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SI Circulatory

Southeastern Institute A&P 12. Circulatory System

How much of the blood is plasma? 55%
How much of the blood is solid elements? 45%
Circulatory System Physiology Transport gases, nutrients, waste, antibodies, hormones & heat, Protection through WBCs & removal of impurities & pathogens, Prevention of hemorrhage through clotting
Blood Liquid connective tissue, Viscous, thicker and more adhesive than water, Slightly alkaline, Bright scarlet to dull maroon depending on oxygen content, 100’ F
Plasma Straw colored liquid, Transports blood cells
Fibrogen is for Blood clotting
Albumin is for Blood thickening
Globulin is for Protection from infection by being base for antibodies
Blood is formed in Red bone marrow of long, flat, irregular bones
Erythrocytes RBCs, Transport oxygen, Most numerous
Hemoglobin Red pigment, Iron based protein, Combines with oxygen or carbon dioxide for transportation
Leukocytes WBCs, Mobile army, Phagocytosis & pinocytosis
Thrombocytes Platelets, Repairs by clotting
Mechanism of Clotting Vascular spasm, Platelet plug, Coagulation
What vitamin is necessary for blood clotting? K
Blood Types are determined by Specific antigen (protein) attached to cell
AB Universal recipient
O Universal donor
Rh factor Determines positive or negative blood type
Heart Pump
Pericardium Double layered sac that protects heart
Epicardium Thin outer serous membrane of the heart, Adipose tissue
Myocardium Thick middle muscle layer of the heart
Endocardium Thin inner lining of the heart
Atria are located Top chambers of the heart
Ventricles Bottom chambers of the heart
Right atrium Receives blood from superior & inferior Vena Cava
Right ventricle Blood from right atrium, Out into pulmonary artery
Left atrium Oxygen rich blood from pulmonary vein
Left ventricle Blood from left atrium out to aorta
AV (atroventricular valve) Separate atria and ventricle
Tricuspid AV on right
Bicuspid Mitral valve on left
Pulmonary SL Between right ventricle & pulmonary trunk
Aortic SL Between left ventricle & aorta
Cardiac Cycle is controlled by what part of the brain? Medulla Oblongata
Deviation of Heart Rate Arrythmia
Slow Heart Rate Bradycardia, < 50 bpm
Rapid Heart Rate Tachycardia, > 100 bpm
Arteries carry blood Away from heart
Smaller blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart arterioles
Capillaries Smallest functional unit, One cell thick, site of gas exchange
Venules Smallest vessels that carry blood to the heart
Veins Carry blood to the heart
Lumen Space in the blood vessel
Tunica Interna Inner most layer of blood vessel
Tunica Medai Middle layer of blood vessel, smooth muscle & thickest
Elastic Layer Layer only found in arteries for expansion
Tunica Externa Outer layer of blood vessel
Vasodilation Enlargement of lumen diameter
Vasoconstriction Shrinking of lumen diameter
Pulse Expansion of arteries when the left ventricle contracts
Stroke Volume Amount of blood expelled from the left ventricle into the aorta during contraction
Blood Pressure Pressure exerted on artery wall when the left ventricle contracts
Systolic Top number read during contraction of left ventricle
Diastolic Bottom number read when left ventricle is at rest
Normal Blood Pressure 120/80
High Blood Pressure 160/95
Hyperemia When blood flow is increased
Pulmonary Circuit Deoxygenated blood from R. ventricle to lungs
Systemic Circuit Blood leaving L ventricle and going to body
Hepatic Portal System Renal circulation, Veinous system that collects blood from digestive organs, Brings blood to liver for digestion & storage
Coronary Movement of blood through heart tissues
Created by: cmcracken
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