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alveol/o alveolus
bronch/o, bronchi/o bronchus
epiglott/o epiglottis
laryng/o larynx (voice box)
lob/o lobe
nas/o, rhin/o nose
phren/o diaphragm
pleur/o pleura
pharyng/o pharynx
pneum/o, pneumon/o lung
pulm/o, pulmon/o lung
trache/o trachea
brady- slow
eu- normal
hyper- greater than normal
-pnea breathing
tachy- fast
-rrhagia hemorrhage
or/o mouth
-stomy formation of an opening
atel/o imperfect
coni/o dust
embol/o embolus
home/o sameness
-ole little
ox/o oxygen
-pnea breathing
silic/o silica
spir/o to breathe
-centesis surgical puncture
Respiration combined activity of various processes that supply O2 to all body cells & remove CO2
Inspiration air into the lungs
expiration out of the lungs
inhalation inspiration
exhalation expiration
Eupnea normal respiration
diaphragm muscular wall that separates the abdomen from thoracic cavity
Phrenic pertaining to the diaphragm
Chest cavity lungs & other organs
Pleura surrounds lungs
pleura cavity space between the pleura that covers the lungs & pleura that lines the thoracic cavity
dyspnea difficulty breathing
apnea temporary absence of breathing
orthopnea condition where breathing in uncomfortable in any position except sitting or standing
bradypnea abnormally slow breathing, slower than 12 breaths per minute
tachypnea 25 or more breaths a minute resulting from a disease or physical exertion
hyperpnea increased respiratory rate or breathing that is deeper than normal
hyperventilation increased aeration of the lungs, commonly reducing CO2 levels in the body & disrupts homeostasis
spirometry measurement of amount of air taken into & expelled from lungs
vital capacity largest volume of air that can be exhaled after maximum inspiration
acute respiratory failure inability of lungs to perform their ventilatory function
hypoxia deficiency of O2, caused by lowered O2 concentration in air or anemia
anoxia deficiency of O2
eupnea 12-20 breaths per minute
spirometer evaluates air capacity of lungs
pneumothorax air or gas in chest cavity, caused by blunt chest injury/open wound in chest wall
hemothorax blood in pleural cavity, chest trauma
paranasal sinuses air-filled, paired cavities in various bones around nose, line with mucous membranes
laryngeal polyp hemorrhagic polyp on vocal cord, in adults who smoke, have allergies, live in dry climates, abuse voice
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) respiratory insufficiency & hypoxemia
Asthma paroxysmal dyspnea with wheezing, spasm of bronchial tubes or swelling of mucous membranes
Wheeze whistling sound made during respiration
Paroxysmal occurring in sudden, periodic attacks
Atelectasis incomplete expansion of a lung or portion of it, airlessness or collapse of a lung
Bronchiectasis chronic dilation of a bronchus or bronchi with secondary infection involving lower part of lung
Bronchography radiography of bronchi,
Bronchogram record of the bronchi & lungs produced by bronchography
Carcinoma of the lung lung cancer, leading cause of caner-related death, smoking
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)/ COLD disease process that decreases ability of lungs to perform ventilatory function, resulting from chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic asthma
Emphysema chronic pulmonary disease, increase in size of alveoli & destructive changes in walls resulting in difficulty breathing
Hemothorax blood in pleural cavity
Influenza acute, contagious respiratory infection, sudden onset, chills headache, fever, muscular discomfort, caused by several viruses
Laryngitis inflammation of the larynx
Pleuritis (pleurisy) inflammation of pleura, caused by infection, injury, tumor, complication of certain lung diseases, caused by sharp pain on inspiration
Pneumoconiosis respiratory condition caused by inhalation of dust particles
Pulmonary Edema accumulation of fluid in lung tissues & alveoli caused by congestive heart failure
Pulmonary Embolism blockage of a pulmonary artery by foreign matter like fat, air, tumor tissue, blood clot
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) infectious respiratory disease spread by close contact with infected person caused by coronavirus
Silicosis form of pneumonoconiosis from inhalation of dust of stone, sand or flint
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) sudden unexpected death of apparently normal & healthy infant that occurs during sleep with no physical or autopsic evidence of disease
Tuberculosis (TB) infectious disease caused by bacterium, chronic in nature and commonly affects lungs
tubercles small round nodule that are produced in lungs by bacteria
asphyxiation suffocation
tracheostomy procedure to prevent asphyxiation
tracheotomy incision of trachea through skin and muscles of neck
ventilator machine that is used for prolonged artificial ventilation of lungs
endotracheal intubation insertion of airway tube through mouth or nose into trachea, used to keep airway open, prevent aspiration of material form digestive tract in unconscious/paralyzed patient
nasotracheal/orotracheal intubation insertion of tube into trachea through nose/mouth
tanstracheal oxygen efficient and preferred
nasal cannula method through which transtracehal oxygen is administered
decongestants eliminate/reduce swelling or congestion
antitussives prevent or relieve coughing
antihistamines treat cold and allergies
bronchodilators cause dilation of bronchi and used in respiratory conditions where air passages are constricted
mucolytics destroy or dissolve mucus and help open breathing passages
Lung biopsy removal of small pieces or lung tissue for purpose of diagnosis
percutaneous biopsy tissue obtained by puncturing suspected lesion through skin
pneumonectomy surgical removal of all or part of lung
rhinoplasty plastic surgery of nose
thracocentesis surgical puncture of chest cavity to remove fluid
Created by: Hayzelley
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