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Disease & Disorder T
Disease and disorder terms :)
Question | Answer |
adenoiditis | inflammation of the adenoids |
atelectasis | incomplete expansion (of the lung of a newborn or collapsed lung) |
bronchiectasis | dilation of the bronchi |
bronchitis | Inflammation of the bronchi |
bronchogenic carcinoma | cancerous tumor originating in a bronchus |
bronchopneumonia | diseased state of the bronchi and lungs usually caused by infection |
diaphragmatocele | hernia of the diaphragm |
epiglottitis | inflammation of the epiglottis |
hemothorax | blood in the chelst (pleural space) |
laryngitis | inflammation of the larynx |
laryngotracheobronchitis | inflammation of the larynx,trachea, and bronchi (the acute form is called croup) |
lobar pneumonia | pertaining to the lobs ; diseased state of the lung (infection of one or more lobes of the lung) |
nasopharyngitis | inflammation of the nose and pharynx |
pansinusitis | inflammation of the nose and pharynx |
pansinusitis | inflammation of all snuses |
pharyngitis | inflammation of the pharynx |
pleuritis | inflammation of the pleura (AKA pleurisy) |
pneumatocele | hernia of the lung (lung tissue protrudes thru an opening in the chest) |
pneumoconiosis | abnormal condition of dust in the lungs |
pneumonia | diseased state of the lung (the infection and inflammation are caused by bacteria such as pneumnococcus, staphylococcus, strep, haemophilus; viruses; and fungi |
pneumonitis | inflammation of the lung |
pneumothorax | air in the chest (pleural space, whcih causes collapse of lung |
pulmonary neoplasm | pertaining to the lung, new growth(tumor) |
pyothorax | pus in the chest (pleural space) AKA empyema |
rhinitis | inflammation of the (mucus membranes) nose |
rhinomycosis | abnormal condition of fungus in the nose |
rhinorrhagia | rapid flow of blood from the nose Epistaxis |
throacalgia | pain in the chest |
tonsillitis | inflammation of the tonsils |
tracheitis | inflammation of the trachea |
tracheostenosis | narrowing of the trachea |