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BMS 250 Lecture

Chapter 6

Integumentary system skin and accessory structures (hair, nails, glands)
Integument covering (cutaneous membrane)
Dermatology the study of skin
Layers of the integument epidermis and dermis
Epidermis composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium; most superficial layer of integument with five layers and four cell types
Papillary layer dermis layer composed of areolar CT; superficial region (just deep to the stratum basale)
Reticular layer dermis layer composed of dense irregular CT; deeper, major portion; meshwork that surrounds structures in the dermis
Layers of the epidermis from superficial to deep stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale
Which epidermis layers are composed of dead keratinocytes? stratum corneum and stratum lucidum
Which epidermis layers are composed of living keratinocytes? stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale
Cells of the epidermis keratinocytes, melanocytes, tactile cells, and epidermal dendritic cels
Keratinocytes synthesize the fibrous protein keratin; found in all layers of epidermis (95% of all cells in epidermis)
Melanocytes produce and store pigment melanin; found in stratum basale
Tactile cells (Merkel Cells) detect light touch and pressure; found in stratum basale
Epidermal dendritic cells (Langerhans cells) immune cells; found in stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum
Stratum basale deepest epidermal layer; single layer of cuboidal or columnar cells attached to the basement membrane; contains keratinocytes, melanocytes, and tactile cells
Stratum spinosum contains several layers of keratinocytes that are nondividing and attach to neighbors by membrane junctions, and epidermal dendritic cells that phagocytize pathogens and epidermal cancer cells
Stratum granulosum 3-5 layers of flattened, diamond-shaped cells; process of keratinization begins here; named for cytoplasmic granules (keratin and a lipid-based substance)
Stratum lucidum 2-3 layers of flattened, pale, dead keratinocytes; cells appear featureless with indistinct boundaries; found only in thick skin; contains protein called eleidin)
Stratum corneum most superficial epidermal layer; 20-30 layers of dead keratinocytes; anucleated, tightly packed squamous shape; has a dry, thickened surface that inhibits microorganism growth
Keratinocyte life cycle stem cell in s. basale divides into cell a & b, cell a divides again it pushes cell b from s. spinosum to s.granulosum, away from blood supply and into s. lucidum & corneum where cell b is now dead & filled with keratin & will be shed from apical surface
Thin skin makes up most of the body, lacks stratum lucidum, contains sweat glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands, range of thickness is 0.075mm-0.150mm
Thick skin makes up the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, contains all 5 epidermal strata, does not contain hair follicles or sebaceous glands, contains sweat glands, range of thickness: 0.4mm-0.6mm
What does skin color result from? a combination of hemoglobin, carotene, and melanin
Melanin pigment with black, brown, tan, yellow-brown shades, shields keratinocyte DNA from UV radiation; produced by melanocytes in response to UV radiation, transferred to keratinocytes with melanosomes
Freckles over productive melanocyte (too much melanin)
Mole (nevi) clusters of melanocytes (too many melanocytes)
Oculocutaneous albinism congenital disorder causing little to no production of melanin in eyes, skin, and hair (insufficient melanin)
Dermis deep to the epidermis; composed of 2 layers of connective tissue along with collagen fibers, fibroblasts, and dendritic cells (motile) along with blood vessels, sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, arrector pili, nail roots, & sensory nerve endings
Dermal papillae projections of dermis that interlock with projections from epidermis (epidermal ridges) to increase area of contact with epidermis; supplies nutrients to epidermis through capillaries and contains sensory nerve endings for touch
Lines of cleavage tensions lines; natural orientation of majority of collagen fibers and elastic fibers; resist stress, alignment depends on direction of routine stress
Subcutaneous layer (hypodermis) deep to the integument consisting of areolar CT and adipose CT; functions: cushion and protect, energy storage, thermal insulation
Where is the common site of drug interactions in the skin? the subcutaneous layer (hypodermis)
Subcutaneous fat where adipose dominates
1st degree burns only epidermis; characterized by redness, pain, slight edema, no blisters; ex. minor sunburn
2nd degree burns epidermis and part of dermis; skin appears red, tan, or white; characterized by painful blisters; ex. severe sunburn, chemical burn, or scalding liquid
3rd degree burns epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis (possibly deeper); characterized by major tissue damage, scarring, little pain initially; dehydration and infection are major concerns; ex. fire, chemical, or prolonged contact with hot liquid
Functions of the integument protection from injury toxins, pathogens, temp. extremes, and solar radiation, immune function through dendritic cells, prevents water loss or gain, sensation, metabolic regulation through vitamin D production, secretion and absorption, temp. regulation
Vitamin D production upon exposure to UV radiation, keratinocytes synthesize vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin D3 is now converted to calcidiol in the liver, and converted to calcitriol in the kidney
What substances are discharged through the integument sweat and sebum
Sweat cools body and excretes some waste products such as salt and urea
Sebum lubricates epidermis and hair and improves water resistance
Vasoconstriction blood vessels diameter narrows, shunts blood away from periphery, helps conserve heat
Vasodilation blood vessel diameter widens, more blood close to the surface, releases excess heat
Nails modifications of stratum corneum that function through protection, manipulation/grasping, and scratching
Hair keratinized cells growing from a follicle in the dermis that function through protection, facial expression, heat retention, visual identification, and sensation
Merocrine (eccrine) glands most numerous, widely distributed sweat glands; discharge sweat onto skin surface; functions: thermoregulation and protection
Apocrine glands secrete by merocrine mechanism, discharge into hair follicles; discharge is viscous, turbid (contains proteins and lipids that are acted upon by bacteria to produce order); function: communication
Sebaceous glands usually discharge into hair follicle; discharge is sebum (oily, waxy, white substance, rich in lipids); functions: lubricate hair, protection
Acne plugged sebaceous duct
Created by: kkade
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