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Question | Answer |
elasticity | muscles ability to recoil back to its original length after being stretched |
contractility | shortens w force |
fascia | connective tissue located outside the epimysium |
each fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the | endomysium |
nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers | motor neurons |
extends from Z line to Z line | sarcomere |
each z line is an attachment for | actin |
thin myofilaments | actin myofilaments |
thick myofilaments | myosin myofilaments |
myofibrils consist of how many kinds of protein fibers ? | 2 |
where the muscle remains contracted without relaxing | tetany |
most stationary end of the muscle | origin |
the end of the muscle undergoing the greatest movement | insertion |
aerobic respiration | with oxygen |
anaerobic respiration | without oxygen |
portion of the muscle between the origin and the insertion | belly |
slow-twitch fibers | contract more slowly and are more resistant to fatigue |
fast-twitch fibers | contract and fatigue quickly |
constant tension produced by the muscles of the body | muscle tone |
when a muscle remains contracted without relaxing | tetany |
connective tissue located outside the epimysium | fascia |
outside | endo |
contraction of an entire muscle in response to a stimulus | muscle twitch |
muscle fiber does not react to a stimulus until that stimulus reaches a level called | threshold |
the time between application of a stimulus to a motor neuron and the beginning of a contraction is a | lag phase |
increase in number of motor units being activated is called | recruitment |
Needed for energy for muscle contraction | ATP |
produced in mitochondria | ATP |
when ATP is used during muscle contraction faster than it can be produced in the muscle cells | muscle fatigue |
contracts more slowly and is more resistant to fatigue | slow-twitch |
contracts more quickly and is less resistant to fatigue | fast-twitch |
muscles that work together to accomplish specific movements | synergists |
muscles that work in opposition with each other | antagonists |
mastication | chewing |
neck muscle | sternocleidomastoid |
muscle fiber contracts maximally | all-or-none response |
length of muscle does not change, tension increases | isometric |
tension stays constant but length changes | isotonic |
I bands | actin |
A bands | myosin |
mastication muscles have _ pairs | 4 |
_ pairs of pterygoids | 2 |
change shape of tongue | intrinsic tongue muscles |
move tongue | extrinsic tongue muscles |
muscles that move the thorax | thoracic muscles |
tendinous area of abdominal wall | linea alba |
group of muscles on each side of the back | erector spinae |
accomplishes quiet breathing | diaphram |
elevates ribs during aspiration | external intercostals |
contract during forced aspiration | internal intercostals |
sheetlike muscle that covers anterolateral neck | platysma |
on each side of linea alba is the | rectus abdominis |
there are __ muscles within the foot | 20 |
flexes the thigh | sartorius |
largest muscle in the body | glutious maximus |
smile muscle | Zygomaticus |
puckers the lips. | Orbicularis oris |
flattens the cheeks. Trumpeter’s muscle. | buccinator |
closes the eyelids and causes “crows feet” wrinkles in the skin at the lateral corners of the eye. | Orbicularis oculi |
sneering | Levator labii superioris |
frowning | Depressor anguli oris |
raises the eyebrows | Occipitofrontalis |
Orbicularis oris and buccinator are | the kissing muscles. |
– form the calf muscle | Gastrocnemius and soleus |
extends the forearm. Occupies the posterior compartment of the arm. | Triceps brachii |
flexes the forearm. Occupies the anterior compartment of the arm. | Biceps brachii |
flexes forearm | Brachialis |
flexes and supinates the forearm | Brachioradialis |
flexes the wrist. | Flexor carpi |
extends the wrist | Extensor carpi |
flexes the fingers | Flexor digitorum |
extends the fingers | Extensor digitorum |
extends the leg; anterior thigh muscles | Quadriceps femoris |
posterior thigh muscles; flexes the leg and extends the thigh. | Hamstring |
rotates scapula | Trapezius |
- pulls scapula anteriorly | Serratus anterior |