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BMS 250 Lecture

Chapter 7

Skeletal System dynamic, living tissue that interacts with all other body systems; consists of bone, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and articulation structures
Compact bone cortical, dense, rigid connective tissue; white smooth, and solid; withstands mechanical stress, 80% of total bone mass
Spongey bone cancellous, trabecular, porous; located internal to compact bone; stores bone marrow, distributes stress; 20% of total bone mass
What is compact bone made up of? osteons
What is spongey bone made up of? trabeculae with marrow in the spaces
Trabeculae latticework of thin plates, parallel lamellae
Cartilage in the human skeleton hyaline cartilage and fibrocartilage
Hyaline cartilage locations located in the fetal skeleton, costal cartilage, articular cartilage, and epiphyseal plate
Fibrocartilage locations intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, menisci of the bone
General functions of bone support and protection, movement (as levers), hemopoieses, storage of minerals, and energy reserve
What minerals does bone store? calcium and phosphate
Hemopoiesis/hematopoiesis blood cell production in bone marrow
Calcium aids in muscle contraction, blood clotting, and neurotransmitter release
Phosphate functions through nucleotides and phospholipids
Four classifications of bone long, short, flat, irregular
Long bones bones that are longer than they are wide
Short bones bones where the length and width is equals
Flat bones bones with a thin, possibly curved surface
Irregular bones bones that are elaborate and sometimes have a complex shape
Diaphysis the shaft of a bone
Medullary cavity hollow space within the diaphysis
Epiphysis expanded end that is proximal or distal
Metaphysis junction between diaphysis and epiphysis
Epiphyseal plate layer of hyaline cartilage permitting lengthwise growth during childhood
Periosteum protective sheath surrounds all but areas covered by articular cartilage; consists of dense irregular connective tissue
Fibrous layer of the periosteum composed of dense irregular CT, provides protection and is an anchoring site
Cellular layer of the periosteum contains osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts
Perforating fibers of the periosteum collagen fibers anchoring periosteum to bone
Endosteum incomplete layer of cells covering internal surface of medullary cavity; cells include osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts
Nutrient foramen opening through which blood vessels and nerves enter and exit
Gross anatomy of short, flat, and irregular bones... external surface: compact bone, internal surface: spongey bone with no medullary cavity
Red bone marrow (myeloid tissue) reticular CT, immature blood cells and fat; function: hemopoiesis
Yellow bone marrow adipose tissue; function: energy reserve
In children, most bone marrow is... red bone marrow
In adults, most bone marrow is... yellow. Red bone marrow remains in only portions of the axial skeleton and proximal epiphysis of the humerus and femur
Osteoprogenitor cells stems cells; divide to generate 1 stem cell and 1 "committed cell" (an osteblast)
Osteoblasts perform bone deposition; secrete osteoid and regulate mineralization; have a cuboidal shape with an abundant rough ER and golgi; become trapped in the bone matrix and differentiate into osteocytes
Osteocytes mature bone cells; no bone forming ability; functions: mechanosensation, orchestrate bone remodeling; in lacunae in compact and spongey bone
Osteoclasts large, multinuclear phagocytic cells; located within/near pit on surface of bone called resorption lacuna; performs bone resorption
Components of the extracellular matrix of bone organic component and inorganic component
Organic component of the extracellular matrix osteoid (collagen fibers, ground substance of glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans & glycoproteins); resists torsion and tactile forces
Inorganic component of the extracellular matrix Hydroxyapatite crystals (Calcium phosphate, calcium hydroxide, incorporate other salts and ions); resists compressional forces, gives stiffness to bones
Calcification osteoblasts secrete semisolid osteoid; hydroxyapatite crystals deposit around collagen fibers (requires vitamin D and C)
Bone resorption breakdown of bone tissue; osteoclasts secrete proteolytic enzymes that digest the organic components of the ECM and hydrochloric acid to dissolve inorganic components
Why are there 2 components of the bone matrix? heat will destroy the organic matrix and denature the collagen protein fibers; acid will dissolve the inorganic matrix and breakdown the hydroxyapatite crystals and mineral salts
When does cartilage growth begin? during embryological development
Two types of cartilage growth interstitial and appositional growth
Interstitial cartilage growth growth in length in internal regions; chondrocytes begin mitosis, 2 chondroblasts in a single lacuna, cblasts pushed apart & secrete new cartilage matrix to become chondrocytes in own lacuna, cartilage grows internally as chondrocytes secrete more matrix
Appositional cartilage growth growth in width; stem cell at edge of perichondrium divides, produces new undifferentiated stem cells & new chondroblasts at the periphery, chondroblasts are pushed apart as they secrete new cartilage matrix, becoming chondrocytes in own lacuna
Stages of cartilage growth early embryo development: both interstitial and appositional growth occur, cartilage begins to mature- interstitial growth declines &it is primarily appositional growth, cartilage fully mature: new cartilage growth is limited and occurs only after injury
Types of bone formation intramembranous ossification and endochondral ossification
Ossification/osteogenesis formation and development of bone CT begins in the embryo (8th-12th week), continues through adolescence
Intramembranous ossification bone growth within mesenchyme membrane; produces flat bones of the skull, some facial bones, the mandible, and the central part of the clavicle
Steps of intramembranous ossification ossification center forms within thickened mesenchyme, osteoid matrix forms and osteoid undergoes calcification, immature woven bone and surrounding periosteum form, lamellar bone replaces woven bone forming compact and spongey bone
Endochondral ossification begins with a hyaline cartilage model, produces most bones of the skeleton- the upper and lower limbs, the pelvic, the vertebrae, and the ends of the clavicle
Steps of endochondral ossification hyaline cartilage model develops, cartilage calcifies & bone collar forms, bone replaces hyaline cartilage in diaphysis, then in epiphyses, cartilage replaced by bone except articular & epiphyseal plate, epiphyseal plate ossifies & forms epiphyseal line
Step 1 of endochondral ossification fetal hyaline cartilage model develops during the 8th-12th week of development; chondroblasts secrete cartilage matrix (interstitial and appositional cartilage growth), perichondrium surrounds cartilage
Step 2 of endochondral ossification chondrocytes in diaphysis hypertrophy & resorb some matrix, chondrocytes die due to matrix calcification, blood vessels penetrate perichondrium around shaft changing it to periosteum, stem cells make osteoblasts secreting osteoid &form bone collar
Step 3 of endochondral ossification primaryossificationcenterformsindiaphysis-periostealbud extends from periosteum into core of cartilage shaft, oblasts start producing osteoid using calcified cartilage as template in the primary ossification center, ossification begins in both directions
Step 4 of endochondral ossification secondary ossification center forms in epiphysis- process that formed primary ossification begins in epiphyses around time of birth, osteoblasts resorb some bone matrix within diaphysis creating the hollow medullary cavity
Step 5 of endochondral ossification bone replaces all cartilage except articular and epiphyseal plate
Step 6 of endochondral ossification bone continues to grow lengthwise until epiphyseal plate ossifies to form epiphyseal line (anatomical neck)
Interstitial bone growth growth in length, dependent on growth of cartilage within epiphyseal plate
Zone 1 of interstitial bone growth resting cartilage- nearest epiphysis (secures it to the epiphyseal plate), small chondrocytes; resembles mature, healthy, hyaline cartilage
Zone 2 of interstitial bone growth proliferating cartilage- chondrocytes undergo rapid mitotic cells division and enlarge; align in longitudinal columns of flattened lacuna parallel to diaphysis
Zone 3 of interstitial bone growth hypertrophic cartilage- chondrocytes cease dividing and hypertrophy; chondrocytes start resorbing cartilage matrix (which thins lacuna walls)
Zone 4 of interstitial bone growth calcified cartilage- 2-3 layers of chondrocytes in an opaque matrix, minerals deposit in between the columns of chondrocytes, the calcification destroys the chondrocytes
Zone 5 of interstitial bone growth ossification- lacuna walls breakdown forming longitudinal channels; capillaries and osteoprogenitor cells from medullary cavity invade these spaces; new bone matrix is deposited on remaining calcified cartilage matrix
In what zone of interstitial bone growth does the bone grow in length? zone 3
How does bone growth in length stop? rate of epiphyseal cartilage production slows, rate of osteoblasts activity accelerates, epiphyseal plate narrows (disappears leaving an epiphyseal line)
Appositional bone growth occurs within the periosteum; osteoblasts in inner cellular layer deposit matrix in layers called external circumferential lamellae; osteoclasts along medullary cavity resorb matrix to expand the medullary cavity
Bone remodeling dynamic, ongoing process that renews and reshapes bone throughout our lifetime; new bone tissue replaces old bone tissue
What is bone remodeling dependent upon? coordinated activity of osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts
Factors influencing bone remodeling mechanical stress and hormones
Stages of bone remodeling bone resorption, reversal, bone deposition, and termination
Bone resorption stage of bone remodeling breakdown of bone tissue; osteoclasts develop within a remodeling site, osteoclasts form a resorption lacunae and breakdown the matrix (dissolves hydroxyapatite crystals), proteolytic enzymes digest osteoid
Reversal stage of bone remodeling reversal cells prepare for subsequent bone formation; remove debris and undigested collagen fibers, secrete chemical signals that recruit osteoprogenitor cells
Bone deposition stage of bone remodeling bone formation; osteoprogenitor cells return to remodel site and differentiate into osteoblasts; osteoblasts secrete osteoid and mineralization-promoting substances, hydroxyapatite crystals deposit around collagen
Termination stage of bone remodeling Osteoblasts become “trapped” in the mineralized matrix and mature into osteocytes
Osteoporosis a disease of bone remodeling characterized by decreased bone mass; vulnerability to fractures
Mechanical stress stress is detected by osteocytes, osteocytes communicate to osteoblasts, osteoblasts accelerate synthesis of osteoid and mineralization
Hormones alter rates of osteoblast and/or osteoclast activity
How does estrogen affect bone remodeling? estrogen stimulates osteoblast activity
How does calcitonin affect bone remodeling? promotes calcium deposition in bone and inhibits osteoclast activity
What does bone remodeling play a critical role in? regulating blood calcium
Hormones released when blood calcium levels are low calcitriol, parathyroid hormone( PTH)
Hormones released when blood calcium levels are high calitonin
How are blood calcium levels regulated through the parathyroid hormone and calcitriol stimulus- low blood calcium, receptor- parathyroid glands (detect low blood calcium), control center- parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone that stimulate the synthesis of calcitriol, effectors- bone, kidneys, and small intestines
How is bone an effector when regulating low blood calcium levels? PTH and calcitriol increase osteoclast activity
How is the kidney an effector when regulating low blood calcium levels? PTH and calcitriol decrease calcium excreted in urine
How is the small intestine an effector when regulating low blood calcium levels? calcitriol increases calcium absorption from small intestines
Activation of calcitriol upon exposure to UV radiation, keratinocytes synthesize vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), vitamin D3 is converted to calcidiol in the liver and is then converted to calcitriol in the kidney
Regulation of high blood calcium levels Stimulus- high blood calcium, receptor and control center- parafollicular cells in the thyroid glands, effector- inhibits osteoclast activity in bone, increases excretion of calcium from kidneys
Created by: kkade
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