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Question | Answer |
Thin myofilaments | Actin Myofilaments |
Thick myofilaments | Myosin myofilaments |
The ability of a muscle to shorten with force | Contractility |
The ability to be stretched | Extensibility |
Ability to recoil to their original resting length after being stretched | Elasticity |
The brief reversal of a charge | Action potential |
The charge difference across a membrane | Resting membrane potential |
Nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers | Motor neurons |
The enlarged nerve terminal | Presynaptic terminal |
The time between application of a stimulus to a motor neuron and the beginning of a contraction | Lag Phase |
The time of contraction | Contraction phase |
The time during which a muscle relaxes. | Relaxation phase |
Where the muscles remain contracted without relaxing | Tetany |
The increase in number of motor units being activated. | Recruitments |
What is produced in the mitochondria | ATP |
The A band extends the length of | Myosin |
Each presynaptic terminal contains. | Acetylcholine |
The constant tension produced by muscles of the body for long periods of time. | Muscle Tone |
Contract quickly and fatigue quickly | Fast Twitch fibers |
Isometric | The length of the muscle does not change, but the amount of tension increases during the contraction process. |
Isotonic | The amount of tension produced by the muscle is constant during contraction, but the length of the muscle changes. |
Slow-twitch fibers | Contract more slowly and are more resistant to fatigue. |
Origin | The most stationary end of the muscle. |
Insertion | The end of the muscle undergoing the greatest movement. |
Belly | The portion of the muscle between the origin and the insertion |
Muscles that work together to accomplish specific movements | Synergists |
Muscles that work in opposition to one another | Antagonists |
If one muscle plays the major role in accomplishing the desired movement | Prime Mover |
Skeletal muscle is surrounded by this connective tissue sheath | Epimysium |
Connective tissue located outside the epimysium. | Fascia |
The visible bundles within a muscle | Fascicles |
The single muscle cells that fasciculi is composed of | Fibers |
Each fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called | Endomysium |
The cytoplasm of each fiber is filled with | Myofibrils |
Actin and myosin myofilaments form highly ordered units called | Sarcomeres |
The muscle that changes the shape of the tongue. | Intrinsic tongue muscles |
The muscle that moves the tongue | Extrinsic Tongue muscles |
What muscle causes chewing | Mastication |
The muscle responsible for frowning | Depressor Anguli Oris |
The muscle responsible for sneering | Levator labii superioris |
The smiling muscle | Zygomaticus |
The muscle responsible for the puckering of the lips | Orbicularis oris |
The muscle responsible for raising the eyebrows | Occipitofrontalis |
Sheetlike muscle that covers the anterolateral neck. | Platysma |
Lateral neck muscle and prime mover | Sterncleidomastoid |
The muscle that flattens the cheeks. | Buccinator |
Accomplishes quiet breathing | Diaphram |
Elevates the ribs during inspiration | External Intercostals |
Contracts during forced expiration | Internal intercostals |
Muscles that move the thorax | Thoracic muscles |
Group of muscles on each side of the back | Erector spinae |
The muscle one ach side of the linea alba | Rectus abdominis |
The muscle responsible for closing the eyelids and causing "crows feet" wrinkles. | Orbicularis oculi |
What rotates the scapula | Trapezius |
What pulls the scapula anteriorly | Serratus Anterior |
The arm is attached to the thorax by what | The pectoralis major and the latissimus dorsi muscles. |
What adducts and flexes the arm | Pectoralis major |
What medially rotates, adducts, and extends the arm. | Latissimus dorsi |
Extends the forearm | Tricepsbrachii |
Flexes the forearm | Biceps brachii |
Flexes and supinates the forearm | Brachioradialis |
The buttocks | Gluteus maximus |
Extends the leg | Quadriceps femoris |
Hip muscle and common injection site | Gluteus medius |
Flexes the thigh | Sartorius |
Forms the calf muscle | Gastrocnemius and soleus |
Posterior thigh muscles | Hamstring |
These muscles flex, extend, abduct, and adduct the toes. | Intrinic foot |
The lateral muscles of the leg | The peroneus muscles |
Strong band of connective tissue that covers the flexor and extensor tendons. | Retinaculum |
Flexes the wrist | Flexor carpi |
Extends the wrist | Extensor carpi |
Flexes the fingers | Flexor digitorum |
Extends the fingers | Extensor digitorum |
The 19 hand muscles | Intrinic hand muscles |
attaches the humerus to the scapula and clavicle | Deltoid |
These cross the rectus abdominis at three or more locations | Tendinous inscriptions |