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Unit 1 Intro Unit

Unit 1

-scopy visual examination
ab- away from
arthr/o joint
bilateral (bil) both sides of the body
inter- between or among
cardiac (card/i + -ac) pertaining to the heart
differential diagnosis to rule out; attempt to determine which of of several diagnoses is causing the signs and symptoms present
-graphy process of creating a picture or record
myel/o spinal cord or bone marrow
myc/o fungus
addiction being drawn to; having strong dependence on
neur/o nerve or nervous tissue
intra- within or inside
post- after
cyan/o blue
supra- above
prefix word part that comes before the word
appendicitis (appendic/o + -itis) inflammation of the appendix
arterio- to do with arteries or vessels
chronic long term or duration
in- to or towards
-megaly enlargement
suffix word part that comes at the end of a word
tonsillectomy (tonsill/o + -ectomy) surgical removal of the tonsills
my/o muscle
-malacia softening
disease disorder of structure or function of the body
erythr/o red
hyper- excessive, increased
ad- towards the body
pyelitis (pyel/o + -itis) inflammation of the renal pelvis
hepat/o liver
-gram picture or record
ex- outside of
rhin/o nose
macro- large, abnormal sized
-ology the study of
-rrhagia rapid and sudden bleeding or discharge/flow
laryng/o larynx or throat
-necrosis tissue death
leuk/o white
megal/o large, great
gastr/o stomach
otology (ot/o + -ectomy) study of the ears
micr/o small
olig/o scanty or few
-stenosis abnormal narrowing
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
-dynia or -odynia pain
o/to ears
melan/o black
ather/o plaque or fatty substance
hemorrhage (hem/o + -rrhage) excessive or sudden bleeding
suppuration production of pus
abdominocentesis (abdomin/o + -centesis) surgical puncture of the abdomen to remove fluid
hypertension high or increased blood pressure
palpitation racing or pounding heart rate
neonatology (neo- + nat/o + -ology) study of disorders of the newborn
prognosis prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease
gastralgia (gastr/o + -ology) stomach pain
myopathy (my/o + -pathy) pathological change or disease of muscle tissue
bil bilateral
tbsp tablespoon
RUQ right upper quadrant
EMT-P emergency medical technician paramedic
A&P or AP anatomy & physiology; anterior posterior
abd away from the body
ant in front of the body
ht height
lb pound
LLQ left lower quadrant
PA physician assistant
post after
wt weight
MLT medical lab technician
CNA certified nursing assistant
PharmD doctor of pharmacy
RN, BSN nurse
MD, DO doctor
RACE rescue, alert, contain, extinguish/evacuate
PASS pull, aim. squeeze, sweep
Created by: user-1506226
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