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ANAT 411 H&N n, v, a

C3, C4, and C5; supplies diaphragm; related to ant. scalene phrenic n.
which v. does the ext. jugular v. drain into subclavian v.
ext. carotid a., int. carotid a., left common carotid a., right common carotid a., brachiocephalic trunk, left subclavian a., right subclavian a. arterial supply to neck
inf. to sup.: sup. thyroid a., ascending pharyngeal a., lingual a., facial a., occipital a.., post. auricular a., maxillary a., superficial temporal a. branches of ext. carotid a.
some anatomists like freaking out poor medical students pneumonic for branches of ext. carotid a.
right and left jugular veins, right and left subclavian veins, right and left brachiocephalic veins, superior vena cava venous drainage of neck
nerve of neck, innervates musculature in oral cavity and tongue hypoglossal n.
nerve of neck, motor, innervates sternocleidomastoid and trapezius spinal accessory n.
nerve of neck, innervates infrahyoid muscles, loop of nervous tissue from C1 to C2, sitting on top of carotid sheath, superior root jumps on to CN XII briefly ansa cervicalis
found on the post. aspect of sternocleidomastoid; sensory fibers; made up of great auricular n., supraclavicular n., transverse cervical n., and lesser occipital n. Erb's point
triangle; contents are common carotid a., internal jugular v., vagus n., hypoglossal n., ansa cervicalis, deep cervical lymph nodes, and sympathetic trunk carotid triangle
triangle; contents are superior thyroid v., middle thyroid v., inferior thyroid n., submandibular gland, internal jugular v., hypoglossal n., ansa cervicalis, vagus n., sympathetic trunk, glossopharyngeal n., anterior triangle
triangle; contents are phrenic n., vagus n., subclavian a., cervical plexus, spinal accessory n., brachial plexus posterior triangle
which branch of the ext. carotid a. is deep to the TMJ maxillary a.
which n. innervates the TMJ mandibular (V3)
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical branches of facial n.
branch of facial n.; supplies muscles of the temple, forehead, and supraorbital areas temporal branches
branch of facial n.; supplies muscles of infra-orbital area, lateral nasal area, and upper lip zygomatic branches
branch of facial n.; supplies muscles in the cheek, upper lip, and corner of mouth buccal branches
branch of facial n.; supply muscles of lower lip and chin marginal mandibular branches
branch of facial n.; supply the platysma cervical branches
where does the ext. carotid a. bifurcate C4
v. formed by the union of the superficial temporal and maxillary veins retromandibular v.
which is the only cranial n. that travels through foramen magnum spinal accessory n.
anterior circulation of brain, arises at carotid bifurcation and travels through carotid foramen internal carotid arteries
posterior circulation of brain, arises from subclavian a. and travels through the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae vertebral arteries
ophthalmic a., posterior communicating a., anterior choroidal a., anterior cerebral a., middle cerebral a. internal carotid a. branches
provides abundant opportunities for collateral flow but anatomical variants are common; made up of ACA, Acomm, Pcomm, and internal carotid a. circle of willis
part of circle of willis, deep to optic n., terminal branch of internal carotid a. anterior cerebral a. (ACA)
terminal branch of internal carotid a. that is found behind the temporal lobe middle cerebral a. (MCA)
arise from top of basilar a., near oculomotor n. posterior cerebral a. (PCA)
part of circle of willis, where the anterior cerebral arteries anastomose, common place for aneurysms anterior communicating a. (Acomm)
part of circle of willis, links anterior and posterior circulation, connects internal carotids to PCA posterior communicating a. (Pcomm)
branch of basilar a. superior cerebellar a.
superficial veins of cerebral hemispheres drain mainly into the superior sagittal sinus and cavernous sinus, deep veins drain mainly into superior sagittal sinus, nearly all veins of brain reach int. jugular veins venous drainage of cerebellar hemispheres
a. that travels with optic n. in optic canal, 1st branch is the central retinal a. ophthalmic a.
large v. that goes through inferior orbital fissure inferior ophthalmic v.
which CN splits into superior and inferior branches and is sympathetic and parasympathetic oculomotor n.
branch of oculomotor n. that innervates levator palpabrae superioris m. and superior rectus superior branch
branch of oculomotor n. that has 3 branches: medial rectus, ciliary ganglion, and inferior rectus inferior branch
innervates the auricle CN V3, CN VII, CN X
innervates the external auditory meatus CN V3 and CN X
innervates the internal tympanic membrane CN IX
innervates the external tympanic membrane CN V3, CN VII, CN X
contains parasympathetic fibers that supply salivary glands and taste fibers to anterior 2/3 of tongue, separated from tympanic membrane by handle of malleus chorda tympani n.
ramifies on promontory of middle ear and is derived form CN IX, innervates mucous membrane lining walls and contents of middle ear tympani plexus
innervates semicircular canals, vestibule, cochlea, vestibular ganglia, internal acoustic meatus vestibulocochlear n.
supplies larynx with motor and sensory innervation vagus n.
which a. travels through aperture for inferior branch of superior laryngeal n. and associated a. as well as internal and external laryngeal nerves laryngeal a.
these arteries supply blood to the larynx superior laryngeal a. and inferior laryngeal a.
superior laryngeal veins and inferior laryngeal veins veins of larynx
the larynx is innervated by 2 branches of the vagus n. superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves
branch of vagus n., provides sensation above vocal folds and branches to give internal laryngeal n. which provides sensory innervation and external laryngeal n. which supplies the cricothyroid muscles superior laryngeal n.
branch of vagus n., descends into the larynx through tracheoesophageal groove and provides sensory innervation to laryngeal cavity below level of vocal folds and motor innervation to almost all intrinsic muscles of larynx recurrent laryngeal n.
continuation of facial a. in nasal vestibule angular a.
branches from these CNs provide sensory innervation to nasal region V1 and V2
branch of maxillary (V2) that passes forward and down the nasal septum to pass through incisive canal to the roof of the oral cavity nasopalatine n.
supplies the lateral wall of the nasal cavity sphenopalatine a. and greater palatine a.
area common with chronic nosebleeds Kiesselbach's Area
which way does the venous drainage move that contributes to the spread of infection extracranial to intracranial
which CN innervates the genioglossus m., palatoglossus m., and styloglossus m. of the tongue hypoglossal n.
which CN innervates the hyoglossus m. of the tongue vagus n.
which a. enters the tongue deep to the hyoglossus m. between the hyoglossus and genioglossus muscles lingual a.
which two nerves enter the tongue superficial to the hyoglossus m. hypoglossal n. and lingual n.
which nerves innervate the tongue hypoglossal, lingual, and chorda tympani nerves
which nerves provide motor innervation to the tongue hypoglossal and vagus nerves
which nerves provide sensory innervation to the tongue lingual, chorda tympani, glossopharyngeal nerves
major a. of the hard palate greater palatine a.
a. that contributes to soft palate lesser palatine a.
n. that supplies sensory innervation to hard palate greater palatine n.
n. that supplies sensory innervation to soft palate lesser palatine n.
anterior, middle, and posterior superior alveolar nerves supply what upper teeth
inferior alveolar n. and its branches supply what lower teeth
anterior and posterior superior alveolar arteries supply what upper teeth
inferior alveolar a. and its branches supply what lower teeth
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