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Muscle Fibers
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BSC2085 - Quiz 9

Anatomy - Maser

Muscle Fibers muscle cells - elongated
Myofilaments protein for muscle contraction; actin & myosin
Muscle root words myo/mys/sarco
Skeletal Muscle attach to skeleton = voluntary; stripes = striations
Striations stripes
Cardiac Muscle heart walls; striated & involuntary
Smooth Muscle walls of hollow visceral organs; no striations & involuntary
Muscle Functions produce movement, maintain posture, stabilize poorly reinforced joints, generate heat
Excitability Irritability
Neurotransmitter chemical stimulation
Acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle
Contractility shorten when stimulated
Extensibility will stretch or extend
Elasticity will return to resting length after stretching
Endomysium surrounds each muscle fiber
Perimysium surrounds each fascicle bundle
Epimysium surrounds entire muscle organ
Arteries deliver O2 & nutrients
Veins remove metabolic waste
Sarcolemma plasma membrane of muscle
Sarcoplasm cytoplasm
Myoglobin red pigment protein stores O2
Myofibrils contractile elements, run parallel entire length of fiber
Sarcomere small contracting units from Z line to Z line
A bands dark bands
H zone lighter area in middle of A band, thin and thick filaments don't overlap
M line dark line bisecting H zone, hold together adjacent thick filaments
I bands light bands
Z line dark midline thru I band
Myofilaments make up myofibril
Myosin Protein thick filament; tails bundled with 2 globular heads
Actin Protein thin filaments
Globular actin G actin, one actin protein
Fibrous actin F actin, strand of globular proteins
Tropomyosin 2 long, rod-shaped proteins, stiffen F actin
Troponin connects tropomyosin to G actin
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum regulates intracellular levels of Ca ions, releases Ca when needed to stimulate contractions
Transverse T Tubules penetrate cell's interior and pass to all myofibrils to conduct impulses
Created by: NknmJewel
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