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HNA blood supply

Dural venous sinuses characteristics Enclosed by separation of outer periosteal/inner meningeal layers of dura mater, lined by vascular endothelium, no valves/muscular tissue, larger cerebral veins -> cerebellar veins -> brainstem veins -> dural venous sinuses -> IJV
Diploic veins Btwn internal/external tables of cranial cavity roof compact bone
Emissary veins Outside cranial cavity -> into cranial cavity -> conduit for infection entry (no valves)
Cavernous sinus Lateral aspect of sphenoid body/pituitary fossa -> contains CN III, IV, Va, Vb, VI and ICA (medial) -> receives intercavernous/ophthalmic/sphenoparietal sinuses
Superior sagittal sinus Crista galli -> runs along superior margin of falx cerebri down cranial vault median groove -> receives superior cerebral, diploic, emissary veins, CSF
Inferior sagittal sinus Posterioinferior border of falx cerebri -> receives cerebral/falx cerebri veins
Straight sinus Junction of falx cerebri/tentorium cerebelli -> receives inferior sagittal/great cerebral vein
Confluence of sinuses Dilated space at internal occipital protuberance -> receives superior sagittal and straight sinuses
R/L transverse sinuses Runs along lateral margin of tentorium cerebelli -> right larger than left
R/L sigmoid sinuses Grooves petrous temporal bone, curves onto occipital bone, passes through jugular foramen -> receives superior petrosal/transverse sinuses inside cranial cavity, receives inferior petrosal outside cranial cavity
Intercavernous sinus Crosses sella turcica to join cavernous sinuses
Sphenoparietal sinus Inferior surface of lesser wings of sphenoid -> receives diploic/meningeal veins
Superior petrosal sinus Edge of tentorium cerebelli near petrous temporal bone -> receives cavernous sinus and drains into sigmoid sinus inside cranial cavity
Inferior petrosal sinus Groove btwn occipital/petrous temporal bone -> receives cavernous sinus and drains into sigmoid sinus/IJV outside cranial cavity
Vertebral artery 1st part of subclavian artery -> transverse foramina of upper 6 cervical vertebrae -> foramen magnum -> gives off small meningeal/posterior inferior cerebellar/posterior spinal/anterior spinal -> joins w/ other to form basilar artery
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery First branch off basilar artery -> gives off labyrinthine artery
Labyrinthine artery Branch of anterior inferior cerebellar artery (branch of basilar) -> runs alongside CN VIII through IAM -> blood to internal ear
Pontine arteries 4 pairs branching off the basilar artery -> supply pons
Superior cerebellar artery Superior to pontine arteries -> branch off basilar -> cause of trigeminal neuralgia
Posterior cerebral artery Terminal branch of basilar artery -> supply occipital lobe -> anastomose w/ posterior communicating artery
Posterior communicating artery 2nd branch of ICA -> part of ICA trifurcation -> connects ICA w/ posterior cerebral artery
Ophthalmic artery 1st branch of ICA -> supplies orbital structures -> occlusion can threaten sight
Middle cerebral artery Terminal branch of ICA -> supplies cerebrum/anterior temporal lobe/insular cortices -> part of ICA trifurcation
Anterior cerebral artery Part of ICA trifurcation -> supplies midline frontal lobe -> connected by anterior communicating artery
Anterior communicating artery Connects anterior cerebral arteries
Circle of Willis Anterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, ICA, posterior communicating artery, posterior cerebral artery
ECA branches Superior thyroid (ant), ascending pharyngeal (medial/deep), lingual (ant), facial (ant), occipital (post), post auricular (post), maxillary/superficial temporal
Middle meningeal artery Branch of ECA maxillary branch -> enters foramen spinosum -> supply dura mater/periosteum -> anterior branch passes deep to pterion -> torn in skull fracture/impact -> epidural haemorrhage
Superior thyroid artery 1st branch of ECA -> supplies thyroid gland, cricothyroid, infrahyoid muscles
Lingual artery 3rd branch of ECA -> medial to greater horns of hyoid -> curves anteroinferiorly -> loop crossed by CN XII -> passes beneath digastric/stylohyoid/hyoglossus -> sublingual space -> ascends to tongue -> supplies tongue/palatine tonsils
Facial artery 4th branch of ECA -> beneath digastric/stylohoid -> enters groove on posterior submandibular gland -> superficial to hypoglossal nerve -> passes superficial to mandible body -> supplies facial muscles
Occipital artery 5th branch of ECA -> supplies trapezius/SCM/occipitofrontalis
Maxillary artery Terminal ECA branch post neck of mandible -> imbedded in parotid gland -> gives off middle meningeal artery -> cross superficial/deep to lateral pterygoid -> pterygopalatine fossa -> gives off sphenopalatine artery, infraorbital artery
Superficial temporal artery Terminal ECA branch post neck of mandible -> imbedded in parotid gland -> supplies temporalis muscle -> pulse felt anterosuperior zygomatic arch
Created by: vykleung
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