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unit 2 chapter 4 & 5

metabolic process all chemical reactions that occur in the body
anabolism building large molecules from smaller ones, uses ATP
catabolism large molecules are broken down into smaller ones, ATP is released
dehydration synthesis an anabolic process that creates carbs, triglycerides, and proteins by linking monomers by removing water
hydrolysis synthesis an catabolic process that breaks down carbs, lipids, and proteins by adding water
enzyme proteins that serve as catalyst speeding up chemical reactions
metabolic pathway series of enzyme-controlled reactions leading up to the formation of new products; controlled by negative feedback
ATP energy; composed of adenine, ribose, 3 phosphate
aerobic requires O2- produce most ATP
anaerobic without O2- produce little ATP
aerobic reaction citric acid cycle begins, electron transport system functions, carbon dioxide and water are formed
anaerobic reactions electron transport system cannot be accept new electrons from NADH, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid, glycolysis is inhibited
catabolic pathways produce energy to be released (breakdown)
anabolic pathways release energy to be stored (buildup)
genetic information instructs cells how to construct proteins; stored in DNA
gene segment of DNA that codes for one protein
genome complete set of genes all genetic information
genetic code method used to translate a sequence of nucleotides of DNA into a sequence of amino acids
histones compact DNA and regulate gene expression
DNA polymerase an enzyme that controls DNA replication
codons the DNA sequence is converted to amino acids that you read in triplets
messenger RNA transcription copies DNA
Transfer RNA translates mRNA into an amino acid , carries amino acids to mRNA, carries anticodon to mRNA
ribosomal RNA provides structure and enzyme activity for ribosomes
mutation change in genetic information; caused by extra bases being added , deleted, or changed
epithelial tissue covers and protects all body surfaces
connective tissue binds structures, protects against infections, and serves as framework
muscle tissue contracts producing body movement
nervous tissue sends electrical impulses regulating body functions
tight junctions function: close the space between cells location: cells that form linings structure: specialized connection between two adjacent cells
desmosomes function: form "spot welds" between cells location: outer skin cells structure; 2 adjacent cells attached by protein plaques and linked by filaments
gap function function: tubular channels between cells that link cytoplasm of 2 cells
epithelial tissue function: protection, secretion, absorption, and excretion
squamous flat
cuboidal cube shaped
columnar tall rectangular
simple one layer
stratified 2 or more layers
pseudostratified falsely layered, appears to be several layers but only one
simple squamous one layer of flat cells, located in air sacs, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
simple cuboidal one layer of cube shaped cells, located in kidney, ovaries, some glands
simple columnar one layer of tall rectangular cells located in uterus, stomach, and intestine
pseudostratified columnar one layer of cells located in respiratory system
stratified cuboidal multiple layers of cube shaped cells located in mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, and pancreas
stratified squamous multiple layers of flat shaped cells located on skin, oral cavity, vagina, anal canal
transitional stretchy cells, have the ability to expand and contract, located in bladder, ureters, urethra, stomach, and uterus
stratified columnar multiple layers of tall rectangular cells, located in urethra and pharynx
endocrine glands ductless glands that release directly into the bloodstream
exocrine glands release through a duct or gland
fibroblast fixed cell, most common cell, large star-shaped, produce fibers
macrophages wandering cell, phagocytic, important in injury or infection
mast cell fixed cell, release heparin, release histamine
collagen fibers thick, composed of collagen, great tensile strength, abundant in dense CT, hold structures together, tendons, ligaments
reticular fibers very thin collagenous fibers, highly branched, from supportive networks
elastin fibers bundles of microfibrils embedded in elastin, fibers branch, elastic, vocal cords, air passages
connective tissue proper loose connective tissue, adipose tissue, dense connective tissue, reticular connective tissue, elastic connective tissue
specialized connective tissue supportive (bone and cartilage) fluid (blood and lymph)
cardiac muscle striated involuntary, found only in the heart, cells are connected by intercalated disks, contraction
skeletal muscle striated voluntary, protein fibers inside the cells are arranged in specific manner causing the striated look, made up long multinucleated cells, contractions cause bones to move
smooth muscle non striated involuntary, found in the walls of blood vessels, around hollow organs and the walls of the respiratory, digestive and reproductive tracts, single nucleus, contractile proteins are not arranged along the axis of the cell, no striations
neurons the functional cells (large)
neuroglia the support cells (small)
cutaneous membranes covers body
synovial membranes line joints
serous membranes line closed body cavities
mucous membrane line organs leading outside the body
Created by: ZeeD
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