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Mrs B Med Term 9 CF
Question | Answer |
anastom | opening |
ang, ang/i, angi/o | vessel |
angin | to choke |
arter, arter/i, arteri/o | artery |
ather, ather/o | fatty substance, porridge |
arti, atri/o | atrium |
auscultat | listen to |
card, card/i, cardi/o | heart |
chol, chole, chol/e | gall, bile |
circulat | circular |
claudicate | to limp |
corpor, corpor/e | body |
cyan | dark blue |
dilat | to widen |
dynam | power |
echo/o | echo |
electro/o | electricity |
embol | to cast, throw |
fibrillat | fibrils (small fibers) |
gluc/o, glyc | sweet, sugar |
hem, hem/o, hemat, hemat/o | blood |
infarct | nectrosis (death) of an area |
isch | to hold back |
lipid, lip, lip/o | fat |
lun | moon |
man/o | thin |
mitr | mitral valve |
occlus | to shut up |
ox, ox/i | oxygen |
oxy | sour, sharp, acid |
palpitat | throbbing |
pector | chest |
phleb, phleb/o | vein |
phon/o | sound |
pulm, pulmon, pulmonar, pulmon/o | lung |
rrhyth, rrhythm | rhythm |
sin/o | curve |
sphygm/o | pulse |
sten | narrowing |
sterol | solid (fat) |
steth, steth/o | chest |
strict | to tighten, contraction |
tens | tension |
thromb, thromb/o | clot |
ton | tone, tension |
valvul/o | valve |
vas, vas/o | vessel |
vascul | small vessel |
ven, ven/i, ven/o | vein |
ventricul | ventricle |
vers | turning |