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Med104 Flashcards
Medical terminology 4–7 flashcards
Term | Definition |
-physis | Growth Ex: epiphysis, metaphysis, diaphysis |
Oste/o | Bone Ex: osteopathy, periosteum |
Crani/o | Head, skull Ex: craniometer, carniomalacia |
Brachi/o | Arm Ex: brachiocephalic, brachialgia |
Dactyl/o | Finger Ex: adactyly, dactylalgia |
Cervic/o | Neck Ex: cervical spine, cervicitis |
Carp/o | Wrist Ex: carpectomy, metacarpal |
Cost/o | Rib Ex: costectomy, intercostal |
Spondyl/o | Vertebra Ex: invertebrate, spondylitis |
Lumb/o | Lower back, loin Ex: lumbar, lumbodynia |
Femor/o | Femur Ex: femoral artery |
Tibi/o | Tibia (shinbone) Ex: tibialgia |
Tars/o | Ankle Ex: tarsitis, tarsalgia |
Chondr/o | Cartilage Ex: chondritis, chondrodynia |
Arthr/o | Joint Ex: arthritis, arthroscopic surgery |
Burs/o | Bursa Ex: bursitis, bursectomy |
Ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | Tendon Ex: tendodynia, tendolysis, tendinitis |
Muscul/o, my/o, myos/o | Muscle Ex: musculoskeletal, myopathy, myositis |
Fasci/o | Fascia Ex: fasciotomy, fasciitis |
Ton/o | Tone, tension Ex: dystonia, tonograph |
Kinesi/o, (sometimes kinet/o) | Movement, motion Ex: kinesiology, hyperkinesia, kinetic energy |
Tax/o | Arrangement, order, coordination Ex: ataxia, hypotaxia |
Ankyl/o | Stiff, bent Ex: ankylosis, ankylodactyly |
Costalgia | Rib pain |
Metatarsalgia | Pain in the bones of the foot |
Ostalgia | Bone pain |
Osteodynia | Bone pain |
Spondylodynia | Vertebra pain |
Tibialgia | Tibia (shin) pain |
Ankylosis | Joint stiffness |
Arthralgia | Joint pain |
Arthrodynia | Joint pain |
Cervicodynia | Neck pain |
Crepitation | A cracking sound heard in joints |
Genu valgum | Koch-kneed |
Genu varum | Bowlegged |
Bardykinesia | Slow movement |
Dyskinesia | Inablilty to control movement |
Dystaxia | Poor condition |
Dystonia | Poor muscle tone |
Graphospasm | Writer’s cramp |
Hyperkinesia | Increase in muscle movement or activity |
Hypertonia | Increased muscle tone or tightness |
Hypokinesia | Decrease in muscle movement or activity |
Hypotonia | Decrease in muscle tone or tightness |
Myalgia | Muscle pain |
Myasthenia | Muscle weakness |
Arthrocentesis | Puncture of the joint |
Arthroscope | Instrument for looking into a joint |
Arthroscopy | Procedure of looking into a joint |
Electromyogram | A record of the electrical activity of a muscle |
Electromyography | Procedure for measuring the electrical activity of a muscle |
Myography | Procedure for studying muscles |
Arthrogram | Visual record of a joint |
Arthrography | Procure used to examine a joint |
Computed axial tomography (CAT or CT) | Imaging procedure using a computer to produce a cross sections along an axis |
Kyphosis | Humped back: abnormal forward curvature of the upper spin |
Lordosis | Sway back: abnormal forward curvature of the lower spine |
Carptitis | Wrist inflammation |
Carniomalacia | Abnormal softening of the skull |
Exostosis | An abnormal growth of bone out of another bone |
Fracture | A bone break |
Osteodystrophy | Poor bone development |
Osteolysis | Bone loss |
Osteonecrosis | Death of bone |
Osteosclerosis | Abnormal hardening of bone |
Polydactyly | Having more then the normal number of fingers (or toes) |
Spondylitis | Vertebra inflammation |
Spondylomalacia | Softening of the vertebra |
Syndactyly | Fusion (sometimes called webbing) of fingers (or toes) |
Tarsoptosis | Flat feet |
Bursolith | A stone in a bursa |
Effusion | Fluid buildup |
Hermarthosis | Blood in a joint |
Hydrarthosis | Water (fluid) in a joint |
Pyarthrosis | Pus in a joint |
Atrophy | Underdevelopment, decrease, or loss of muscle tissue |
Hypertrophy | Overdevelopment of muscle tissue |
Myocele | Hernia of muscle tissue |
Myolysis | Loss of muscle tissue |
Myomalacia | Softening of a muscle |
Myosclerosis | Hardening of a muscle |
Myotasis | Stretching of a muscle |
Myotonia | Muscle tone |
Ankylosing spondylitis | A stiffening inflammation of the vertebra |
Chondro-osteodystrophy | Poor development of bones and caryilage |
Craniosynstosis | The premature fusing of the skull bones |
Dactylitis | Finger inflammation |
Hypertrophic spondylitis | Overdevelopment of the vertebrae causing inflammation |
Osteitis | Bone inflammation |
Osteochondritis | Inflammation of bone and cartilage |
Osteogenesis imperfecta | A disease in which the bones do not develop correctly, also known as brittle bone disease |
Osteomalacia | Softening of the bone |
Osteomyelitis | Inflammation of the bone and bone marrow |
Osteopathy | Bone disease |
Osteopenia | Reduction in bone volume |
Osteoporosis | Loss of bone density |
Spinal stenosis | Abnormal narrowing of the spine |
Spondyloarthropathy | Joint disease of the vertebrae |
Spondylolisthesis | The slipping or dislocation of a vertebra |
Spondylolysis | Loss of vertebra structure |
Spondylosis | Vertebra condition |
Arthritis | Joint inflammation |
Rheumatoid arthritis | Inflammation of the joints |
Septic arthritis | Inflammation of the joint caused by infection |
Osteoarthritis | Inflammation of the joints, specifically those that bear weight |
Arthrtocele | Hernia of a joint |
Arthrodysplasia | Abnormal joint development |
Arthropathy | Joint disease |
Arthrosclerosis | Hardening of the joints |
Bursitis | Inflammation of the bursa |
Bursopathy | Disease of the bursa |
Subluxation | Partial dislocation of a joint |
Achondroplasia | A defect in the formation of cartilage |
Chondromalacia | Abnormal softening of the cartilage |
Costochondritis | Inflammation of the cartilage of the rib |
Fasciitis | Inflammation of the fascia |
Muscular dystrophy | Disorder characterized by poor muscle development |
Myoclonus | Violent muscle contraction |
Myopathy | Muscle disease |
Myasthenia | Muscle weakness |
Myositis | Muscle inflammation |
Necrotizing fasciitis | Inflammation of the fascia, causing death of tissue |
Polymyositis | Inflammation of multiple muscles |
Tardive dyskinesia | Condition characterized by the loss of muscle control |
Tendinitis, tendonitis | Inflammation of the tendon |
Chondroma | A tumor like growth of cartilage tissue |
Myoma | A muscle tumor |
Myosarcoma | A cancerous muscle tumor |
Osteocarcinoma | Bone cancer tumor |
Osteochondroma | A tumor made up of bone and cartilage, also known as an exostosis made up of cartilage |
Osteosarcoma | Cancerous tumor arising out of bone cells |
Analgesic | A drug that relieves pain |
Antiarthritic | A drug that opposes joint inflammation |
Anti-inflammatory | A drug that opposes inflammation |
Antipyretic | A drug that opposes fever |
Orthotics | A device that aids in the straightening or stabilizing of a part of the body |
Prosthesis | A device that is added to a body to replace a missing part or lost function |
Carpectomy | Removal of all or part of the wrist |
Costectomy | Removal of a rib |
Craniectomy | Removal of a portion of the skull |
Craniotomy | Removal of a portion of the skull |
External fixation | The fixation of a fractured bone from the outside |
Internal fixation | The fixation of a fractured bone from the inside |
Closed reduction | Returning bones to their proper position through the use of surgery |
Open reduction | Returning bones to their proper position through the use of surgery |
Metacarpectomy | Removal of a bone in the hand |
Ostectomy | Removal of a bone |
Osteoclasia | The surgical breaking of a bone (often done to remedy a deformity) |
Osteoplasty | Reconstruction of a bone |
Osteotomy | Incision into a bone |
Spondylosyndesis | Fusing together of multiple vertebrae |
Sternotomy | Incision in the sternum |
Tarsectomy | Removal of all or a portion of the ankle |
Tarsoclasia | Surgical fracture of the ankle |
Arthrectomy | Removal of a joint |
Arthroclasia | The therapeutic breaking of a joint to allow for increased mobility |
Arthrodesis | Surgical fixation of a joint |
Arthrolysis | Loosening a stiff joint |
Arthroplasty | Reconstruction of a joint |
Arthrotomy | Incision into a joint |
Bursectomy | Removal of a bursa |
Bursotomy | Incision into a bursa |
Chondrectomy | Removal of cartilage |
Chondroplasty | Reconstruction of cartilage |
Fasciectomy | Removal of fascia |
Fasciodesis | Binding of fascia |
Fasciorrhaphy | Suturing of fascia |
Fasciotomy | Incision into fascia |
Myectomy | Removal of muscle |
Myodesis | Binding of muscle |
Myomectomy | Removal of a muscle tumor |
Myoplasty | Muscle reconstruction |
Myorrhaphy | Muscle suture |
Myotomy | Incision into muscle |
Tendectomy | Removal of a tendon |
Tendoplasty | Reconstruction of a tendon |
Tenodesis | Binding of a tendon |
Tenolysis | Freeing/ loosening a tendon |
Tenonectomy | Removal of a tendon |
Tenoplasty | Reconstruction of a tendon |
Tenorrhaphy | Suture of a tendon |
Tenotomy | Incision into a tendon |
Hx | History |
Fx | Fracture |
Tx | Traction or treatment |
ACL | Anterior cruciate ligament |
MCL | Medical collateral ligament |
LCL | Lateral collateral ligament |
PCL | Posterior cruciate ligament |
C1-C7 | Cervical (of the neck) vertebrae |
T1-T12 | Thoracic (of the loin) vertebrae |
L1-L5 | Sacral vertebrae |
DTR | Deep tendon reflex (this is what doctors are testing when they tap the knee with a reflex hammer) |
EMG | Electromoyogram |
FROM | Full range of motion |
NSAID | Nonsteroidal ain’t-inflammation drug |
OA | Osteoarthritis |
ORIF | Open reduction internal fixation |
PT | Physical therapy |
RA | Rheumatoid arthritis |
RICE | Rest, ice, compression, elevation |
ROM | Range of motion |
WB | Weight bearing |
WBAT | Weight bearing as tolerated |
Cerebr/o, Encephal/o | Brain Ex: cerebropathy, encephalitis |
Cerebell/o | Cerebellum Ex: cerebellar, cerebellitis |
Lob/o | Lobe Ex: lobotomy, lobectomy |
Cephal/o | Head Ex: microcephaly, macrocephaly |
Crani/o | Head, skull Ex: craniometer, craniomalacia |
Mening/o, meningi/o | Meninges (membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) Ex: meningitis, meningopathy |
Gangli/o | Nerve bundle Ex: ganglion, gangliitis |
Dur/o | Dura (tough other membrane surrounding the brain and spinal cord) Ex: epidural, subdural hematoma |
Neur/o | Nerve Ex: neuralgia, neuropathy |
Myel/o | Spinal cord, bone marrow Ex: myelitis, myelodysplasia |
Esthesi/o | Feeling, sensation Ex: anesthesia, hyperesthesis |
Phas/o | Speech Ex: aphasia |
Somn/o, somn/i, hypn/o | Sleep Ex: somnography, insomnia, hypnosis |
Phren/o, psych/o | Mind Ex: phrenetic, psychology |
Gnosi/o | Know Ex: agnosia, diagnosis, prognosis |
Menia | Excessive desire Ex: pyromania, kleptomania |
Paresis | Slight or partial paralysis Ex: hemiparesis |
-phobia | Excessive fear or sensitivity Ex: photophobia, hydrophobia |
Ton/o | Muscle tone, tension, pressure Ex: dystonia, tonograph |
Tax/o | Arrangement, order, coordination Ex: ataxia, hypotaxia |
-plegia | Paralysis Ex: quadriplegia |
-asthenia | Weakness Ex: myasthenia, phonasthenia |
Aphasia | Inability to speak |
Ataxia | Lack of condition |
Catatonia | Condition characterized by reduced muscle tone |
Delirium | Brief loss of mental function |
Dementia | Loss/ decline in mental function |
Dyskinesia | Difficulty moving |
Dyslexia | Difficulty reading |
Dysphasia | Difficulty speaking |
Dystonia | Condition characterized by involuntary muscle movement |
Insomnia | Inability to sleep |
Myoclonus | Muscle twitching |
Mayospasm | Involuntary muscle contraction |
Neurasthenia | Nerve weakness |
Somnambulism | Sleep walking |
Syncope | Fainting; losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to brain |
Cephalagia, cephalodynia | Head pain |
Encephalagia | Brain pain |
Neuralgia, neurodynia | Nerve pain |
Hemiparesis | Partial paralysis on half the body |
Hemiplegia | Paralysis on half the body |
Monoparesis, monoplegia | Partial paralysis of one limb |
Paralysis | Complete loss of sensation and motor function |
Paresis | Partial paralysis characterized by varying degrees of sensation and motor function |
Causalgia | Painful sensation of burning |
Dysesthesia | Bad feeling |
Hyperesthesia | Increased sensation |
Paresthesia | Abnormal sensation (usually numbness or tingling) |
Pseudesthesia | False sensation |
Synesthesia | Condition where one sensation is experienced as another |
Acrophobia | Fear of heights |
Agrophobia | Fear of outdoor spaces |
Hydrophobia | Fear of water |
Kleptomania | Desire to steal |
Photophobia | Excessive sensitivity to light |
Pyromania | Desire to set fire |
Electroencephalography (EEG) | Procedure used to examine the electrical activity of the brain |
Lumbar Puncture (LP) | Inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine in order to collect spinal fluid, commonly called a spinal tap |
Cerebral angiography | Procedure used to examine blood vessels in the brain |
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) | Procedure used to examine blood vessels |
Myelogram | Image of the spinal cord, usually done using x-ray |
positron emission tomography (PET) scan | An imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain |
Transactional Doppler sonography | An imaging technique that produces an imaging of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull |
Cerebllitis | Inflammation of the cerebellum |
Cerebral atrophy | Wasting away of the brain tissue |
Duritis | Inflammation of the dura |
Enchephalocele | Hernia of the brain (normally through a defect in the skull) |
Hematoma | A tumor like mass made up of blood |
Carnial hematoma | A hematoma beneath the skull |
Epidural hematoma | A hematoma located on top of the dura |
Intracerebral hematoma | A hematoma located inside the brain |
Subdural hematoma | A hematoma located beneath the dura |
Macrocephaly | Abnormally large head |
Microcephaly | Abnormally small head |
Meningocele | A hernia of the meninges |
Myelocele | A hernia of the spinal cord |
Myelomalacia | Abnormal softening of the of the spinal cord |
Myelomeningocele | A hernia of the spinal cord and meninges |
Neuritis | Nerve inflammation |
Neuroma | Nerve tumor |
Neurosclerosis | Hardening of nerves |
Polyneuritis | Inflammation of multiple nerves |
Agnosia | Inability to comprehend |
Apathy | Lack of emotion |
Hyperkinesia | Increase in muscle movement or activity |
Neurasthenia | Nerve weakness |
Neuroglycopenia | Deficiency of sugar that interferes with normal brain activity |
Nystagmus | Involuntary back and forth eye movements |
Prospagnosia | Inability to recognize faces |
Anesthesiologist | Doctor who specializes in anesthesiology |
Afferent nerve | A nerve that carries impulses toward the central nervous system |
Efferent nerve | A nerve that carries impulses away from the central nervous system |
Neurogenic | Originating from/ created by nerves |
Psychiatrist | Doctor who specializes in the treatment of the mind |
Psychiatry | Branch off medicine that focuses on the treatment of the mind |
Pscychogenic | Originating in/created by the mind |
Psychologist | Doctor who specializes in the study of the mind |
Psychology | Branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the mind |
Psychosomatic | Pertaining to the relationship between the body and the mind |
Idiopathic | Having no known cause or origin |
Interictal | Time between seizure |
Postictal | Time after seizure |
Preictal | Time before a seizure |
Tonic | Pertaining to muscle tone (normally weak or unresponsive) |
Clonus | Muscle spasm or twitching |
Tonic-conic seizure | A seizure characterized by both a tonic and a conic phase |
Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) | An accident involving the blood vessels of the brain |
Stroke | Loss of brain function caused by interruption of blood flow/ supply to the brain |
Hemorrhagic stroke | A stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel |
Ischemic stroke | A stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage |
Transient ischemic stroke (TIA) | A “mini-stroke” caused by the blockage of a blood vessel, which resolves (goes away) within 24 hours |
Cerebrovascular disease | A disease of them blood vessels of the brain |
Cerebral aneurysm | The widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain |
Cerebral antersclerosis | The hardening of an artery in the brain |
Cerebral athersclerosis | The hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque |
Cerebral embolism | The blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign objects (embolus) such as fat or bacteria |