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Dysphagia 2
Anatomy and Physiology
Question | Answer |
Suprahyoid Muscles | - geniohyoid (hypoglossal XII) - mylohyoid (trigeminal V) - A + P bellies of digastric (trigeminal V + facial VII) - stylohyoid (VII) |
(3) Muscles of the Internal Pharynx | - palatopharyngeus (X) - stylopharyngeus (XII) - salpingopharyngeus (X) |
Muscles of Chewing (4) | - masseter (V) - temporalis (V) - lateral pterygoid (V) - medial pterygoid (V) |
Nasopharynx Muscles (6) | - palatoglossal X - levator veli palatini X - tensor veli palatini - palatopharyngeus (X) - muscularis uvularis X |
PES/UES | pharyngeal esophageal sphincter |
LES | lower esophageal sphincter |
Lateral Pterygoid | moves jaw/chin to the opposite side unilaterally - V |
Digastric (Anterior Belly) | depresses jaw/raises hyoid bone - V |
Mylohyoid | elevates hyoid & tongue; depresses jaw - V |
Geniohyoid | draws hyoid bone up and forward; depresses jaw - XII |
Masseter | closes jaw - V |
Temporalis | moves jaw upward, forward, and backward - V |
Medial Pterygoid | elevates mandible and shifts jaw bilaterally - V |
Orbicularis Oris | seals the mouth shut to maintain pressure and keep bolus inside the mouth - VII |
Buccinator | maintains tightness of cheeks and holds them against teeth - VII |
Genioglossus | elevates the larynx and depresses the tongue - XII |
Hyoglossus | depresses tongue and elevates larynx - XII |
Styloglossus | draws tongue up and back during swallowing - XII |
Palatoglossus | - draws velum downward |
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles (4) | - superior longitudinal - inferior longitudinal - vertical - transverse |
Function of the Intrinsic Tongue Muscles | forms trough to hold bolus - XII |
Extrinsic Tongue Muscles | - styloglossus - genioglossus - hyoglossus (XII) -palatoglossus x |
Stylohyoid | elevates hyoid and tongue base - VII |
Geniohyoid | draws hyoid bone up and forward; depresses jaw - XII |
Levator Veli Palatini | elevates the soft palate and seals the nasopharynx - X |
Tensor Veli Palatini | tenses the palate - V |
Ending of the Oral Phase | bolus collects in valleculae recesses |
Palatopharyngeus | depresses soft palate; constricts the pharynx |
What innervates the (3) constrictors? | vagus X |
What innervates the Cricopharyngeus ? | vagus X |
Steps to the PES Opening | 1. posterior tongue retraction 2. hyoid bone elevation 3. hyoid bone elevates the thyroid and cricoid cartilages 4. pharyngoesophageal segment is pulled open (pulled open) 5. bolus driving forces * brainstem dishibition from hypoglossal and vagus |
Innervation of Mastication Muscles | V |
Innervation of Orbicularis Oris and Buccinator | VII facial |
Innervation of Palatoglossus | X |
Innervations of the Velum Muscles | X |
Innervation of the Tensor Veli Palatini | V |
What Muscles Moves the Epiglottis? | Aryepiglottic muscles |
Innervation of the Digastric A | V |
Innervation of the Stylohyoid | XII |
Innervation of the Geniohyoid | XII |
Innervation of the Digastric P | VII Facial |
What muscles adduct the vocal folds? | - lateral cricoarytenoids - transverse/oblique arytenoids |
Innervations of the stylopharyngeus? | Glosspharyngeal |
What are the infrahyoid muscles | - sternohyoid - sternothyroid - thyrohyoid - omohyoid muscle |