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Echo school quiz

Aortic sac Forms 6 pairs of aortic arches
Aortic arches in the embryo that disappear Arches 1, 2 and 5
3rd aortic arch pair Becomes the carotid arteries (blood flow to the brain)
4th aortic arch pair Becomes part of the aortic arch and right subclavian artery
6th aortic arch pair Becomes ductus arteriosus, pulmonary trunk and part of the pulmonary arteries
Truncus arteriosus (is actually the distal portion of the bulbus cordis) Becomes the base of the pulmonary artery and the ascending aorta
Bulbus cordis (proximal portion) Becomes the body and apex of the RV
Conus cordi (mid portion of the bulbus cordis) Becomes the RVOT and the LVOT
Primitive ventricle Becomes one ventricle and then the LV apex and inlet portion of the RV
Primitive atrium Becomes one atria and eventually the RA and LA
Sinus venosus Becomes the SVC, IVC, coronary sinus, pulmonary veins and the posterior walls of the RA and LA
Endocardial cushions Arise from the atrioventricular sulcus, which turns into the AV canal. Jelly-like and help to form septums and valves. Right in the middle of the heart
Heart tube appears Day 21
Fetal heart begins to beat Day 23
Heart fully formed Week 7 or day 49
D-looping Anterior and to the right
Ductus arteriosus Shunts blood to the aorta from the pulmonary artery; After birth becomes the ligamentum arteriosum
Ductus venosus Shunts oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to the IVC instead of the liver; After birth becomes the ligamentum venosum
Foramen ovale Shunts blood from the RA to the LA; After birth becomes the fossa ovalis
Umbilical vein After birth becomes the ligamentum teres
Umbilical arteries After birth part disappear and part turn into other ligaments
Septum primum Starts forming at the base and grows top downward. Reaches all the way down to the endocardial cushion.
Septum secundum Forms after the septum primum top down and covers the hole in the 1st septum.
Ostium primum Opening between the primum and endocardial cushions
Ostium secundum AKA foramen ovale; opening between the septum primum and secundum
Septation Happens at weeks 4-6; heart loops anteriorly and to the right (D-looping); creates right and left canals
After birth the lungs: 1. Fill with air 2. O2 saturation goes up 3. CO2 saturation goes down 4. Bradykinin is released
Bradykinin Affects smooth muscle in ductus arteriosus and causes it to close into the ligamentum arteriosum
Pulmonary vascular resistance Decreases in the lungs after birth
Right heart pressures Decrease after birth
LA pressure Increases after birth
Eustachian valve Guides incoming blood from the IVC to the foramen ovale (RA to the LA)
PFO Patent foramen ovale occurs when the foramen ovale doesn't close properly (can be detected thru a bubble study)
Created by: gillybruursema
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