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skeletal system

chapter 5

how many bones in the vertebral column 26 bones, divided into 5 regions
Cervical c1-c7
Thoracic t1-t12
lumbar l1 - l5
coccyx tail bone
intervertebral discs cushions between discs
Scoliosis abnormal lateral curve
Kyphosis hunchback caused by exaggerated thoracic curve
Lordosis esaggerated lumbar curve "sway back"
Cranium protects brain
frontal front of skull
how many facial bones 14
Long bone of upper arm Humerus
Shoulder Blades scapulae
collarbone clavicle
tendon of the shoulder rotator cuff
rotator cuff tear overuse
separation dislocation of AC joint
dislocation completely out of joint
subluxation incomplete dislocation
articulations hinge joint
bones in the arm humerus, ulna and radius
triceps brachii single muscle that extends elbow and forearm
radius is on what side thumb side
ulna is on what side little finger side
Shoulder and arm are called what kind of joint gliding joint
Ganglion cyst is filled with what fluid
CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome develops on front of wirst due to inflammation and swelling of tendon sheaths
Stenosing tenosynovitis is inflammation of the synovial sheaths on the back of the wrist tht causes pressure to develope under the retinaculum
Phalanges are fingers 14 bones in finger and thumb
carpals connect wrist to metacarpals 8 bones
metacarpals bones proximal to phalanges, middle
OA Osteoarthritis, wear and tear
RA Rheumatoid arthritis destruction of joints
JRA juvenile rheumatoid arthritis in children usually outgrows children under 17
Dupuytren contracture thickening and shortening of fibrous bands in the palm of the hand
flexor tendon injury results from lacerations
fasciectomy surgical removal of hypertrophied connective tissue
tendon reconstruction stitches the two ends of a lacerated tendon back together
Arthrodesis surgical fixation of a joint to prevent motion
arthroplasty complete replacement of a damaged finger joint
reattachment amputated fingers is performed
functions of pelvic griddle supports axial skeletontransmit weight to lower limbs attaches lower limbs protects organs
os coax hip bone
os coax, hip bone, consists of 3 bones ilium, ischium, and pubis
cup shaped cavity of the hip acetabulum
Thigh bone Femur
SI (sacroiliac) joint strain causes lower back pain
Diastasis symphysis pubis stretching of pelvic ligaments
R.I.C.E. rest, ice, compression, elavation
Hip joint is what kind of socket ball and socket
arthrocentesis aspiration of fluid from the hip joint
The knee is a hinged joint connecting what 4 bones Femur which is the thigh bone Tibia which is the lower calf bone Patella knee cap fibula smaller lower calf bone
Quadricep, Hamstring, and Popliteal fossa are all muscles from what area thigh
ACL most common knee injury
Meniscus Injury results from knee twisting
Chondromalacia patella runner's knee
Talus articulates with tibia to form what joint ankle
Four componets of skeletal system bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments
components of the skeletal system provide what support, protection, movement, blood formation, mineral storage and balance, detoxification
Bone growth factors genes, nutrition, exercise, mineral depositoin, mineral resporption, vitamins, hormones
Healing process of fractures blood vessels provide blood and bleed into fracture site, osteoblasts for callus, cancellous replaces the callus, osteoblasts produce bone which fuses bone segments
external manipulation monuver outside of the skin
reduction bone pulled from distal end back into alignment
external fixation uses cast/splints/ traction
internal fixation used screws/pinsrods/plates
closed fracture skin is not broken
open fracture skin is broken
displaced fracture bone is not alligned
complete fracture bone is in at least two complete fragments
greenstick fracture bone bends and breaks on 1 side (sliver)
Fibrous joint class 2 bones tightly bonded together Sutures=skull
cartilaginous synchondroses-ribs
Synovial joint contain synovial fluid- arms and leg
Rotation movement to turn on axis
Flextion bending
extension straightening
abduction away for midline
adduction toward midline
prone flat on your belly
supine flat on your back
pronation palms facing floor
Osteoarthritis breakdown and destruction of joint cartilage
RA rheumatoid arthritis inflammatory disease
Bursitis inflammation of bursa
function of skeletal muscle movement, posture, body heat, respiration, communication
Fascicles bundles of muscle fibers -strained muscles
hypertrophy increase in size but not number of muscle fibers
atrophy diminished size of muscle tissue or organ - usually from nonuse
muscle strains simple stretch in muscle or tendon
sprain stretch or tear of a ligament, anle, knee or wrist.
fibromyalgia pain in muscle fibers
myasthenia gravis chronic autoimmune disease
muscular dystrophy hereditary, progressive disorders affecting skeletal muscles.
tenosynovitis inflammation of the sheath that surrounds a tendon -usually repetitive use
rhabdmyolysis breakdown of muscle fibers
most common type of bone long bones
DIAPHYSIS the shaft of the log bone
epephysis end of the bone
metaphysic between the diaphysis and epephysis
periosteum covers the outer surface of all bones
osteoblasts build bone
matrix cells, collagen, gel, calcium
osteoclast Crushes and dissolves bones
most common type of bone long bones
epephysis end of the bone
metaphysic between the diaphysis and epephysis
periosteum covers the outer surface of all bones
osteoblasts build bone
matrix cells, collagen, gel, calcium
osteoclast crushes and dissolves bones
osteoporosis when osteoclasts outperforms osteoblasts
marrow fatty blood forming tissue in the medullary cavity
osteomyelitis inflammation of the bone due to infection
osteomalacia vitamin d deficiency rickets in chidren
anchondroplasia long bones stop growing in childhood
osteogenic sarcoma most common malignant bone tumer between 10 - 15 years
osteogensis imperfecta genetic disorder producing very brittle bones tht are easily fractured often in utero
4 classes of bones long, short, flat, ilregular
Created by: jsymons
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