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Med104 Flashcards

Medical terminology 1-3 flashcards

c (before a, o ,u) K ex: cardiac, contra, and cut
c (before e, I, y) s ex: cyst, cephalic, and cilium
ch k ex: chiropractor
g (before a, o, u) g ex: gamma, gutter, and goiter
g (before e, I, y) j ex: biology, genetic, and giant
ph f ex: pharmacy
pn n ex: pneumonia
pt t ex: pterigium
rh, rrh r ex: rhinoplasty and hemorrhage
x z ex: xeroderma
artho/o joint ex: arthritis and arthroscope
cardi/o heart ex: cardiology and pericardium
enter/o small intestine ex: enteropathy and dysentery
gastr/o stomach ex:
hepat/o liver ex:
neur/o nerve ex:
hem/o blood ex:
My/o Muscul/o Muscle Ex: myocardial, myalgia, musculoskeletal, muscular
Angi/o Vas/o Vascul/o Vessel (most commonly refers to the blood vessel, but can also refer to other types of vessels as well) Ex: angioplasty, angiectomy, vasospasm, vasectomy, vasculopathy, vasculitis
Derm/o Dermat/o Cutane/o Skin Ex: dermoscopy, dermis, dermatology, dermatitis, subcutaneous
Pneum/o Pneumon/o Pulmon/o Lung Ex: pneumotomy, pneumonia, pneumonitis, pulmonologist, cardiopulmonary
Gen/o Creation, cause Ex: pathogenic
Hydr/o Water Ex: hydrophobia, dehydration
Morph/o Change Ex: morphology
Myc/o Fungus Ex: dermatomycosis
Necr/o Death Ex: necrosis
Orth/o Straight Ex: orthodontist
Path/o Suffering, disease Ex: pathology
Phag/o Eat Ex: aphagia
Plas/o Formation Ex: hyperplasia
Py/o Pus Ex: pyorrhea, pyemia
Scler/o Hard Ex: Scleroderma
Sten/o Narrowing Ex: stenosis
Troph/o Nourishment, development Ex: trophology, hypertrophy
Xen/o Foreign Ex: xenograft
-ac -al -ar -ary -eal -ic -tic -ous Pertaining to Ex: cardiac Skeletal Muscular Pulmonary Esophageal Medic Neurotic Subcutaneous
-ia -ism Condition Ex: pneumonia, autism
-ium Tissue, structure Ex: pericardium
-y Condition, procedure Ex: hypertrophy
-icle -ole -ule -ula Small Ex: ventricle Arteriole Pustule Uvula
-iatrics -iatry Medical science Ex: pediatrics, psychiatry
-iatrist Specialist in medicine of Ex: psychiatrist
-it’s Specialist Ex: dentist
-logist Specialist in the study of Ex: psychologist
-logy Study of Ex: psychology
-algia -dynia Pain Ex: myalgia, gastrodynia
-cele Hernia (a bulging of tissue into an area where it doesn’t belong) Ex: hydrocele
-emia Blood condition Ex: leukemia
-iasis Presence of Ex: lithiasis
-itis Inflammation Ex: arthritis
-lysis Loosen, break down Ex: hemolysis
-malacia Abnormal softening Ex: osteomalacia
-megaly Enlargement Ex: hepatomeglay
-old Resembling Ex: keloid
-oma Tumor Ex: melonoma
-osis Conditon Ex: thrombosis
-pathy Disease Ex: myopathy
-penia Deficiency Ex: leukopenia
-ptosis Drooping Ex: nephroptosis
-rrhage -rrhagia Excessive flow Ex: hemorrhage, menorrhagia
-rrhea Flow Ex: diarrhea
-rrhexis Rupture Ex: metrorrhexis
-spasm Involuntary contraction Ex: mysospasm
-centesis Puncture Ex: amniocentesis
-gram Written record Ex: cardiogram
-graph Instrument used to produce a record Ex: cardiograph
-graphy Writing procedure Ex: cardiography
-meter Instrument used to measure Ex: cephalometer
-metry Process of measuring Ex: cephalometry
-scope Instrument used to look Ex: arthroscope
-scopy Process of looking Ex: arthroscopy
-desis Binding, fixation Ex: arthrodesis
-ectomy Removal Ex: vasectomy
-pexy Surgical fixation Ex: retinopexy
-plasty Reconstruction Ex: rhinoplasty
-rrhaphy Suture Ex: herniorrhaphy
-stomy Creation of an opening Ex: colostomy
-tomy Incision Ex: dermotomy
Singular -a Plural-ae Ex: vertebra, vertebrae Larva, larvae
Singular-ax Plural-aces Ex: thorax, thoraces
Singular- ex Plural- ices Ex: cortex, Cortices
Singular-ix Plural- ices Ex: appendix, appendices
Singular- is Plural- es Ex: neurosis, neuroses Diagnosis, diagnoses
Singular- ma Plural- mata Ex: sarcoma, sarcomata Carcinoma, carcinomata
Singular- on Plural- a Ex: spermatozoon, spermatozoa Ganglion, ganglia
Singular- um Plural- a Ex: datum, data Bacterium, bacteria Ovum, ova
Singular- us Plural- a Ex: nucleus, nuclei Alveolus, alveoli Thrombus, thrombi
Singular-y Plural- ies Ex: biopsy, biopsies Myopathy, myopathies
A- An- Not Ex: anemia
anti- Contra- Against Ex: contraceptive
De- Down, away from Ex: dehydration
Ante- Pre- Before Ex: precondition
Pro- Before, on behalf of Ex: probiotic
Brady- Slow Ex: bradycardia
Tachy- Fast Ex: tachycardia
Post- After Ex: postpartum
Re- Again Ex: rehabilitation
Ab- Away Ex: abduct
Ad- Around Ex: adrenaline
Circum- Peri- Around Ex: circumcision, pericardium
Dia- Trans- Through Ex: diagnostic, translate
E- Ec- Ex- Outside Ex: evoke, ectopic, exhale
Ecto- Exo- Extra- Inside Ex: ectoderm, exoskeleton
En- Endo- Intra- Inside Ex: enema endocrine, intravenous
Epi- Upon Ex: epididymus
Sub- Beneath Ex: subcutaneous
Inter- Between Ex: intercostal
Bi- Two Ex: bilateral
Hemi- Semi Half Ex: Hemiplegia, semilunar
Hyper- Over Ex: hyperthermia
Hypo- Under Ex: hypothermia
Macro- Large Ex: macrotia
Micro- Small Ex: microdontia
Mono- Uni- One Ex: monocyte, unisex
Oligo- Few Ex: oligomenorrhea
Pan- All Ex: pancytopenia
Poly- All Ex: polygraph
Multi- Many Ex: multicellular
Con- Syn- Sym- With, together Ex: congestion, syndrome, symmetry
Dys- Bad Ex: dysentery
Eu- Good Ex: euphoria
Splen o -megaly Splenomegaly Enlargement of the spleen
Hepat o enter o logy Gastroenterology Study of the stomach and intestine
My -algia Myalgia Muscle pain
Splen -ectomy Splenectomy Surgical removal of the spleen
Cardi -itis Carditis Inflammation of the heart
Arthr/itis Arthritis Inflammation of the joint
Angi/ ectomy Angiectomy Surgical removal of a vessel
Cardio/logy Cardiology Study of the heart
Hepat/ itis Hepatits Inflammation of the liver
My/ algia Myalgia Pain of the muscle
Osteo/ tomy Osteotomy Incision into a bone
Angio/ Scler/ osis Angiosclerosis Hardening of the blood vessel
Cardio/ pulmon/ ary Cardiopulmonary Pertaining to the heart and lungs
Dermato/ Myc/ osis Dermatomycosis Skin condition caused by fungus
Dys/ enter/ y Dysentery Bad intestine condition
Hepato/ Spleno/ megaly Hepatosplenomegaly Enlargement of the liver and spleen
Hyper/Plas/ia Hyperplasia Overformation condtion
Hypo/glyc/emia Hypoglycemia Condition characterized by low sugar in the blood (low blood sugar)
Osteo/ carcin/ oma Osteocarcinoma Bone cancer tumor
Osteo/myel/ itis Osteomyelitis Inflammation of the bone marrow
Peri/ card/ ium Pericardium Tissue around the heart
Acute It just started recently or is a sharp, sever symptom
Chronic It has been going on for a while now
Exacerbation It is getting worse
Abrupt All of a sudden
Febrile To have a fever
Afebrile To not have a fever
Malaise Not feeling well
Progressive More and more each day
Symptom Something a patient feels
Noncontributory Not related to this specific problem
Lethargic A decrease in level consciousness; in a medical record, this is generally an indication that the patient is really sick
Genetic/ hereditary It runs in the family
Alert Able to answer questions; responsive; interactive
Oriented Being aware of who he or she is, where he or she is, and the current time; a patient who is aware of all three is “oriented x3”
Marked It really stands out
Unremarkable Another way of saying normal
Auscultation To listen
Percussion To hit something and listen to the resulting sound or feel for the resulting vibration; drums are a percussion instrument
Palpation To feel
Impression Another way of saying assessment
Diagnosis What the health care professional thinks the patient has
Differential diagnosis A list of conditions the patient may have based on the symptoms exhibited and the results of the exam
Benign Safe
Malignant Dangerous; a problem
Degeneration To be getting worse
Remission To get better to improve; most often used when discussing cancer; remission does not mean cure
Idiopathic No known specific cause; it just happens
Localized Stays in a certain part off the body
Systematic/ generalized All over the body (or most of it)
Prognosis The chances for things getting better or worse
Occult Hidden
Lesion Diseased tissue
Recurrent To have again
Sequela A problem resulting from a disease or worse
Pending Waiting for
Pathogen The organism that causes the problem
Morbidity The risk for being sick
Morality The risk for dying
Etiology The cause
Disposition What happened to the patient at the end of the visit; often used at the of ed notes reference where the patient went after the visit (home, the ICU, normal hospital bed)
Discharge Literally to unload; it has two meanings: To send home (to unload the patient from the health care setting to home) Fluid coming out of a part of the body (your body unloading a fluid)
Palliative Treating the symptoms, but not actually getting rid of the cause
Observation Watch, keep an eye on
Reassurance To tell the patient that the problem is not as serious or dangerous
Supportive care To treat the symptoms and make the patient feel better
Sterile Extremely clean, germ-free conditions; especially important during medical procedures and surgery
Prophylaxis Preventive treatment
Promixal Closer in to the center Proximal and approximate come from the same word and mean close
Distal Farther way Distal and distant come from the same word and mean far
Lateral Out to the side Think of a quarterback lateraling a football to the running back
Medial Toward the middle Like the median of a highway
Ventral/ antra/ anterior The front The word ventral means stomach
Dorsal/ posterior The back A dorsal fin on a shark is on its back
Carnial Toward the top
Caudal Toward the bottom From Latin, for tall
Superior Above
Inferior Below
Prone Lying down on belly
Supine Lying down on back
Contralateral Opposite side
Ipsilateral Same side
Unilateral One side
Bilateral Both sides
Dorsum The top of the hand or foot
Planter The sole of the foot
Palmer The palm of the hand
Sagittal Divides the body along a hypothetical plane from right to left
Coronal Divides the body along a hypothetical plan from front to back
Transverse Divides the body from top to bottom
Physician A skilled health care provider who attended and graduated medical school
Pediatrician A physician with a special training in caring for kids
Surgeon A physician qualified to treat patients surgically, that is, by means of operation or invasive procedure
Anesthesiologist A physician with special training in pain sedation and pain control
Epidemiologist A specialist in the study of the causes and distribution of diseases in populations and the use of this data to enhance public health
Physician assistant A mid level health care provider who works under the license of a supervising physician; requires postgraduate training
Nurse practitioner A nurse with postgraduate training that serves as a mid level health care provider; works under the license of a supervising physician
Speech therapist Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with speech and/ or swallowing
Occupational therapist Specially trained in evaluating and treating problems with performing daily activities at home, school, or work
Physical therapists Specially trained in evaluating and treating physical impairments including disabilities or recovery from an injury
Respiratory therapist Specially trained in treating patient’s respiratory issues under the guidance of a health care provider
Dietitian Specially trained in evaluating the nutritional stratus of a patient and developing an appropriate diet plan
Licensed practical nurse Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient
Licensed vocational nurse Trained and certified to provide basic care to a patient
Registered nurse An advanced level nurse who has completed an associate’s or bachelor’s degree; often assists with patient care planning and patient education
Medical assistant Trained to carry out basic administrative and clinical task under the guidance of a health care provider
Pathologists A physician with special training in both evaluating the causes and effects of disease and in laboratory medicine
Medical laboratory technician Trained in performing laboratory testing on bodily fluids
Phlebotomist Trained in the removal of blood from the body for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
Radiologist A physician specially trained in evaluating images of the body to diagnose illness or injury
Radiology technician Trained to perform radiologic testing or administer radiation therapy under the direction of a health care provider
Ultrasonographer Trained in performing ultrasound imaging on a patient
Pharmacist Trained and licensed in preparing and dispensing medicine
Pharmacy technician Trained to assist a pharmacist with pharmacy-related tasks
Patient service coordinator Handles administrative tasks and coordinates patient care
Medical transcriptionist Trained in converting the voice recorded dictations of health care providers into text format
Chief complaint The main reason for the patient’s visit
History of present illness The story of the patient’s problem
Review of systems Description of individual body systems in order to discover any symptoms not directly related to the main problem
Past medical history Other significant past illnesses, like high blood pressure, asthma, or diabetes
Past surgical history Any of the patient’s past surgeries
Family history Any significant illnesses that run in the patient’s family
Social history A record of habits like smoking, drinking drug abuse, and sexual practices that can impact health
Clinic note Medical professional Clinic Documents a visit SOAP New patient: more history Repeat patient: streamlined note
Consult note Physician: usually a specialist Clinic or hospital Provides an expert opinion on a more challenging problem SOAP Can be in the form of a note to the PCP
Emergency department note Ed medial staff Emergency department Documents an emergency department visit SOAP The A includes the emergency department course
Admission summary Hospital medical professional Hospital Documents the admission of a patient to the hospital SO A/P S,O= very thorough A= differential diagnosis P=further testing and care A+P= problem based approach
Discharge summary Medical professional Inpatient health care facility Documents daily hospital visit ASOP Starts with A
Operative report Surgeon Documents a surgery in detail ASOP
Daily hospital note/ progress note Medical professional Inpatient health care facility Documents daily hospital visit SO A/P S= focuses on how patient’s condition has changed since the previous note A= sometimes includes a differential diagnosis
Radiology report Radiologist Explains reasons for image, how image was performed, what was seen on image, radiologist’s assessment; sometimes a recommendation SOA Usually includes only S, O, and A, but may include P if it recommends that further studies be performed
Pathology report Pathologist Provides reasons for the test, what was seen on the test, and an assessment SOA
Prescription Medical professional Provides directions for a medication P Medicines name Instructions How much medicine should be given Refills if any Health care professional’s signature and whether generic substitution is allowed
CCU Coronary care unit
ECU Emergency care unit
ER Emergency room
ED Emergency department
ICU Intensive care unit
PICU Pediatric care unit
NICU Neonatal intensive care unit
SICU Surgical intensive care unit
PACU Post-anesthesia care unit
L&D Labor and delivery
OR Operating room
Post-op After surgery
Pre-op Before surgery
(R) Right
(L) Left
(B) Bilateral
⬆️ Increased
⬇️ Decreased
VS Vital signs
T Temperature
BP Blood pressure
HR Heart rate
RR Respiratory rate
Ht Height
Wt Weight
BMI Body mass index (measurement of body fat based on height and weight)
I/O Intake/output: that amount of fluids a patient takes in (Iv or mouth) and produced (Usually pee)
Dx Diagnosis
DDx Differential diagnosis
Tx Treatment
Rx Prescription
H&P History and physical
CC History
HPI Chief of complaint
ROS Review of systems
PMHx Past medical history
FHx Family history
NKDA No known drug allergies
PE Physical exam
Pt Patient
Y/o Years old
H/o History of
PCP Primary care provider
F/u Follow up
SOB Shortness of breath
HEENT Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
PERRLA Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
NAD No acute distress
CV Cardiovascular
RRR Regular rate and rhythm
CTA Clear to auscultation
WDWN Well developed, well nourished
A&O Alert and oriented
WNL Within normal limits
NOS Not otherwise specified
NEC Not elsewhere classified
PO Per os (by mouth)
NPO Nil per os (nothing by mouth)
PR Per rectum (anal)
IM Intramuscular
SC Subcutaneous (under the skin)
IV Intravenous
CVL Central venous line
PICC Peripherally inserted central catheter
Sig Instructions short for signa
BID Twice daily
TID There times daily
Q Every x Ex: every 4 hour or Q4hr
QD Daily
QID Four times daily
QHS At night
AC Before meals
PC After meals
Prn As needed
Ad lib As desired
Adip/o Lip/o Steat/o Fat Ex: adipocyte, lipoma, steateosis
Cutane/o Dermat/o Derm/o Skin Ex: subcutaneous, dermatology, epidermal
Phil/o Trich/o Hair Ex: piloid, atrichosis
Hidr/o Sweat Ex: hyperhidrosis, hypohidrosis
Squam/o Scale Ex: squamous layer
Onych/o Ungu/o Nail Ex: onychalgia, subungual
Seb/o Sebace/o Oil Ex: sebolith, pilosebaceous
Crypt/o Hidden Ex: onychocryptosis
Kerat/o Hard, horny Ex: keratosis, keratoderma
Xer/o Dry Ex: xeroderma
Xanth/o Yellow Ex: xanthoderma
Erythr/o Red Ex: erythroderma
Leuk/o Alb/o White Ex: leukoderma, albinism
Melan/o Black Ex: melanoma
Ab/rasion Abrasion Scraping away at skin
Albin/ism Albinism Lack of pigment in skin causing patient to look white
Albino A person afflicted with albinism
Alopecia Baldness
Anhidrosis Lack of sweating
Comedo A hair follicle that is plugged worth sebum
Cyanhidrosis Blue sweat
Depigmentation Loss of pigmentation
Dermatalgia Skin pain
Dermatodynia Skin pain
Dermarolysis Loose skin
Erythema Redness
Erythroderma Red skin
Hemathidrosis Sweating blood
Hidropoiesis The formation of sweat
Hyperhidrosis Excessive sweating
Hyperkerotosis Excessive growth of horny skin
Hypermelanosis Excessive melanin in the skin
Hyperpigmentation Diminished pigment in the skin
Leukoderma White skin
Macerate To soften the skin
Onychophagia Eating or biting the nails
Pruritus An itch
Rhytidermia Wrinkled skin
Sebopoiesis Formation of oil
Seborrhea Discharge of oil
Trichomegaly Abnormally thick hair
Urticaria Swollen raised itchy areas of the skin
Xanthoderma Yellow skin
Xeroderma Dry skin
Xerosis Condition of dryness
macule, macula (freckle) Small, flat, discolored area
Patch (vitiligo) Larger, flat, discolored area
Papule A small solid mass
Plaque A small solid mass one the surface of the skin
Nodule A solid mass that extends deeper into the skin
Tumor A large solid mass
Vesicle A smaller blister
Bulla A blister
Pustule A pus-filled blister
Abscess A localized collection of pus in the body
Erosion Loss of skin
Ulcer A sore
Excoriation A scratch
Fissure A crack in the skin
Scale Skin flacking off
Crust A dried substance
Vascular lesson Wounds related to blood vessels
Cherry angioma A small blood vessel tumor
Telangiectasia (spider angioma) The overexpansion of the end of a blood vessel
Petechia a small bruise
Ecchymosis A large bruise
Cicatrix (plural: cicatrices) Scar
Keloid Overgrowth of scar tissue
Epidermal tumors Tumors on the skin
Nevus Mole
Dysplastic nevus A mole with bad changes
Verruca Wart
Culture and sensitivity Growing microorganisms in isolation in order to determine with drugs they might respond to
Biopsy Removal of tissue in order to examine it
Incisional biopsy Removal of a portion of a lesion for examination
Dermatoscope Instrument used to look at the skin
Dermatoscopy Procedure for looking at the skin
Adipocele A hernia filled with fatty tissue
Dermatofibroma A fibrous skin tumor
Erythrocyanosis A red and/ or blue discoloration of the skin
Keratogenic Causing horny tissue development
Keratosis Horny tissue condition
Necrosis Tissue death
Onychia A nail condition
Onychocryptosis An ingrown nail
Onycholysis The loss of a nail
Omychomalacia Abnormal softening of a nail
Onychopathy Nail disease
Pachyderma Tough skin
Paronychia A condition of the tissue around a nail
Steatoma A fatty tumor
Xanthoma A yellow tumor
Decubitus ulcer Bed sore
Dermatosis Skin condition
Dermopathy Skin disease
Atopic dermatitis A chronic dry inflammation disease characterized by itching
Hypertrichosis Excessive growth of hair
Ichthyosis A condition in the skin is dry and scaly resembling fish scales
Postpartum alopecia Baldness experienced by women after a pregnancy
Psoriasis A skin condition characterized by patched of itchy, red, scaly skin
Sclerodermatitis Inflammation of the skin accompanied by thickening and hardening
Scleronychia Thickening and hardening of the nails
Xanrhosis Yellowing of the skin
Actinic keratosis Horny skin condition caused by the sun
Basal cell carcinoma Cancerous tumor pf basal skin cells
Hidradenoma Tumor of the sweat gland
Malignant cutaneous neoplasm A harmful new formation of skin tissue
Malignant melanoma A harmful tumor of melanin skin
Squamous Cancerous tumor of squamous skin cells
Acne vulgaris Inflammation of the skin follicles
Dermatomycosis A fungal skin condition
Hidradenitis Inflammation of the sweat glands
Impetigo A highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin
Mycrodermatitis Inflammation of the skin caused by fungus
Mycosis A fungal condition
Onychodystrophy Poor nourishment (and development) of the nail
Onychomycosis A fungal condition of the nail
Tinea A fungal condition often called ringworm
Trichomycosis A fungal condition of the hair
Actinic dermatitis Inflammation of the skin caused by sun exposure
Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin
Seborrheic dermatitis Inflammation of the skin caused by the discharge of oil
Steatitis Inflammation of fat tissue
First-degree burns Burn affecting only the epidermis or superficial layer of the skin
Second-degree burns Deeper burn affecting both the epidermis and dermis
Third-degree burns Deep burn affecting the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous layers
Fourth-degree burns Deep burn affecting not just all layers of the skin but also underlying tissues like muscle, fascia, or bone
Anesthetic A drug that temporarily blocks sensation
Antibiotic A drug that destroys or opposes growth of microorganisms
Antihistamine A drug that opposes the effects of histamine
Antipruritic A drug that prevents or relieves itching
Antiseptic A drug that prevents sepsis by killing microorganisms
Epidermal Pertaining to the skin
Hypodermic Pertaining to beneath the skin
Intradermal Pertaining to inside the skin
Percutaneous Pertaining to through the skin
Subcutaneous Pertaining to beneath the skin
Topical Applied directly to the skin
Transdermal pertaining to through the skin
Chemosurgery Removal of tissue that has been destroyed using chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Treatment using chemicals
Cryosurgery Destruction o tissue through freezing
Dermabrasion Rubbing or scraping away the outer surface skin
Electrcauterization Using electricity to destroy tissue by burning it
Electrodesiccation Using electricity to destroy tissue by drying it
Incision and drainage To cut into a wound to allow trapped infected liquid to drain
Lipectomy Removal of fatty tissue
Liposuction Removal of fatty tissue using a vacuum
Onychectomy Remove of a nail
Onychotomy Incision into a nail
Rhytidoplasty Reconstruction of wrinkled skin
Autograft Skin transplant take from a different place on the patient’s body
Homograft Skin transplant taken from another member of the patient’s species
Heterograft Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patient’s
Xenograft Skin transplant taken from a species other than the patient’s
ABCDE Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evoking
AK Actinic keratosis
Bx Biopsy
C&S Culture and sensitivity
Derm Dermatology
ID Intradermal
SC Subcutaneous
SQ Subcutaneous
Created by: samper8908
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