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BIO141 Terminologies
Term | Definition |
baro- | pressure. |
baroreceptor | a sense organ that monitors pressure. |
basi- | most ventral; pertaining to a basal location. |
basihyal | ventral element of hyoid skeleton. |
bi- | double, twice. |
bicornuate | having two horns (cornua). |
bicuspid | having two cusps. |
bipartite | having two parts. |
bio- | life. |
blast- | an embryonic precursor; a germ of something. |
blastema | an embryonic concentration of mesenchyme. |
blastocoel | cavity of the blastula. |
blastocyst | the mammalian blastula. |
blastula | a little (-ula) embryo. |
bovine | pertaining to oxen or cows. |
brachi- | arm. |
brachiocephalic | associated with the arm and head. |
branchi- | gill. |
branchiomeric | referring to parts of the branchial arches. |
bucco- | cheek. |
bulbus | bulb. |
bulbus arteriosus | muscular swelling on ventral aorta. |
bulbus cordis | term sometimes applied to conus arteriosus in lungfishes, amphibians, and mammalian embryos; part of the heart. |
bulla | a bubble > a bubblelike part such as the tympanic bulla. |
buno | a hill or mound. |
bunodont | a tooth with low cusps. |
bursa | a sac or pouch. |
amel- | enamel. |
ameloblast | a cell that produces enamel. |
amphi- | on both sides; in two ways. |
amphiarthrosis | a joint with severely limited movement. |
amphicelous | having concavities at both ends. |
amphioxus | an animal with both ends pointed (-oxy). |
ampulla | a flask > a small dilation. |
an- | without. |
anamniote | an animal lacking an amnion. |
anapsid | lacking an arch. |
anura | lacking a tail. |
ana- | upward; again. |
anadromous | ana- + -dromos (running) > able to migrate from the sea up into freshwater streams. |
anastomose | to unite end to end. |
anatomy | ana- + -tome. |
anch- | gill. |
andr- | male. |
androgen | a hormone that induces maleness. |
angi- | vessel. |
ankyl- | a growing together of parts. |
ankylose | to fuse in an immovable articulation. |
anlage (pl., anlagen) | an embryonic rudiment or precursor of a developing structure. |
annulus | a ring. |
annulus tympanicus | bony ring to which the eardrum is attached. |
ante- | before. |
antebrachium | the forearm; the part before the brachium. |
anthrop- | refers to human beings. |
anti- | against, opposite. |
antidiuretic | inhibiting loss of water (diuresis) via kidneys. |
antrum | a cavernous space. |
Anura | an- + uro; tailless amphibians. |
apical | at the apex. |
Apo- | from, away from. |
Apoda | a- + pod; without legs. |
aponeurosis | apo- + neuron (a tendon); a broad, flat, tendinous sheet. |
apophysis | an outgrowth or process. |
apsid | refers to an arch. |
arch- | first, primary, ancient. |
archenteron | primitive gut. |
archetype | an early model. |
archinephros | hypothetical primitive kidney. |
archipallium | first roof of the telencephalon. |
arcuate | arched. |
arrector pili (pl., arrectores pilorum) | muscle that erects a hair. |
arthro- | joint, articulation. |
arthrodire | placoderm with joints, because of dermal plates in the neck (-dire). |
artio- | an even number. |
artiodactyl | having an even number of digits. |
arytenoid | resembling a ladle. |
Ascaphus | genus of anuran lacking a drum (scapha). |
ataxia | a- (lacking) + taxia (order); a disorder of the neuromuscular system. |
-ate | having the property of, as septate; with septa. |
atlas | the vertebra that supports the head like the mythical Atlas holds up the earth. |
atrium | the courtyard of a Roman home > a cavity that has entrances and exits. |
auricle | an ear or earlike flap. |
auto- | self. |
autostyly | a condition in which the upper jaw braces (-styly) itself against the skull. |
autotomy | cutting one’s self, as when a lizard breaks off the end of its tail. |
axial | in the longitudinal axis. |
axilla | armpit. |
azygos | a- (lacking) + zyg- (a yoke) > on one side only. |
dactyl- | finger, toe. |
de- | away from. |
deferens | de + ferent. |
decidu- | fall off or be shed. |
deciduous placenta | one in which the uterine lining is partly shed at parturition. |
deltoid | resembling the Greek letter delta (Δ). |
demi- | half. |
demibranch | gill on one face of a gill arch. |
dendro- | tree. |
dendrite | neuronal arborization. |
dent- | tooth. |
dentin | bone like that in teeth. |
derm- | skin. |
dermatome | layer of a somite giving rise to skin. |
Dermoptera | mammals in which the skin forms a wing membrane (see -pter). |
dermato- | referring to skin. |
dermatocranium | skull bones phylogenetically derived from skin. |
-deum, -daeum | a passageway. |
deuter- | two. |
deuterostome | an animal that uses the blastopore as an anus and forms a second mouth. |
di- | twice, double. |
diapophysis | one of two lateral processes. |
diapsid | having two arches. |
diarthrosis | freely movable joint between two bones or cartilages. |
Dipnoi | fish with two paired breathing apertures (external and internal). |
dia- | through, apart, completely, between. |
diaphragm | a separation (phragma) between two parts. |
diaphysis | ossifying shaft of a long bone. |
diastema | an intervening space. |
-didym- | twins > the testes. |
digiti- | fingers or toes. |
digitigrade | walking (-grade) on the digits. |
dino- | fearful, terrible. |
dinosaur | a fear-inspiring reptile. |
diphy- | double. |
diphyodont | having two successive sets of teeth. |
diplo- | double, two. |
diplospondyly | two vertebrae in each body segment. |
dis- | separation, apart from. |
dissect | to disassemble. |
diverticulum | an outpocketing. |
dorsum | the back. |
dorsad | towards the back. |
duodenum | twelve, in Latin; the length of the human duodenum is about the breadth of 12 fingers. |
dura | tough, hard. |
dys- | faulty, painful, difficult. |
cleidomastoid | a neck muscle attached to clavicle. |
cleidoic | closed, locked up > a reptilian, bird, or monotreme egg with much yolk and a shell. |
cloaca | a sewer > common terminus for digestive and urinary tracts. |
cochlea | a snail with a spiral shell > spiral labyrinth of inner ear. |
-coel- | hollow, a cavity. |
coelom | body cavity. |
collagen | gelatinous, gluelike material. |
colli | of the neck. |
colliculus | a little hill. |
columella | a little (-ella) pillar or column. |
com-, con-, cor- | with, together. |
conari | of the pineal. |
conch- | shell. |
concha | the pinna of the ear, shaped like a clamshell. |
contra- | opposite. |
contralateral | on the opposite side. |
conus | a cone. |
conus arteriosus | chamber of heart after the ventricle. |
copr- | feces. |
coprodeum | fecal passage derived from cloaca. |
cor- | see com- |
coracoid | shaped like a crow’s beak. |
corn- | horn. |
cornified | changed to horn by keratinization. |
cornu (pl., cornua) | horn of the hyoid. |
corona | a wreath or crown. |
coronary sinus | forms a “wreath” around the heart. |
corpus (pl., corpora) | body. |
corpora quadrigemina | the two pairs of twins (-gemini) of the roof of the mesencephalon of amniotes. |
corpus luteum | a yellow body of the ovary. |
corpus spongiosum | spongy body. |
costa | rib. |
costal cartilage | a cartilage at the ventral end of a rib. |
cotyledonary | cup shaped. |
coxa | hip. |
cribriform | sievelike. |
cricoid | resembling a ring. |
crista | a ridge or crest. |
crotalum | a rattle > Crotalus, a rattlesnake. |
crus | leg. |
cten- | comb. |
ctenoid | resembling a comb. |
cucullaris | from a word meaning a hood; the two cucullaris (trapezius) muscles resemble collectively a hood or shawl. |
cuneiform | wedge shaped. |
cupula | a structural peak. |
cusp | a peak or point. |
cutaneous | referring to skin. |
cyclo- | circular. |
cyclostome | agnathan with round mouthlike funnel. |
cyno- | dog. |
cynodont | dog-toothed. |
cysto- | sac, bladder. |
cyt-, cyto-, -cyte | cell. |
dactyl- | finger, toe. |
de- | away from. |
deferens | de + ferent. |
decidu- | fall off or be shed. |
deciduous placenta | one in which the uterine lining is partly shed at parturition. |
deltoid | resembling the Gree letter delta (Δ). |
demi- | half. |
demibranch | gill on one face of a gill arch. |
dendro- | tree. |
dendrite | neuronal arborization. |
dent- | tooth. |
dentin | bone like that in teeth. |
derm- | skin. |
dermatome | layer of a somite giving rise to skin. |
Dermoptera | mammals in which the skin forms a wing membrane (see -pter). |
dermato- | referring to skin. |
dermatocranium | skull bones phylogenetically derived from skin. |
-deum, -daeum | a passageway. |
deuter- | two. |
deuterostome | an animal that uses the blastopore as an anus and forms a second mouth. |
di- | twice, double. |
diapophysis | one of two lateral processes. |
diapsid | having two arches. |
diarthrosis | freely movable joint between two bones or cartilages. |
Dipnoi | fish with two paired breathing apertures (external and internal). |
dia- | through, apart, completely, between. |
diaphragm | a separation (phragma) between two parts. |
diaphysis | ossifying shaft of a long bone. |
diastema | an intervening space. |
-didym- | twins > the testes. |
digiti- | fingers or toes. |
digitigrade | walking (-grade) on the digits. |
dino- | fearful, terrible. |
dinosaur | a fear-inspiring reptile. |
diphy- | double. |
diphyodont | having two successive sets of teeth. |
diplo- | double, two. |
diplospondyly | two vertebrae in each body segment. |
dis- | separation, apart from. |
dissect | to disassemble. |
diverticulum | an outpocketing. |
dorsum | the back. |
dorsad | towards the back. |
duodenum | twelve, in Latin; the length of the human duodenum is about the breadth of 12 fingers. |
dura | tough, hard. |
dys- | faulty, painful, difficult. |