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Exam 3-5 A & P

Urinary and Reproductive System

Your new client w/diabetes and cardiovascular disease know has stage V renal failure. While waiting for dialysis he would like to receive massage therapy. What is your best option? Client is not a good candidate for rigorous massage, use light touch to not change his homeostatic adaptations.
Best description of prostrate cancer The growth of malignant cells in the prostrate gland
A factor that makes renal cancer potentially more dangerous If it penetrates the fascia surrounds the kidney
How does the urinary system help the body regulate fluid balance Kidney respond to hormonal signals to alter fluid excretion or retention.
Physiologic events mark the beginning and the end of the secretion phase in the female reproductive cycle Ovulation and onset of menses
Kidneys help regulate both blood pressure and volume by initiating the RAA pathway with the release of what enzyme Renin
What is considered the "functional Unit" of the Urinary System Nephron
Which structure in the female reproductive system is also called the birth canal Vagina
What is the correct sequence for the processing blood and urine formation Filtration-Reabsorption-Secretion
Which embryonic layer of tissue develops into the integumentary and nervous system Ectoderm
Which organ in the urinary system is responsible for the processing blood and formation of urine Kidneys
The cervix is which region of the uterus Narrow distal zone
Which hormone is responsible for building and maintaining the uterine lining Progestrone
Why is breast cancer often silent in the early stages Breast tissue is loose and growths can develop without putting pressure on the other tissues
The renal corpuscle of a nephron is a combination of what two structures Bowman's Capsule and Glomerulus
What hormone produced by the kidneys is the active form of vitamin D Calcitriol
Which hormones stimulate the female gonads to produce gametes and sex hormones Follicle Stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone
During which days of the menstrual cycle does menstruation occur 1 through 5
Describe the position of the bladder in females Just posterior to the rectum
Glucose and water are moved out of the renal tubule and into the blood during which part of the urine formation Reabsorption
What are some common complications of untreated endometriosis Anemia, ectopic pregnancy's
In males, the fluid that provide nourishment to sperm and assist its movement through the duct system are produced and secreted by the bulbourethral glands and Seminal vesicles & prostrate
Early sign of cervical cancer include Nothing: this disease is silent in the early stages
Once processing is complete, urine from several nephrons flows directly into what structure Pyramids
Which of these benefits and effects of manual therapist is most likely to support reproductive system processes Stress reduction
What are the most common contributors to renal failure Diabetes & Hypertension
What structures in the male reproductive system are also called the gonads Testes
During nephron processing of blood, where does the majority of secretion's occur Distal convoluted tubule
Both ADH and aldosterone help the urinary system regulate and balance fluid by Increasing water retention by the Kidneys
Describe the position of the bladder in males Just anterior to the rectum
What urinary organ is responsible for carrying urine from the kidneys to the bladder Ureter
What is the function of the prostrate gland Secretion of the milky fluid prevents semen from clotting
Describe uterine cancer The development of cancerous cells in the uterus
Decreased stress and anxiety are benefits and effects of the manual therapy that is most likely to positively influence functions of the urinary system, (T/F) True
Which structure in the testes produces sperm Seminiferous tubules
What is the function of progestrone Building and maintaining the uterine lining
Which of the following structures secretes progestrone Corpus Luteum
In both male and female reproductive systems, the ducts and chambers that carry gametes, as well as the glands that secrets fluids to transport and protect them are classified as Accessory reproductive organs
What is the name of the outer section of tissue in the kidney Renal Cortex
What is the hallmark sign of bladder cancer Painless blood in the urine
What organ, tissue, or specialized group of cells in the male reproductive system produces testosterone Leydig cells
The ability to control urination is a learned behavior because the external sphincter is voluntary muscle. (T/F) True
The successful fertilization of an egg is dependent on sexual intercourse occurring within a window of 24hrs before ovulation and no more than ------ after 3-4 days
What is the best description of pyelonephritis Infection of the nephrons
The primary function of the urinary system are to filter blood to help regulate fluid volume plus Help balance blood pressure, pH, and Electrolytes
What is the function of the renal calyx Serves as the passageway for urine from the pyramids and to the renal pelvis
What is the anatomic name for the lining of the uterus Endometrium
Which urinary organ serves as the site for urinary storage Bladder
What is the name of the protective sac that encloses the testes Scrotum
Created by: JML19
Popular Anatomy sets




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