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Skeletal system

4 functions of the skeletal system support, protection, movement facilitation, and storage of energy
ossification the hardening of bone
osteoblasts bone builders
osteocytes mature bone cells
osteoclasts breaks down bone
periosteum covers the bone in a thick fiber
diaphysis the midsection/shaft of a long bone
epiphysis distal/proximal the round ends of the bone
metaphysis in between the epiphysis' and diaphysis'
red marrow blood cells, and makes all blood
yellow marrow storage of fat
articular cartilage the ends of long bones to reduce friction
endosteum a thin layer that lines the medullary cavity
epiphyseal line a thin line of bone that separates spongy bone from red bone marrow
the differences between spongy and compact bone Spongy is sof and "airy" while compact bone is dense
the similarities between spongy and compact bone They are both made of osteocytes, bone cells, and a mineral matrix
BC - long longer than wide, slightly curved, has a distinct shaft
BC - short cube-like shape, equal in length and width, spongy texture,
BC- flat thin and flat, compact bone, provides protection
BC - irregular complex shaped, cant be classified into other categories
Bone Classification BC - sesamoid small, rounded, usually in the carpals
foramen an opening or a hole in bone ex: cranial bone
sinus space within a bone lined with a mucus membrane ex: the nasal cavity
fossa depression or groove, found in the head/cranial fossa
condyle large rounded, prominence found on the inside part of the knee
tuberosity large, rounded, roughened area for ligaments and tendons
trochanter very large, blunt process used for muscle attachment, found in the pointed upper part of your femur
tubercle small rounded process, found between the neck and the part above the ribs
process projection from the surface found bulging from any large bone
suture immovable joints that hold the cranial bones
fontanel only found on infants to allow rapid growth before the cranial bones fuse together
axial group skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum, hyoid bone
appendicular clavicle, scapula, humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvis, femur, tibia, fibula, patella, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
what are the two axial bones that are unique and why the hyoid bone is the only bone to not be connected to any other bone, located in the neck the mandible is the only bone that can move, the jaw
what is the number and letter for the cervical vertebrae, along with the location C7 - the neck
what is the number and letter for the thoracic vertebrae, along with the location T12 - where the ribs attach
what is the number and letter for the lumbar vertebrae, along with the location L5 - weight bearing of the lower back
what is the number and letter for the sacrum vertebrae, along with the location S5 - fused with the hip bones
what is the number and letter for the coccyx vertebrae, along with the location C4 - four vertebrates fused into 2 separate bones called the sacrum and tail bone
synARTHOsis no movement
DIArthrosis free movement
amphiarthrosis little movement
Ball and Socket the shoulder - cuplike activity
hinge elbow/knee - opens like a door
saddle wrist - like hinge but more range of motion
plane jaw - bones slide along beside one another
condyloid fingers - allows flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, etc
Pivot head/neck - move head side to side
ligament provides structural stability, connects bone to bone, and is a band or cord of dense fibrous connective tissue
Tendon connects bone to muscle attachment, a band or cord of dense fibrous connective tissue
Created by: angelkiss
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