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Voluntary muscle Muscle under control of the will
Bending; the movement that decreases the angle between bones Flexion
Buttocks Gluteus maximus
Origin Stationary end of a muscle
Posterior thigh muscle. Hamstrings
Thick filaments Myosin Filaments
Muscle responsible for smiling. Zygomaticus
Muscle responsible for sneering Levator labii superioris
Muscle responsible for frowning. Depressor anguli oris
Closes the eyelid Orbicularis oculi
Puckers the mouth Orbicularis oris
Flattens the cheeks Buccinator
Changes the shape of the tongue Intrinsic tongue muscles
Moves the tongue Extrinsic tongue muscles
Adenosine triphosphate ATP
The ability for the muscle to respond to a stimulus Excitability
Ability for the muscle to contract Contractility
The ability for the muscle to recoil to it's original length. Elasticity
The ability for the muscle to extend Extensibility
The connective tissue sheath that is directly upon the whole muscle. Epimysium
Straited muscle Muscle consisting of cross straited muscle fibers.
Chest Muscle Pectoral Muscle
Endomysium The thin connective tissue surrounding each muscle cell
Perimysium The connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers
Fascicle A bundle of nerve or muscle fibers bound together by connective tissue
Epimysium The sheath of fibrous connective tissue surrounding a muscle
Tendon Elongated bursa that wraps a tendon subject to friction
Aponeurosis Fibrous or membranous sheet connecting a muscle and the part it moves.
Smooth muscle Muscle consisting of spindle-shaped, unstriped muscle cells.
Cardiac muscle Special muscle of the heart with striations and intercalated discs
sarcolemma the plasma membrane of a muscle fiber
Myofibrils Contractile organelles found in the cytoplasm of muscle cells
(I) bands The location of thin filaments (actin) in a sarcomere
(A) bands The location of thick filaments (myosin) in a sarcomere
myofilaments filaments composing the myofibrils. Of two types: actin and myosis
Myosin Thick Filaments
myosin One of the principal contractile proteins found in muscle; makes up the thick filaments
Cross bridge The link formed when a myosin head binds to the corresponding binding site on actin during contraction.
Thin filaments Small filaments composed of actin and regulatory proteins
Actin One of the principal contractile proteins found in muscle; makes up the thin filaments.
Motor unit A motor neuron and all the muscle cells it supplies
Axon Neuron process that carries impulses away from the nerve cell body; efferent process; the conducting portion of a nerve cell
Neuromuscular junction The region where a motor neuron comes into close contact with a skeletal muscle
neurotransmitter Chemical released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit them.
acetylcholine A chemical transmitter substance released by certain nerve endings
Synaptic cleft The fluid-filled space at a synapse between neurons
Graded response A response that varies directly with the strength of the stimulus
Muscle twitch a single rapid contraction of a muscle followed by relaxation
Lactic acid The product of anaerobic metabolism, especially in muscle
Muscle fatigue Inability of a muscle to contract even while being stimulated
Oxygen deifict the volume of oxygen required after exercise to oxidize the lactic acid formed during exercise
Isotonic contraction Refers to "same tone"; the muscle shortens as it contracts, and movement occurs.
Isometric contraction Refers to "same length"; the muscle generates tension but does not shorten, and no movement occur
Muscle tone Sustained partial contraction of a muscle in response to stretch receptor inputs; keeps the muscle healthy and ready to react.
Flaccid Soft; flabby; relaxed.
Atrophy a reduction in size or wasting away from an organ cell resulting from disease or lack of use
Aerobic exercise walking, jogging, swimming, biking, jumping
Anerobic exercise Weightlifting, sprinting, biking
Resistant exercise Refers to building muscle mass and strength; also called isometric exercise
Origin the muscle attachment that is not movable or is less movable than the insertion
Insertion The movable attachment of a muscle as opposed to its origin
Flexion Bending; the movement that decreases the angle between bones
Extension Movement that increases the angle of a joint
Rotation Movement around an axis
Aduction Movement away from the midline of the body
Adduction Movement toward the midline of the body
circumsduction Circular movement of a body part
Dorsiflexion Movement of the superior surface of the foot toward the shin.
Plantar flexion Movement of the interior surface of the foot away from the shin
inversion Special movement of foot achieved by moving the sole of the foot medially
Eversion Special movement of the foot achieved by turning the sole laterally
Supination The outward rotation of the forearm causing palms to face anteriorly
Pronation The inward rotation of the forearm causing the radius to cross diagonally over the ulna
Opposition The action by which the thumb is used to touch the tips of the other finger on the same hand, This unique action makes the human hand a fine tool for grasping and manipulating things.
Antagonists Muscles that act in opposition to an agonist, or prime mover.
Synergists Muscles cooperating with another muscle or muscle group to produce a desired movement
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