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disease and disorder

inflammation of the appendix appendicitis
tumor of the bile duct cholangioma
condition of stones in the common bile duct choledocholithiasis
condition of gallstones cholelithiasis
abnormal growing together of two surfaces that normally are separated adhesion
eating disorder characterized by a prolonged refusal to eat anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder involving gorging with food bulimia nervosa
chronic disease of the liver cirrhosis
chronic inflammation of the intestinal tract, cobblestone ulcerations crohn disease
ulcer in the duodenum duodenal ulcer
ulcer in the stomach gastric ulcer
the abnormal backward flow of the gastrointestinal contest into the esophagus gastresophageal reflux disease (gerd)
iron metabolism disorder hemochromatosis
varicose vein in the rectal area hemorrhoid
obstruction of the intestine often casued by failure of peristalisis ileus
telescoping of a segment of the intestine intussusception
periodic disturbances of bowel funchtion irritable bowel syndrome (ibs)
tumorlike growth extending outward from a mucous membrane, ususally benign polyp
excision of the gallbladder cholecystectomy
incision into the common bile duct to remove a stone choledocholithotomy
creation of an artificial opening into the colon colostomy
suture of the intestine enterorrhaphy
surgical repair of the esophagus and the stomach esophagogastroplasty
excisionof the stomach gastrectomy
creation of an artificial opening between the stomach and jejunum gastrojejunostomy
surgical repair of the stomach gastroplasty
surgical removal of gum gingivectomy
suture of the tongue glossorrhaphy
creation of an artifical opening into the ileum ilestomy
incision into the pyloric muscle pyloromyotomy
surgical repair of the uvula, palate, and pharynx uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
an opening creatd by surgically joining two structures, such as blood vessels anastomosis
series of radiographic images taken of the large intestine Barium enema BE
radiographi examination of the biliary tract and pancreatic ducts endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography ERCP
a procedure using an endoscope fitted with an ultrasound probe endoscopic ultrasound EUS
test to detect occult blood in feces fecal occult blood test FOBT
a blood test to determine the presence of H. pylori bacteria helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antibodies test
without swallowing aphagia
Created by: Gadley
Popular Anatomy sets




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