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A&P2 Exam 1

Ch. 17-21

what is the normal range of pH for blood 7.35-7.45
what is a plasma protein the most abundant solute in blood
plasma proteins remain in the ___ and are... remain in the blood and are not taken up by cells
plasma proteins are mostly produced by the liver
distribution of plasma proteins in the blood: 60% ___, 36% ___, 4% ___ albumins, globulins, fibrinogen
albumins functions include: drawing in water/transporting hydrophobic substances in blood, major contributors to plasma's osmotic pressure, blood buffer
globulins functions include: antibodies released by plasma B cells, transport hydrophobic substances in blood
fibrinogens functions include: producing fibrin during blood clotting
hemoglobin is made up of 2 components heme and globin
heme is the pigment bonded to each globin chain
the structure of heme includes: central iron atom binds to 1 O2, gives blood red color, carbon monoxide competes with O2 for binding
each hemoglobin molecule can transport 4 O2
globin is composed of 4 polypeptide chains (2 alpha, 2 beta)
in globin the polypeptide chains bind to CO2 (not in competition with O2)
O2 loading in the lungs produces oxyhemoglobin (ruby red)
O2 unloading in tissues produces deoxyhemoglobin or reduced hemoglobin (dark red)
CO2 loading in tissues produces carbaminohemoglobin (20% of CO2 in the blood binds to hemoglobin)
blood cells are formed in the ___ bone marrow by ___ red, hemocytoblasts
erythropeoiesis is the creation of RBCs (2 million RBCs are made per second)
life cycle of an RBC: 1: erythropoiesis 2: circulation (120 days) 3: RBC death and phagocytosis 4: Fe3+ transported via transferrin 5: Billirubin derived products
erythropoiesis is controlled by the hormone ___ which is secreted from ___ erythropoietin, kidneys
anemia is the low O2 carrying capability of RBCs
anemia has 3 key causes: blood loss, low RBC production, high RBC destruction
leukocytes are WBCs (Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas)
there are 2 categories of leukocytes granulocytes: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils agranulocytes: lymphocytes, monocytes
neutrophils bacteria slayers
eosinophils (ewww) allergies, asthma, digest worms
basophils contain histamine and heparin
lymphocytes crucial to immunity, T + B cells
monocytes turn into macrophages
platelets are responsible for platelet plug formation and blood clotting
blood types AB is the universal recipient O is the universal donor
the heart has two side by side pumps: right side: receives O2 poor blood from body > pumps to lungs via the pulmonary circuit left side: receives O2 rich blood from the lungs > pumps to body tissues via the systemic circuit
receiving chambers of the heart: right atrium: receives blood returning from systemic circuit left atrium: receives blood returning from pulmonary circuit
pumping chambers of the heart: right ventricle: pumps blood to pulmonary circuit
the pericardium is a 2 layered serous membrane parietal layer: lines internal surface of pericardial cavity visceral layer (epicardium): on external surface of heart
3 layers of the heart wall epicardium, myocardium, endocardium
epicardium outer, visceral layer of serous pericardium
myocardium middle, contractile cardiac muscle cells and layer of connective tissue (cardiac skeleton)
trendocardium inner, continuous w/ endothelial lining of blood vessels, lines heart chambers and covers cardiac skeleton
inter arterial septum separates atria
inter ventricular septum separates ventricles
3 veins that empty into the right atrium superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, coronoary sinus
4 pulmonary veins empty into the left atrium
the right ventricle pumps blood into the ___ trunk pulmonary
the left ventricle pumps blood into the aorta
the trabeculae carneae are irregular ridges of ___ on ___ (prevent surface tension) muscle, walls
papillary muscles anchor chordae tendineae that are attached to heart valves
the heart valves open in response to ___ changes. there are 4 total, divided into 2 categories: pressure atrioventricular (AV) valves semilunar (SL) valves
AV valves prevent back flow into atria when ventricles contract
2 AV valves: tricuspid valve (right AV valve) bicuspid valve (left AV valve)
SL valves prevent back flow into ventricles when ventricles relax
2 SL valves: aortic semilunar valve pulmonary semilunar valve
pulmonary circuit: SVC, IVC and coronary sinus > right atrium > tricuspid valve > right ventricle > pulmonary trunk > pulmonary arteries > lungs > pulmonary veins > left atrium
systemic circuit left atrium > bicuspid valve > left ventricle > aortic SL valve > aorta > systemic circulation
coronary circulation is the blood supply to the heart
arteries arise from the base of the ___ aorta
left side of coronary circulation: left coronary artery branches > anterior interventricular artery and circumflex artery
right side of coronary circulation: right coronary artery branches > right marginal artery and posterior inter ventricular artery
coronary sinus empties into the right atrium (formed by merging cardiac veins)
the coronary sinus consists of great cardiac vein, middle cardiac vein, small cardiac vein
cardiac muscle cells are: short, striated, branched, interconnected
cardiac muscles have: central nuclei, numerous mitochondria, t-tubules, SR
cardiac muscle also contains intercalated discs which are the junctions between cells desmosomes: hold cells together gap junctions: allow ions to pass between cells
the heart depolarizes and contracts ___ nervous system stimulation without
coordinated heartbeat is a function of: gap junctions and the intrinsic cardiac conduction system
3 parts of pacemaker action potential: pacemaker potential (resting membrane potential) depolarization closes K+ channels and opens slow Na+ channels > causes continual slow depolarization
3 parts of pacemaker action potential: depolarization at threshold Ca2+ channels open and allow a huge influx of Ca2+ > causes rising phase of action potential
3 parts of pacemaker action potential: repolarization K+ channels open causing efflux of K+
sequence of cardiac excitation SA node > AV node > atrioventricular bundle > right and left bundle branches > purkinje fibers
SA (sinoarterial) node pacemaker of heart in the right atrial wall, depolarizes faster than the rest of the myocardium, generates impulses about 75x/min (sinus rhythm), impulse spreads across atria to AV node
AV (atriovenrtricular) node in the inferior intertatrial septum, delays impulses, allows atrial contraction prior to ventricular contraction
AV bundle (bundle of His) in the inferior interventricular septum, only electrical connection between atria and ventricles
right and left bundle branches 2 pathways in interventricular septum, carry impulses toward apex of the heart
purkinje fibers complete pathway through iv septum into apex and ventricular walls, AV bundle and P fibers depolarize in the absence of AV node input, ventricular contraction immediately follows from apex toward atria
ECG is the composite of all action potentials generated by nodal and contractile cells at a given time
3 waves of ECG: P wave: depolarization of SA node and atria QRS complex: ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization T wave: ventricular repolarization
ECG intervals P-R interval: atrial systole S-T segment: ventricular systole and atrial diastole after T wave: ventricular diastole
systole means ___, diastole means ___ contraction, relaxation
normal heart sounds (lub-dup) lub: AV valves close, ventricular systole begins dup: SL valves close, ventricular diastole begins
cardiac sympathetic nervous system response activated by emotional or physical stressors, Norepinephrine release causes pacemaker to fire rapidly > increased heart rate
cardiac parasympathetic nervous system response Acetylcholine hyperpolarizes pacemaker and opens K+ channels > decreased heart rate
fetal heart structures foreamen ovale: connects 2 atria > remnant is the fossa ovalis in adults ductus arteriosus: connects pulmonary trunk to aorta > remnant is the ligamentum arteriosum in adults
types of blood vessels: arteries, capillaries, veins
arteries carry blood away from the heart, pressure reservoirs, oxygenated except for pulmonary and umbilical arteries
capillaries contact tissue cells, exchange vessels > exchange of gasses, nutrients, wastes, hormones etc.
veins carry blood toward the heart, volume reservoirs
arteries and veins have 3 wall layers: tunica intima, tunica media (contains smooth muscle) , tunica external > sympathetic motor nerve fibers control vasoconstriction and vasodilation
capillaries only have 1 wall layer endothelium with spare basal lamina
lumen are central blood containing spaces of blood vessels
elastic arteries large thick walled arteries with elastin in all 3 tunics, found in the aorta and its major branches > smooth muscle is inactive in vasoconstriction, act as pressure reservoirs
muscular arteries distal to elastic arteries > deliver blood to body organs, thick tunica with more smooth muscle and less elastic tissue > smooth muscle is active in vasoconstriction, most common type of artery
arterioles smallest arteries that lead to capillary beds, provide peripheral resistance > vasodilation and vasoconstriction have greatest effect on blood flow, precapillary sphincters regulate blood flow into capillaries
capillaries walls consist of thin tunica intima > smallest only allow one RBC to pass at a time, surrounded by pericytes which stabilize walls and control permeability
continuous capillaries abundant in skin, muscles, lungs and CNS > often have associated pericytes > pinocytotic vesicle ferry fluid across endothelial cell > most continuous capillaries have intercellular clefts
fenestrated capillaries occur in areas of active filtration (kidney), absorption (s. intestine), and areas of hormone secretion > fenestrations are swiss cheese-like holes > number of fenestrations can increase in some organs
sinusoid capillaries occur in liver, bone marrow, spleen, adrenal medulla > large intercellular clefts, fenestrations, few tight junctions > incomplete basement membranes > irregularly shaped w/ large lumens > blood flows through slowly
venules are formed when capillary beds unite > allow fluids and WBCs into tissues > consist of endothelium and pericytes > larger venules have 1-2 layers of smooth muscle
veins are formed when venules converge
veins compared to arteries thinner walls, larger lumens > lower BP > thin tunica media, thick tunica externa of collagen fibers and elastic networks > blood reservoirs, contain up to 65% of blood supply
adaptive features of veins large lumens offer little resistance > venous valves prevent back flow of blood > venous sinuses are large flattened veins with very thin walls (eg. coronary sinus)
blood pressure is the force exerted on the wall of a blood vessel by blood > pressure gradient provides driving force that keeps blood moving from higher to lower pressure areas
systolic BP pressure exerted in aorta during ventricular contraction > highest healthy is 120 mm Hg
diastolic BP lowest level of aortic pressure during ventricular relaxation > highest healthy is 80 mm Hg
pulse pressure difference between systolic and diastolic pressure > throbbing of arteries = pulse
muscular pump contraction of skeletal muscles "milks" blood toward heart, valves prevent back flow
respiratory pump breathing in moves blood toward heart by both the squeezing of abdominal veins and expansion of thoracic veins
venoconstricition under sympathetic control, pushed blood toward heart
cardiac output CO = SV x HR SV: stroke volume > affected by venous return HR: heart rate > maintained by medullary centers
neural controls of blood vessels higher brain centers, cardiovascular center of medulla, baroreceptors, chemoreceptors
hypothalamus control of blood vessels hypothalamus and cerebral cortex can modify arterial pressure via relays to medulla > hypothalamus increases BP during stress > mediates reidstribution of blood flow during exercise and changes in body temp
medulla oblongata control of blood vessels contains cardiac centers, cardioinhibitory: slows heart, cardioacceloratory: speeds heart > vasomotor center, sends impulses via sympathetic efferents to vessels, moderate constriction = vasomotor tone
medulla oblongata receives inputs from baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, higher brain centers
baroreceptors and chemoreceptors are located in carotid arteries and aortic arch
baroreceptors effects increased BP: inhibition of vasomotor and cardioacceleratory centers, stimulates cardioinhibitory center decreased BP: sitmulates vasomotor and cardioacceleratory centers, inhibits cardioinhibitory center
chemoreceptors effects detect drop in CO2, pH, or O2 > cause increased BP > stimulating cardioacceleratory center: increased HR and contractility > stimulating vasomotor center: increased vasoconstriction
chemical controls of blood vessels hormonal and renal controls
hormonal controls that cause increased BP epinephrine and norepinephrine, adrenal gland, increased HR, contractility, vasoconstriction > angiotensin ii, vasoconstriction > ADH, vasoconstriction and anti-diuretic > aldosterone, anti-diuretic
hormonal controls that cause decreased BP ANP, increases vasodilation and diuretic
what organ system can have long term effects on BP, blood volume, and blood filtration renal (kidneys) > RAS, kidneys may release renin when BP is decreased
pulses where a pulse can be palpated on the patient temporal artery, facial artery, common carotid artery, brachial artery, radial artery, femoral artery, popliteal artery, posterior tibial artery, dorsals pedis artery
steps of using a Sphygmomanometer to measure a patient's BP pressure in cuff is increased until it exceeds systolic in brachial artery > pressure is slowly released, listen for Korotkoff sounds > systolic pressure is first sounds > diastolic is when sounds stop
hypertension 140/90
hypotension 90/60
circulatory shock is any condition where blood vessels are not filled so blood cannot circulate normally
hypovolemic shock results from large scale blood loss
vascular shock results from extreme vasodilation and decreased peripheral resistance
cardiogenic shock results when an inefficient heart cannot sustain adequate circulation
fetal shunts (foreamen ovale and ductus arteriosus bypass nonfunctional lungs
fetal ductus venosus bypasses liver
umbilical vein and arteries circulate blood to and from the placenta
primary lymphoid organs thymus, bone marrow thymus: in neck and partially overlying the heart > grows until teen years then slowly dies with aging > cortex is site of maturing T cells and macrophages > medulla contains thymic corpuscles > no B cells present in thymus
function of the primary lymphoid organs to produce lymphocytes and provide a site for them to mature
lymphocytes are the cells of the ___ system, and are created in ___ the immune system, red bone marrow
2 types of lymphocytes T cells: mature in thymus B cells: mature in red bone marrow
functions of T and B cells both: protect against antigens T cells: manage immune response, attack and destroy infected cells B cells: produce plasma cells that secrete antibodies > antibodies mark antigens for destruction via phagocytosis
secondary lymphoid organs lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, GALT (gut associated lymphoid tissue), diffuse lymphoid tissues
structure and function of the secondary lymphoid organs site where mature lymphocytes first encounter their antigen > largely made up of reticular connective tissue
lymph nodes found in clusters along lymphatic vessels > cervical, axillary, inguinal > consist of fibrous capsule > trabeculae divide node into compartments > 2 histologically distant regions: cortex, medulla
lymph node cortex contains follicles with germinal centers, heavy with diving B cells > dendritic cells nearly surround follicles, help active both T and B cells > deep cortex houses T cells in transit, T cells circulate continuously throughout lymphatic system
lymph node medulla medullary cords extend inward from cortex and contain B cells, T cells, and plasma cells > medullary lymph sinuses contain macrophages
lymph node function filter substances that travel through lymphatic fluid (lymph)
tonsils function gathering and removing pathogens from food and air, form ring of lymphatic tissue around pharynx > overlying epithelium helps to trap and destroy bacteria + allow immune cells to build memory for pathogens
palatine tonsils at posterior of oral cavity
lingual tonsils grouped at base of the tongue
pharyngeal tonsils in posterior wall of nasopharynx
tubal tonsils surrounding openings of auditory tubes into pharynx
lymphatic vessels are a 1 way system in which lymph flows toward the heart
lymphatic capillaries are very permeable > lacteals: specialized lymph capillaries present in intestinal mucosa that digest fat and deliver it to blood
lymphatic collecting vessels similar to veins but have thinner walls and more internal valves > collecting vessels in skin travel with superficial veins, deep vessels travel with arteries
lymphatic trunks are a formed union of the largest collecting vessels (paired subclavian, paired jugular) > feed into lymphatic ducts
lymphatic ducts right lymphatic duct: drains right arm and right side of head and thorax thoracic duct: arises from cisterns chyli and drains the rest of the body both: empty into venous circulation at junction of internal jugular and subclavian vein
innate defnse cells first line of defense is skin and mucosae > second is antimicrobial proteins, phagocytes and other WBCs phagocytes: mark pathogens for destruction via oposins > neutrophils and macrophages
neutrophils 1st on the scene, die fighting
macrophages phagocytize hundreds of cells, free and fixed macrophages, dying neutrophils are replaced with monocytes to clean up
natural killer (NK) cells induce apoptosis in cancer and virus infected cells, secrete chemicals that will enhance the inflammatory response, not phagocytic
adaptive defense cells humoral immunity: B cells cellular immunity: T cells
the adaptive immune system is highly specific > amplifies inflammatory response > recognizes and targets specific antigens > response is not restricted to initial site
humoral immunity (B cells) defense from extracellular antigens > most clone cells become plasma cells, secrete specific antibodies which circulate in the blood and lymph, clone cells that don't become plasma cells become memory cells that will recognize and respond to same antigens
cellular immunity (T cells) T cells defend against intracellular antigens > activation is a 2 step process: antigen binding, co-stimulation > both occur on surface of same APC and required for clonal selection
T cell receptors (TCR) bind to antigen-MHC complex on APC surface
activated T cells enlarge and proliferate > differentiate > response peaks within about a week > apoptosis occurs from the 7-30day mark > activity dies down as antigen declines > memory T cells remain
Class 1 MHC proteins on all nucleated cells > bind with fragments of endogenous proteins
Class 2 MHC proteins on APCs (dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells) > bind to fragments of exogenous proteins from antigens that have been phagocytized
CD4 cells bind to MHC 2 to become these effectors T helper cells (TH), regulatory T cells, memory T cells
CD8 cells bind to MHC 1 to become these effectors cytotoxic T cells (TC), memory T cells
functions of T helper (TH) cells overall immune response > activation of CD4 > activation of CD8 > stimulation or co-stimualtion of B cells
functions of cytotoxic T (TC) cells directly attack and kill other cells > activated TC circulate through blood and lymph > target virus infected cells, cells w/ bacteria or parasites, cancer cells, foreign cells
TC cells release perforins and granzymes by exocytosis perforins: create pores through which granzymes can enter target cells granzymes: stimulate apoptosis
5 steps of lymphocyte development, maturation and activation origin: all originate in red bone marrow > maturation: in prim. lymph. organs > seeding: in seco. lymph. organs and circulation > antigen encounter and activation > proliferation and differentiation
antibodies are produced by immunoglobulins, proteins secreted by plasma cells (B cells)
antibody type IgM first released, fixes and activates complement, potent agglutinating agent
antibody type IgA (secretory IgA) found in mucus and other secretions, helps prevent pathogens entering
antibody type IgD attached to surface of B cells, functions as B cell receptor
antibody type IgG 75-85% of antibodies in plasma, form secondary and late primary responses, crosses placental barrier
antibody type IgE active in some allergies and parasitic infections, cause mast cells and basophils to release histamine
B cells can switch antibody classes but retain antigen specificity
antibodies targets and functions inactivating and tagging antigens for destruction, forming antigen-antibody immune complexes > defensive mechanisms: neutralization, agglutination, precipitation, and complement fixation
active humoral immunity B cells encounter antigens and producer antibodies natural: getting a cold and eventually producing antibodies artificial: response to vaccine of dead/attenuated pathogens or mRNA
passive humoral immunity ready made antibodies introduced into the body, B cells not challenged by antigens natural: antibodies delivered via placenta or breastmilk artificial: injection of serum (such as gamma globulin)
what are the 2 chemicals that cause inflammation and how does it occur SAQ1/5 The two chemicals that are known to cause inflammation are histamines, prostaglandins and complement. SPHR
swelling SAQ2/5 caused by leaky capillaries (vascular permeability), helps to isolate area from other healthy tissue
pain SAQ3/5 caused by leaky capillaries and swelling which applies pressure to pain receptors
heat SAQ4/5 result of vasodilation
redness SAQ5/5 also result of vasodilation
Created by: nurse.esme
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