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Med104 Flashcards
Medical terminology 1-3 flashcards
Term | Definition |
c (before a, o ,u) | K ex: cardiac, contra, and cut |
c (before e, I, y) | s ex: cyst, cephalic, and cilium |
ch | k ex: chiropractor |
g (before a, o, u) | g ex: gamma, gutter, and goiter |
g (before e, I, y) | j ex: biology, genetic, and giant |
ph | f ex: pharmacy |
pn | n ex: pneumonia |
pt | t ex: pterigium |
rh, rrh | r ex: rhinoplasty and hemorrhage |
x | z ex: xeroderma |
artho/o | joint ex: arthritis and arthroscope |
cardi/o | heart ex: cardiology and pericardium |
enter/o | small intestine ex: enteropathy and dysentery |
gastr/o | stomach ex: |
hepat/o | liver ex: |
neur/o | nerve ex: |
hem/o | blood ex: |
My/o Muscul/o | Muscle Ex: myocardial, myalgia, musculoskeletal, muscular |
Angi/o Vas/o Vascul/o | Vessel (most commonly refers to the blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) Ex: angioplasty, angiectomy, vasospasm, vasectomy, vasculopathy, vasculitis |
Derm/o Dermat/o Cutane/o | Skin Ex: dermoscopy, dermis, dermatology, dermatitis, subcutaneous |
Pneum/o Pneumon/o Pulmon/o | Lung Ex: pneumotomy, pneumonia, pneumonitis, pulmonologist, cardiopulmonary |
Gen/o | Creation, cause Ex: pathogenic |
Hydr/o | Water Ex: hydrophobia, dehydration |
Morph/o | Change Ex: morphology |
Myc/o | Fungus Ex: dermatomycosis |
Necr/o | Death Ex: necrosis |
Orth/o | Straight Ex: orthodontist |
Path/o | Suffering, disease Ex: pathology |
Phag/o | Eat Ex: aphagia |
Plas/o | Formation Ex: hyperplasia |
Py/o | Pus Ex: pyorrhea, pyemia |
Scler/o | Hard Ex: Scleroderma |
Sten/o | Narrowing Ex: stenosis |
Troph/o | Nourishment, development Ex: trophology, hypertrophy |
Xen/o | Foreign Ex: xenograft |
-ac -al -ar -ary -eal -ic -tic -ous | Pertaining to Ex: cardiac Skeletal Muscular Pulmonary Esophageal Medic Neurotic Subcutaneous |
-ia -ism | Condition Ex: pneumonia, autism |
-ium | Tissue, structure Ex: pericardium |
-y | Condition, procedure Ex: hypertrophy |
-icle -ole -ule -ula | Small Ex: ventricle Arteriole Pustule Uvula |
-iatrics -iatry | Medical science Ex: pediatrics, psychiatry |
-iatrist | Specialist in medicine of Ex: psychiatrist |
-it’s | Specialist Ex: dentist |
-logist | Specialist in the study of Ex: psychologist |
-logy | Study of Ex: psychology |
-algia -dynia | Pain Ex: myalgia, gastrodynia |
-cele | Hernia (a bulging of tissue into an area where it doesn’t belong) Ex: hydrocele |
-emia | Blood condition Ex: leukemia |
-iasis | Presence of Ex: lithiasis |
-itis | Inflammation Ex: arthritis |
-lysis | Loosen, break down Ex: hemolysis |
-malacia | Abnormal softening Ex: osteomalacia |
-megaly | Enlargement Ex: hepatomeglay |
-old | Resembling Ex: keloid |
-oma | Tumor Ex: melonoma |
-osis | Conditon Ex: thrombosis |
-pathy | Disease Ex: myopathy |
-penia | Deficiency Ex: leukopenia |
-ptosis | Drooping Ex: nephroptosis |
-rrhage -rrhagia | Excessive flow Ex: hemorrhage, menorrhagia |
-rrhea | Flow Ex: diarrhea |
-rrhexis | Rupture Ex: metrorrhexis |
-spasm | Involuntary contraction Ex: mysospasm |
-centesis | Puncture Ex: amniocentesis |
-gram | Written record Ex: cardiogram |
-graph | Instrument used to produce a record Ex: cardiograph |
-graphy | Writing procedure Ex: cardiography |
-meter | Instrument used to measure Ex: cephalometer |
-metry | Process of measuring Ex: cephalometry |
-scope | Instrument used to look Ex: arthroscope |
-scopy | Process of looking Ex: arthroscopy |
-desis | Binding, fixation Ex: arthrodesis |
-ectomy | Removal Ex: vasectomy |
-pexy | Surgical fixation Ex: retinopexy |
-plasty | Reconstruction Ex: rhinoplasty |
-rrhaphy | Suture Ex: herniorrhaphy |
-stomy | Creation of an opening Ex: colostomy |
-tomy | Incision Ex: dermotomy |
Singular -a Plural-ae | Ex: vertebra, vertebrae Larva, larvae |
Singular-ax Plural-aces | Ex: thorax, thoraces |
Singular- ex Plural- ices | Ex: cortex, Cortices |
Singular-ix Plural- ices | Ex: appendix, appendices |
Singular- is Plural- es | Ex: neurosis, neuroses Diagnosis, diagnoses |
Singular- ma Plural- mata | Ex: sarcoma, sarcomata Carcinoma, carcinomata |
Singular- on Plural- a | Ex: spermatozoon, spermatozoa Ganglion, ganglia |
Singular- um Plural- a | Ex: datum, data Bacterium, bacteria Ovum, ova |
Singular- us Plural- a | Ex: nucleus, nuclei Alveolus, alveoli Thrombus, thrombi |
Singular-y Plural- ies | Ex: biopsy, biopsies Myopathy, myopathies |
A- An- | Not Ex: anemia |
anti- Contra- | Against Ex: contraceptive |
De- | Down, away from Ex: dehydration |
Ante- Pre- | Before Ex: precondition |
Pro- | Before, on behalf of Ex: probiotic |
Brady- | Slow Ex: bradycardia |
Tachy- | Fast Ex: tachycardia |
Post- | After Ex: postpartum |
Re- | Again Ex: rehabilitation |
Ab- | Away Ex: abduct |
Ad- | Around Ex: adrenaline |
Circum- Peri- | Around Ex: circumcision, pericardium |
Dia- Trans- | Through Ex: diagnostic, translate |
E- Ec- Ex- | Outside Ex: evoke, ectopic, exhale |
Ecto- Exo- Extra- | Inside Ex: ectoderm, exoskeleton |
En- Endo- Intra- | Inside Ex: enema endocrine, intravenous |
Epi- | Upon Ex: epididymus |
Sub- | Beneath Ex: subcutaneous |
Inter- | Between Ex: intercostal |
Bi- | Two Ex: bilateral |
Hemi- Semi | Half Ex: Hemiplegia, semilunar |
Hyper- | Over Ex: hyperthermia |
Hypo- | Under Ex: hypothermia |
Macro- | Large Ex: macrotia |
Micro- | Small Ex: microdontia |
Mono- Uni- | One Ex: monocyte, unisex |
Oligo- | Few Ex: oligomenorrhea |
Pan- | All Ex: pancytopenia |
Poly- | All Ex: polygraph |
Multi- | Many Ex: multicellular |
Con- Syn- Sym- | With, together Ex: congestion, syndrome, symmetry |
Dys- | Bad Ex: dysentery |
Eu- | Good Ex: euphoria |
Splen o -megaly | Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen |
Hepat o enter o logy | Gastroenterology Study of the stomach and intestine |
My -algia | Myalgia Muscle pain |
Splen -ectomy | Splenectomy Surgical removal of the spleen |
Cardi -itis | Carditis Inflammation of the heart |
Arthr/itis | Arthritis Inflammation of the joint |
Angi/ ectomy | Angiectomy Surgical removal of a vessel |
Cardio/logy | Cardiology Study of the heart |
Hepat/ itis | Hepatits Inflammation of the liver |
My/ algia | Myalgia Pain of the muscle |
Osteo/ tomy | Osteotomy Incision into a bone |
Angio/ Scler/ osis | Angiosclerosis Hardening of the blood vessel |
Cardio/ pulmon/ ary | Cardiopulmonary Pertaining to the heart and lungs |
Dermato/ Myc/ osis | Dermatomycosis Skin condition caused by fungus |
Dys/ enter/ y | Dysentery Bad intestine condition |
Hepato/ Spleno/ megaly | Hepatosplenomegaly Enlargement of the liver and spleen |
Hyper/Plas/ia | Hyperplasia Overformation condtion |
Hypo/glyc/emia | Hypoglycemia Condition characterized by low sugar in the blood (low blood sugar) |
Osteo/ carcin/ oma | Osteocarcinoma Bone cancer tumor |
Osteo/myel/ itis | Osteomyelitis Inflammation of the bone marrow |
Peri/ card/ ium | Pericardium Tissue around the heart |
Acute | It just started recently or is a sharp, sever symptom |
Chronic | It has been going on for a while now |
Exacerbation | It is getting worse |
Abrupt | All of a sudden |
Febrile | To have a fever |
Afebrile | To not have a fever |
Malaise | Not feeling well |
Progressive | More and more each day |
Symptom | Something a patient feels |
Noncontributory | Not related to this specific problem |
Lethargic | A decrease in level consciousness; in a medical record, this is generally an indication that the patient is really sick |
Genetic/ hereditary | It runs in the family |
Alert | Able to answer questions; responsive; interactive |
Oriented | Being aware of who he or she is, where he or she is, and the current time; a patient who is aware of all three is “oriented x3” |
Marked | It really stands out |
Unremarkable | Another way of saying normal |
Auscultation | To listen |
Percussion | To hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the resulting vibration; drums are a percussion instrument |
Palpation | To feel |
Impression | Another way of saying assessment |
Diagnosis | What the health care professional thinks the patient has |
Differential diagnosis | A list of conditions the patient may have based on the symptoms exhibited and the results of the exam |
Benign | Safe |
Malignant | Dangerous; a problem |
Degeneration | To be getting worse |
Remission | To get better to improve; most often used when discussing cancer; remission does not mean cure |
Idiopathic | No known specific cause; it just happens |
Localized | Stays in a certain part off the body |
Systematic/ generalized | All over the body (or most of it) |
Prognosis | The chances for things getting better or worse |
Occult | Hidden |
Lesion | Diseased tissue |
Recurrent | To have again |
Sequela | A problem resulting from a disease or worse |
Pending | Waiting for |
Pathogen | The organism that causes the problem |
Morbidity | The risk for being sick |
Morality | The risk for dying |
Etiology | The cause |
Disposition | What happened to the patient at the end of the visit; often used at the of ed notes reference where the patient went after the visit (home, the ICU, normal hospital bed) |
Discharge | Literally to unload; it has two meanings: To send home (to unload the patient from the health care setting to home) Fluid coming out of a part of the body (your body unloading a fluid) |
Palliative | Treating the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause |
Observation | Watch, keep an eye on |
Reassurance | To tell the patient that the problem is not as serious or dangerous |
Supportive care | To treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better |
Sterile | Extremely clean, germ-free conditions; especially important during medical procedures and surgery |
Prophylaxis | Preventive treatment |
Promixal | Closer in to the center Proximal and approximate come from the same word and mean close |
Distal | Farther way Distal and distant come from the same word and mean far |
Lateral | Out to the side Think of a quarterback lateraling a football to the running back |
Medial | Toward the middle Like the median of a highway |
Ventral/ antra/ anterior | The front The word ventral means stomach |
Dorsal/ posterior | The back A dorsal fin on a shark is on its back |
Carnial | Toward the top |
Caudal | Toward the bottom From Latin, for tall |
Superior | Above |
Inferior | Below |
Prone | Lying down on belly |
Supine | Lying down on back |
Contralateral | Opposite side |
Ipsilateral | Same side |
Unilateral | One side |
Bilateral | Both sides |
Dorsum | The top of the hand or foot |
Planter | The sole of the foot |
Palmer | The palm of the hand |
Sagittal | Divides the body along a hypothetical plane from right to left |
Coronal | Divides the body along a hypothetical plan from front to back |
Transverse | Divides the body from top to bottom |
Physician | A skilled health care provider who attended and graduated medical school |
Pediatrician | A physician with a special training in caring for kids |
Surgeon | A physician qualified to treat patients surgically, that is, by means of operation or invasive procedure |
Anesthesiologist | A physician with special training in pain sedation and pain control |
Epidemiologist | A specialist in the study of the causes and distribution of diseases in populations and the use of this data to enhance public health |
Physician assistant | A mid level health care provider who works under the license of a supervising physician; requires postgraduate training |
Nurse practitioner | A nurse with postgraduate training that serves as a mid level health care provider; works under the license of a supervising physician |
Speech therapist | Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with speech and/ or swallowing |
Occupational therapist | Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with performing daily activities at home, school, or work |
Physical therapists | Specially trained in evaluating and treating physical impairments including disabilities or recovery from an injury |
Respiratory therapist | Specially trained in treating patient’s respiratory issues under the guidance of a health care provider |
Dietitian | Specially trained in evaluating the nutritional stratus of a patient and developing an appropriate diet plan |
Licensed practical nurse | Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient |
Licensed vocational nurse | Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient |
Registered nurse | An advanced level nurse who has completed an associate’s or bachelor’s degree; often assists with patient care planning and patient education |
Medical assistant | Trained to carry out basic administrative and clinical task under the guidance of a health care provider |
Pathologists | A physician with special training in both evaluating the causes and effects of disease and in laboratory medicine |
Medical laboratory technician | Trained in performing laboratory testing on bodily fluids |
Phlebotomist | Trained in the removal of blood from the body for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes |
Radiologist | A physician specially trained in evaluating images of the body to diagnose illness or injury |
Radiology technician | Trained to perform radiologic testing or administer radiation therapy under the direction of a health care provider |
Ultrasonographer | Trained in performing ultrasound imaging on a patient |
Pharmacist | Trained and licensed in preparing and dispensing medicine |
Pharmacy technician | Trained to assist a pharmacist with pharmacy-related tasks |
Patient service coordinator | Handles administrative tasks and coordinates patient care |
Medical transcriptionist | Trained in converting the voice recorded dictations of health care providers into text format |
Chief complaint | The main reason for the patient’s visit |
History of present illness | The story of the patient’s problem |
Review of systems | Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem |
Past medical history | Other significant past illnesses, like high blood pressure, asthma, or diabetes |
Past surgical history | Any of the patient’s past surgeries |
Family history | Any significant illnesses that run in the patient’s family |
Social history | A record of habits like smoking, drinking drug abuse, and sexual practices that can impact health |
Clinic note | Medical professional Clinic Documents a visit SOAP New patient: more history Repeat patient: streamlined note |
Consult note | Physician: usually a specialist Clinic or hospital Provides an expert opinion on a more challenging problem SOAP Can be in the form of a note to the PCP |
Emergency department note | Ed medial staff Emergency department Documents an emergency department visit SOAP The A includes the emergency department course |
Admission summary | Hospital medical professional Hospital Documents the admission of a patient to the hospital SO A/P S,O= very thorough A= differential diagnosis P=further testing and care A+P= problem based approach |
Discharge summary | Medical professional Inpatient health care facility Documents daily hospital visit ASOP Starts with A |
Operative report | Surgeon Documents a surgery in detail ASOP |
Daily hospital note/ progress note | Medical professional Inpatient health care facility Documents daily hospital visit SO A/P S= focuses on how patient’s condition has changed since the previous note A= sometimes includes a differential diagnosis |
Radiology report | Radiologist Explains reasons for image, how image was performed, what was seen on image, radiologist’s assessment; sometimes a recommendation SOA Usually includes only S, O, and A, but may include P if it recommends that further studies be performed |
Pathology report | Pathologist Provides reasons for the test, what was seen on the test, and an assessment SOA |
Prescription | Medical professional Provides directions for a medication P Medicines name Instructions How much medicine should be given Refills if any Health care professional’s signature and whether generic substitution is allowed |
CCU | Coronary care unit |
ECU | Emergency care unit |
ER | Emergency room |
ED | Emergency department |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
PICU | Pediatric care unit |
NICU | Neonatal intensive care unit |
SICU | Surgical intensive care unit |
PACU | Post-anesthesia care unit |
L&D | Labor and delivery |
OR | Operating room |
Post-op | After surgery |
Pre-op | Before surgery |
♂ | Male |
♀ | Female |
(R) | Right |
(L) | Left |
(B) | Bilateral |
⬆️ | Increased |
⬇️ | Decreased |
VS | Vital signs |
T | Temperature |
BP | Blood pressure |
HR | Heart rate |
RR | Respiratory rate |
Ht | Height |
Wt | Weight |
BMI | Body mass index (measurement of body fat based on height and weight) |
I/O | Intake/output: that amount of fluids a patient takes in (Iv or mouth) and produced (Usually pee) |
Dx | Diagnosis |
DDx | Differential diagnosis |
Tx | Treatment |
Rx | Prescription |
H&P | History and physical |
CC | History |
HPI | Chief of complaint |
ROS | Review of systems |
PMHx | Past medical history |
FHx | Family history |
NKDA | No known drug allergies |
PE | Physical exam |
Pt | Patient |
Y/o | Years old |
H/o | History of |
PCP | Primary care provider |
F/u | Follow up |
SOB | Shortness of breath |
HEENT | Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
PERRLA | Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation |
NAD | No acute distress |
CV | Cardiovascular |
RRR | Regular rate and rhythm |
CTA | Clear to auscultation |
WDWN | Well developed, well nourished |
A&O | Alert and oriented |
WNL | Within normal limits |
NOS | Not otherwise specified |
NEC | Not elsewhere classified |
PO | Per os (by mouth) |
NPO | Nil per os (nothing by mouth) |
PR | Per rectum (anal) |
IM | Intramuscular |
SC | Subcutaneous (under the skin) |
IV | Intravenous |
CVL | Central venous line |
PICC | Peripherally inserted central catheter |
Sig | Instructions short for signa |
BID | Twice daily |
TID | There times daily |
Q | Every x Ex: every 4 hour or Q4hr |
QD | Daily |
QID | Four times daily |
QHS | At night |
AC | Before meals |
PC | After meals |
Prn | As needed |
Ad lib | As desired |
Adip/o Lip/o Steat/o | Fat Ex: adipocyte, lipoma, steateosis |
Cutane/o Dermat/o Derm/o | Skin Ex: subcutaneous, dermatology, epidermal |
Phil/o Trich/o | Hair Ex: piloid, atrichosis |
Hidr/o | Sweat Ex: hyperhidrosis, hypohidrosis |
Squam/o | Scale Ex: squamous layer |
Onych/o Ungu/o | Nail Ex: onychalgia, subungual |
Seb/o Sebace/o | Oil Ex: sebolith, pilosebaceous |
Crypt/o | Hidden Ex: onychocryptosis |
Kerat/o | Hard, horny Ex: keratosis, keratoderma |
Xer/o | Dry Ex: xeroderma |
Xanth/o | Yellow Ex: xanthoderma |
Erythr/o | Red Ex: erythroderma |
Leuk/o Alb/o | White Ex: leukoderma, albinism |
Melan/o | Black Ex: melanoma |
Ab/rasion | Abrasion Scraping away at skin |
Albin/ism | Albinism Lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white |
Albino | A person afflicted with albinism |
Alopecia | Baldness |
Anhidrosis | Lack of sweating |
Comedo | A hair follicle that is plugged worth sebum |
Cyanhidrosis | Blue sweat |
Depigmentation | Loss of pigmentation |
Dermatalgia | Skin pain |
Dermatodynia | Skin pain |
Dermarolysis | Loose skin |
Erythema | Redness |
Erythroderma | Red skin |
Hemathidrosis | Sweating blood |
Hidropoiesis | The formation of sweat |
Hyperhidrosis | Excessive sweating |
Hyperkerotosis | Excessive growth of horny skin |
Hypermelanosis | Excessive melanin in the skin |
Hyperpigmentation | Diminished pigment in the skin |
Leukoderma | White skin |
Macerate | To soften the skin |
Onychophagia | Eating or biting the nails |
Pruritus | An itch |
Rhytidermia | Wrinkled skin |
Sebopoiesis | Formation of oil |
Seborrhea | Discharge of oil |
Trichomegaly | Abnormally thick hair |
Urticaria | Swollen raised itchy areas of the skin |
Xanthoderma | Yellow skin |
Xeroderma | Dry skin |
Xerosis | Condition of dryness |
macule, macula (freckle) | Small, flat, discolored area |
Patch (vitiligo) | Larger, flat, discolored area |
Papule | A small solid mass |
Plaque | A small solid mass one the surface of the skin |
Nodule | A solid mass that extends deeper into the skin |
Tumor | A large solid mass |
Vesicle | A smaller blister |
Bulla | A blister |
Pustule | A pus-filled blister |
Abscess | A localized collection of pus in the body |
Erosion | Loss of skin |
Ulcer | A sore |
Excoriation | A scratch |
Fissure | A crack in the skin |
Scale | Skin flacking off |
Crust | A dried substance |
Vascular lesson | Wounds related to blood vessels |
Cherry angioma | A small blood vessel tumor |
Telangiectasia (spider angioma) | The overexpansion of the end of a blood vessel |
Petechia | a small bruise |
Ecchymosis | A large bruise |
Cicatrix (plural: cicatrices) | Scar |
Keloid | Overgrowth of scar tissue |
Epidermal tumors | Tumors on the skin |
Nevus | Mole |
Dysplastic nevus | A mole with bad changes |
Verruca | Wart |
Culture and sensitivity | Growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine with drugs they might respond to |
Biopsy | Removal of tissue in order to examine it |
Incisional biopsy | Removal of a portion of a lesion for examination |
Dermatoscope | Instrument used to look at the skin |
Dermatoscopy | Procedure for looking at the skin |
Adipocele | A hernia filled with fatty tissue |
Dermatofibroma | A fibrous skin tumor |
Erythrocyanosis | A red and/ or blue discoloration of the skin |
Keratogenic | Causing horny tissue development |
Keratosis | Horny tissue condition |
Necrosis | Tissue death |
Onychia | A nail condition |
Onychocryptosis | An ingrown nail |
Onycholysis | The loss of a nail |
Omychomalacia | Abnormal softening of a nail |
Onychopathy | Nail disease |
Pachyderma | Tough skin |
Paronychia | A condition of the tissue around a nail |
Steatoma | A fatty tumor |
Xanthoma | A yellow tumor |
Decubitus ulcer | Bed sore |
Dermatosis | Skin condition |
Dermopathy | Skin disease |
Atopic dermatitis | A chronic dry inflammation disease characterized by itching |
Hypertrichosis | Excessive growth of hair |
Ichthyosis | A condition in the skin is dry and scaly resembling fish scales |
Postpartum alopecia | Baldness experienced by women after a pregnancy |
Psoriasis | A skin condition characterized by patched of itchy, red, scaly skin |
Sclerodermatitis | Inflammation of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening |
Scleronychia | Thickening and hardening of the nails |
Xanrhosis | Yellowing of the skin |
Actinic keratosis | Horny skin condition caused by the sun |
Basal cell carcinoma | Cancerous tumor pf basal skin cells |
Hidradenoma | Tumor of the sweat gland |
Malignant cutaneous neoplasm | A harmful new formation of skin tissue |
Malignant melanoma | A harmful tumor of melanin skin |
Squamous | Cancerous tumor of squamous skin cells |
Acne vulgaris | Inflammation of the skin follicles |
Dermatomycosis | A fungal skin condition |
Hidradenitis | Inflammation of the sweat glands |
Impetigo | A highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin |
Mycrodermatitis | Inflammation of the skin caused by fungus |
Mycosis | A fungal condition |
Onychodystrophy | Poor nourishment (and development) of the nail |
Onychomycosis | A fungal condition of the nail |
Tinea | A fungal condition often called ringworm |
Trichomycosis | A fungal condition of the hair |
Actinic dermatitis | Inflammation of the skin caused by sun exposure |
Dermatitis | Inflammation of the skin |
Seborrheic dermatitis | Inflammation of the skin caused by the discharge of oil |
Steatitis | Inflammation of fat tissue |
First-degree burns | Burn affecting only the epidermis or superficial layer of the skin |
Second-degree burns | Deeper burn affecting both the epidermis and dermis |
Third-degree burns | Deep burn affecting the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers |
Fourth-degree burns | Deep burn affecting not just all layers of the skin but also underlying tissues like muscle, fascia, or bone |
Anesthetic | A drug that temporarily blocks sensation |
Antibiotic | A drug that destroys or opposes growth of microorganisms |
Antihistamine | A drug that opposes the effects of histamine |
Antipruritic | A drug that prevents or relieves itching |
Antiseptic | A drug that prevents sepsis by killing microorganisms |
Epidermal | Pertaining to the skin |
Hypodermic | Pertaining to beneath the skin |
Intradermal | Pertaining to inside the skin |
Percutaneous | Pertaining to through the skin |
Subcutaneous | Pertaining to beneath the skin |
Topical | Applied directly to the skin |
Transdermal | pertaining to through the skin |
Chemosurgery | Removal of tissue that has been destroyed using chemotherapy |
Chemotherapy | Treatment using chemicals |
Cryosurgery | Destruction o tissue through freezing |
Dermabrasion | Rubbing or scraping away the outer surface skin |
Electrcauterization | Using electricity to destroy tissue by burning it |
Electrodesiccation | Using electricity to destroy tissue by drying it |
Incision and drainage | To cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain |
Lipectomy | Removal of fatty tissue |
Liposuction | Removal of fatty tissue using a vacuum |
Onychectomy | Remove of a nail |
Onychotomy | Incision into a nail |
Rhytidoplasty | Reconstruction of wrinkled skin |
Autograft | Skin transplant take from a different place on the patient’s body |
Homograft | Skin transplant taken from another member of the patient’s species |
Heterograft | Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patient’s |
Xenograft | Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patient’s |
ABCDE | Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evoking |
AK | Actinic keratosis |
Bx | Biopsy |
C&S | Culture and sensitivity |
Derm | Dermatology |
ID | Intradermal |
SC | Subcutaneous |
SQ | Subcutaneous |