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Southeastern Respira

Southeastern Institute A&P Respiratory System

Respiratory System Functions Exchange of Gases, Olfaction, Speech, Homeostasis
Nose Beginning of air conduction
Nasal Cavity “Air conditioning chambers”
Meatus Passageways in nasal cavity
Nasal conchae Walls of the passageways
Cilia Hair-like projections on outer surface of some cells, Clean air by trapping particles
Goblet cells Produce mucus that moisten air & traps particles, Warms blood/mucus
Pharynx Throat, Shared by respiratory & digestive systems, Contains tonsils
Larynx Voice Box
Epiglottis Closes trachea when swallowing (deglutition), “Guardian of the Airways”
Thyroid Adam’s apple which is enlarged due to testosterone in men
False Vocal Chords Superior, Can be trained for use in ventriloquism or 2 ranges for singers
True Vocal Chords Inferior, “Vocal Chords”, Normal voice production
Trachea “Wind Pipe”, From larynx to upper chest
Why are there 16-21 half-ring hyaline cartilage in the trachea? For swallowing and keeps Trachea from collapsing during breath
Bronchi “Large Airways”, Lead air to LungsRight Bronchi
Bronchioles Smaller branched airways extending from bronchi
Alveoli Tiny balloon-like sacs
Alveolar Sacs Groups of alveoli, Look like bunches of grapes where gas exchange happens
Surfactants Phosopholipids that assist in gas exchange by reducing surface tension
Lungs Main organs of breathing
Right lung has how many lobes 3
Left lung has how many lobes 2 to make room for heart
Pleural membrane Encases both lungs, Secretes serous fluid, Prevents friction allowing lungs to move freely
Pleural Cavity Space that lungs are housed in
Respiratory Diaphragm Primary Muscle of Inspiration, Dome shaped muscle, Divides abdominal & thoracic cavities
Breathing Pulmonary Ventilation
Inspiration Inhalation
Expiration Exhalation
Dyspnea Labored breathing
Apnea Temporary cessation of breathing
Hypoxia Inadequate oxygen @ cellular level, Cyanosis, tachycardia, hypertension, peripheral vasoconstriction, dizziness, and mental confusion
Anoxia Lack of oxygen locally or systemically, Inability of blood to carry oxygen or tissues can’t absorb oxygen from blood
What part of the brain controls breathing rhythm Medulla Oblongata
Created by: cmcracken
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