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Principle parts of the brain
Part | Description |
Cerebrum | senses voluntary muscle activity, intellectual and emotional processing ( thought, memory, reasoning) |
Basal ganglia (nuclei) | cognition, motor control (initiating and monitoring movements, inhibit antagonistic or unnecessary movements) |
Cerebellum | coordiantion and balance |
Thalamus | gateway to the cerebral cortex, mediates sensation, motor activities, cortical arousal and memory, sorting out and editing information |
Hypothalamus | autonomic control center, emotional response and behavior, body temperature, food intake, water balnce and thirst, sleep-wake cycles, endocrine system functioning |
Corpora quadrigemina | nuclei that corrdinate head and eye movements, auditory relay, startle reflex |
Cerebral peduncles | pyramidla motor tracts descending toward the spinal cord, tracts connecting the midbrain to the cerebellum |
Pons | conduction tracts, pathway between higher brain and centers and the spinal cord, cranial nerves, respiratory rhythm |
Medulla oblongata | heart beat, blood pressure, respiration |
Limbic system | fiber tracts and gray matter, emotions, feelings |
Reticular formation | govern the arousal of the brain as a whole, sensory input filter, muscle tone, coordination, autonomic centers, extend through the medulla, pons and mid-brain |