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Skeletal System

Anatomy & Physiology - Skeletal System Terminology

Ball and Socket Hip acetabulum and head of femur. Shoulder glenoid cavity and head of humerus. Can move in any direction.
Hinge Elbow between ulna and humerus and knee between femur and tibia.
Pivot Rotation between the ulna and radius and between the 1st and 2nd vertebrae.
Immovable Sutures between the bones in the skull. Fusion of the tibia and fibula.
Gliding Joints between the carpels and tarsals.
Saddle Thumb between carpels and metacarpals.
Transverse Top and Bottom Half
Sagittal (Longitudinal) Left and Right Half
Frontal (Coronal) Front and Back half
Anterior Belly side on humans
Ventral Belly side on 4 legged animals
Posterior Back side on humans
Dorsal Back side on 4 legged animals
Superior Towards the head on humans
Cranial Towards the head on 4 legged animals
Inferior Towards the feet on humans
Caudal Towards the tail on 4 legged animals
Lateral Away from the midline of the body
Medial Towards the midline of the body
Proximal Closer to the point of attachment
Distal Further from the point of attachment
Supra Above
Infra Below
Sub Under
Find the frontal bone .
Find the parietal bone .
Find the occipital bone .
Find the temporal bone .
Find the sphenoid bone .
Find the maxillary bone .
Find the zygomatic bone .
Find the lacrimal bone .
Find the nasal bone .
Find the vomer bone .
Find the palatine bone .
Find the mandible .
Find the hyoid .
Find the coronal suture .
Find the sagittal suture .
Find the squamous suture .
Find the lambdoidal suture .
Find the medial palatine suture .
Find the foramen magnum .
Find the external auditory meatus .
Find the cranium .
Find the scapula .
Find the acromion process .
Find the coracoid process .
Find the glenoid cavity .
Find the spine of the scapula .
Find the clavicle .
Find the sternum .
Find the manubrium .
Find the xiphoid process .
Find the true ribs .
Find the false ribs .
Find the floating ribs .
Find the costal cartilage .
Find the humerus .
Find the head of humerus .
Find the greater tubercle .
Find the radius .
Find the ulna .
Find the olecranon process .
Find the carpals .
Find the metacarpals .
Find the phalanges .
Find the proximal phalanx .
Find the middle phalanx .
Find the distal phalanx .
Find the disks .
Find the atlas .
Find the axis .
Find the cervical vertebra .
Find the thoracic vertebra .
Find the lumbar vertebra .
Find the body .
Find the articular process .
Find the transverse process .
Find the spinous process .
Find the vertebral foramen .
Find the sacrum .
Find the coccyx .
Find the coxa .
Find the ilium .
Find the anterior superior spine of ilium .
Find the pubis .
Find the ischium .
Find the acetabulum .
Find the pubic symphysis .
Find the obturator foramen .
Find the femur .
Find the head of femur .
Find the neck of femur .
Find the greater trochanter .
Find the lesser trochanter .
Find the medial condyle .
Find the lateral condyle .
Find the patella .
Find the tibia .
Find the greater tuberosity .
Find the fibula .
Find the tarsals .
Find the calcaneus .
Find the talus .
Find the navicular .
Find the cuneiforms .
Find the cuboid .
Find the metatarsals .
Find the phalanges (feet) .
Find the proximal phalanx (feet) .
Find the middle phalanx (feet) .
Find the distal phalanx (feet) .
What are the 4 types of tissue? Connective, epithelial, muscle, nervous
What are the 4 types of connective tissue? Connective proper, cartilage, blood, bone
What is the function of connective tissue proper? Areolar (supply blood and soak up extra fluid) Adipose (insulate, protect, storage) Dense regular (tendons and ligaments) Dense irregular (surround organs)
What is the function of cartilage? Protects joints and bones
What is the function of blood? Transport oxygen and nutrients to the cells and carbon dioxide and waste out of the cells.
What is the function of bone? Support and protect the body.
What is the function of tendons? Connect muscle to bone
What is the function of ligaments? Connect bone to bone
What makes up the appendicular skeleton? Arms, legs, hips, scapula
What makes up the axial skeleton? Skull, chest, spine
What is the function of osteoclasts? Bone-destroying cells. Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium
What is the function of osteocytes? Mature bone cells
What is the function of osteoblasts? Bone-forming cells. Secrete minerals that make bones hard.
Where are red blood cells made and where is this found? Red bone marrow in spongy bone.
What are the functions of the skeletal system? movement, protection, support, storage, blood cell formation
What is the lacunae and what is found in them? Cavities containing mature bone cells (osteocytes). *Rings like trees*
What is the canaliculi? Tiny canals from the central canal through the rings/lacunae
What is a process? A boney outgrowth of a larger bone
What is a simple fracture? Bone is broken cleanly, ends to not penetrate skin.
What is a closed reduction? Nonsurgical realignment of broken bone end and splinting of bone
What is a greenstick fracture? A break common in children, bone splinters, break is incomplete.
What is a compression fracture? Bone is crushed, common in vertebral column
What is a compound fracture? Bone ends penetrate through the skin surface.
What is an open reduction? Surgical realignment of broken bone ends
What is a spiral fracture? A result of twisting forces.
What is a depressed fracture? Break of the cranial bone when the bone is "depressed" toward the brain.
Created by: Chloesims77
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