 major types of skin cancer? Basal cell carcinoma (most common, least deadly, symptoms are easily seen shiny nodules on the nose SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA Melanona (least common most deadly)
What is the major risk factor for skin cancer? Major risk is UV light
Which type of cancer is most easily cured and almost never metastasizes? Basal cell carcinoma usually does not metastasized
Which skin cancer is the most likely to metastasize? Melanoma usually metastasizes
What is the medical term for a mole? Nevus (plural nevi)
What is the medical term for scratch marks? excoriations
what is the medical term for dry skin Xerosis
what is the medical term for inflamed skin dermatisits
what is eczema itchy red skin that comes and goes
what causes eczema caused by an autoimmune reaction
Touching poison ivy causes what type of skin condition contact dermatitis
What is the name for severe dandruff? Seborrheic dermatitis
what causes severe dandruff caused by an allergy to the fungus that we have around our hair roots
what is psoriasis caused by an autoimmune disease of the skin
what are the symptoms of psoriasis silvery flakes on the elbows, knees and scalp which are not itchy
what are 2 layers of the dermis? 1.PAPILLARY LAYER (Papillary = “Pimple” Has bumps). This is the more superficial layer. 2. RETICULAR LAYER is the deeper layer
what specific layer is responsible for fingerprints and what layer of the skin is t in? The PAPILLARY LAYER is in the DERMIS and is the actual layer responsible for the fingerprints.
What is the strongest layer of the epidermis? stratum spinosum
What is the strongest layer of the dermis? reticular layer
What is the strongest layer of the skin? epidermis
what layer of the skin is responsible for stretch marks dermis
where are all the glands of the body located? Dermis
What layer of the skin is the area that a transdermal patch must reach? dermis
what layer of the skin generates the pink color seem in Caucasian people? dermis
What are stretch marks and what causes them? Caused by sudden weight (often seen in pregnancy) During expansion of skin, collagen fibers in the DERMIS separate = stretch marks.
What is the hypodermis? layers in the skin that consists of fat, larger blood vessels, and nerves; sits on the top of the muscles
What cosmetic surgical procedure is performed in the hypodermis? Liposuction is performed in the hypodermis.
what type of tissue is cellulite? there is no such thing as cellulite
What are the three types of burns? FIRST DEGREE: Minor burn; sunburn SECOND DEGREE: Dermis separates from epidermis; blister THIRD DEGREE: Hypodermis is burned. (most severe type of burn; needs a skin graft)
Which is the most serious? THIRD DEGREE: Hypodermis is burned. (most severe type of burn; needs a skin graft)
which are the three types of burns? First degree
Which is blister? Second degree
which needs a skin graft? third degree
What are 2 reasons why deep burns are so dangerous? 1. infection 2.dehyradtion: nothing to keep fluid in body
What are DECUBITUS ULCERS Epidermis is destroyed, underlying tissue is exposed.
What pigment produces brown coloration to the skin? Melanin (dark brown pigment) more melanin darker the skin)
What causes the pink color of skin in Caucasians? HEMOGLOBIN in red blood cells is a red pigment. Since the DERMIS is the skin layer that contains the blood vessels, that is the layer that causes the pink skin color of Caucasians.
what is the medical term for a bruise ? Contusion "bruise"
what is cyanosis bluish color to skin. caused by superficial blood vessel constriction in the dermis or lack of blood flow to the skin
Into what layer of the skin is ink injected for TATTOOS? pigment is injected into the dermis
what vitamin is produced by the skin vitamin D is produced by the skin (dermis)
What is the function of Arrector Pilli? They are tint muscles that make the hair stick up when youre cold as in "goosebumps"
What part of the hair follicle is the site of hair growth and the location of the melanocytes that determine hair color? the hair matrix
What do sebaceous glands secrete? produce sebum (oil that coats the hair epidermis)
What glands secrete sweat? Eccrine glands
what are destroyed by electrolysis? The dermal papillae are what are destroyed by electrolysis, so hair won’t grow back.
what is hair made of? Hair just dead skin cells
What part of the hair follicle is the site of hair growth and the location of the melanocytes that determine hair color? the hair matrix
What do sebaceous glands secrete? produce sebum (oil that coats the hair + epdiremis)
what glands secrete sweat? eccrine glands
what causes boils? Boils are caused by bacteria that enter a gland and invade into the hypodermis
How do boils differ from pimples? boils involve the hypodermis and are larger than pimples
what layer of skin gives rise to the nails the EPIDERMIS gives rise to the nails
what are nails made of nails are made of keratin NOT calcium or collagen
What is the proximal nail fold called? Eponychium
What is the white half-moon visible under the proximal part of a fingernail? Lunula
What are ceruminous glands found? only found in the ear, and they produce wax
What are Exocrine Glands? Exocrine glands secrete substances into the cell itself, or onto the epidermis by way of a DUCT.
What are Endocrine Glands? Endocrine glands do not have ducts. They secrete hormones directly into the blood.
What is Leukemia? A cancer in blood forming cells
What is Lymphoma? a tumor developing in lymphatic tissue
What is Carcinoma? a tumor developing in any part of the epithelium
What is Melanoma? A tumor developing in the pigment-forming cells (melanocytes) of the skin.
what is sarcoma? A tumor developing in muscles, bone, and other connective tissues.
What are 6 CHARACTERISTICS OF CANCER CELLS? 1. lack differentiation 2.Abnormal nuclei 3. form tumors 4. malignant 5. angiogenesis 6.metastasize (usually)
What are malignant tumors? cells that reproduce rapidly forming a lump of cells that are no encapsulated
what are benign tumors? cells that reproduce rapidly BUT they are in their own capsule (encapulated) and do not invade. if tumor is benign it is not cancer
What is angiogenesis? the ability to bring over blood vessels to feed it, cancer is highly vascularized
What Diagnostic Procedure test for cervical cancer? Pap smear detect cervical cancer
which test is for breast cancer? Mammograms detect breast cancer
Which test is for colon cancer? Colonoscopy detects colon cancer. A scope is inserted into the rectum so the dr can look for polyps
What are the ABCD’s of determining if a mole might be cancerous? A is for Asymmetry, where one side of the mole looks different than the other side. B is for Border, where the border is jagged or irregular instead of smooth and regular. C is for Color, where the mole contains more than one color.
What are the ABCD’s of determining if a mole might be cancerous? D is for Diameter. A mole that's smaller than the eraser on the end of a pencil (6mm) generally is not a cause for concern. However, a larger mole is not necessarily a dangerous one- no rmal moles often grow to be larger than 6mm.
In children, what is the medical term for Cradle Cap? Seborrheic dermatitis
What disorder causes flaking of skin, especially knees, elbows, and scalp. There are treatments such as shampoo with coal tar or steroids, but no cure. psoriasis
What disorder destroys melanocytes, causing depigmentation, especially in areas of friction? Vitiligo
Surgeons make incisions on the body based on the lines of cleavage of the skin formed by what layer of skin? dermis
Leather is made of this layer of skin dermis
What is the term for thick, red, sometimes painful scars? More often in African American, Native American, and Asian races. Treated with cortisone shots. keloid scars (keloidosis)
What is an enlargement of the lining of blood vessels, and is treated with lasers? hemangioma
why does chemotherapy cause hair loss? because the drugs target any cell that is rapidly dividing, Hair roots are an example of something that would divide rapidly
A genetic disorder of melanocyte development, causing a congenital white patch of hair. Piebaldism
Created by: BriAnnaNM
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