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BMS 250 Lab
Lab 5
Term | Definition |
Describe the function of the pectoral girdle and the two bones compromising it | provides structural support to your shoulder region and allows for a large range of motion. consists of the clavicle and scapula bones |
Name the bones with which the clavicle articulates at its medial and lateral ends. | Medial-sternum; lateral-scapula |
Which bones are commonly called the "collar bone" and the "shoulder blade" | clavicle-collar bone; scapula-shoulder blade |
Which feature of the scapula articulates with the head of the humerus? | glenoid cavity |
Why is the surgical neck called the surgical neck? | it is where the humerus is most likely to fracture in an injury |
Is the ulna medial or lateral to the radius? | medial |
Describe what happens to the palm of the hand during supination and pronation | Supination is when the forearm moves resulting in the palm facing anteriorly. Pronation is when the forearm moves resulting in the palm facing posteriorly |
Which bone is moving during the process of supination and pronation? | the radius |
What type of bones are the carpal bones? | short |
What type of bones are the metacarpal bones? | long |
What type of bones are the phalanges? | long |
Identify the bones that articulate to form your most proximal row of knuckles. | metacarpal bones |
How can you tell if a pelvis belongs to a male or female skeleton? | females have a wider pelvic with a pubic arch greater than 90 degrees. males have a narrower pelvis with a pubic arch less than 90 degrees. |
Describe the derivative of the word "acetabulum" and then describe the shape of it in the skeleton | latin word for a small vessel of vinegar. it is a cup-shaped depression |
When seated upon, what boney process of the ischium is all your upper body weight directed? | ischial tuberosity |
Describe the derivative of the word "trochanter" | trochanter is a runner, trochos is a wheel |
Name all the boney surfaces which make up the "hip joint" | acetabulum and femur |
With what bone in the lower leg do the medial and lateral condyles of the femur articulate? | the tibia |
Is the position of the fibula medial or lateral to the tibia? | lateral |
Describe the derivative of the word "malleolus" | from latin word malleolus, diminutive of malleus. "a hammer" |
What fact might account for the tibia having a greater diameter than the fibula? | the tibia is the main weight-bearing bone |
When kneeling, all the weight of your upper body is directed upon what process of the tibia? | tibial tuberosity |