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Anatomy Study Stack

Weeks 6-12 Review

The biceps brachii has this fascicle arrangement, which maximizes the range of motion possible. Parallel
A muscle with fascicles that insert into only one side of the tendon is categorized as: Unipennate
The fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle and is outside the epimysium and tendon is called the: Fascia
The innermost muscle of the abdominal wall is the: Transverse Abdominis
An example of a muscle with this type of fascicle arrangement is the orbicularis oris. Circular
The point of attachment that does not move when the muscle contracts is the: Origin
A muscle with fascicles that insert into the tendon from both sides is categorized as: Bipennate
This arrangement of muscle fascicles tends to be triangular in shape. The Pectoralis major is an example of a muscle with this type of muscle fascicle arrangement. Convergent
The term _____ is used to describe a muscle that directly performs a specific movement. Agonist
The continuous low level of sustained contraction maintained by all skeletal muscles is muscle: Tone
The most common type of level in the body is a ____ -class lever. Third
Another name for a sphincter muscle is a _____ muscle. Circular
The muscle that allows the thumb to be drawn across the palm to touch the tip of any finger is the: Opponens Pollicis
Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: Muscle Fiber
Muscles that move the upper arm originate on the: Clavicle and Scapula
The action of the brachialis muscle is to ____ the forearm. Flex
Muscles may be names according to: Function, Direction of fibers, Points of attachment
The sternocleidomastoid muscle is an example of a muscle named for its: Points of Attachment
Excitable cells that conduct the impulses are called: Neurons
The somatic nervous system carries information to the: Skeletal Muscles
Chemical signals diffuse between neurons at this location. Synapse
Glia cells are located in the peripheral nervous system? Schwann Cells
The ____ of a neuron is a single process that usually extends from a tapered portion of the cell body. Axon
Describes the bundles of nerve fibers within the central nervous system. Tracts
Functions of the central nervous system (CNS)? Integrating sensory information, Evaluating the information, Initiating an outgoing response
Dendrites conduct impulses ______ cell bodies. Toward
The dorsal root of each spinal nerve is easily recognized as a swelling called the: Dorsal Root Ganglion
The inner protective covering of the brain is called the: Meninges
How many pairs of spinal nerves are connected to the spinal cord? 31
The large fluid-filled spaced within the brain are called the: Ventricles
The internal iliac artery supplies blood to the: Pelvis
______ is used to determine the volume percentage of red blood cells in whole blood. Hematocrit
The _____ drains much of the superficial leg and foot. Great Saphenous Vein
The _____ is (are) supplied with blood from the left subclavian artery. Head and Upper Extremities
The structure referred to as the pacemaker of the heart is (are) the: SA node
The bulk of the heart wall is the thick, contractile middle layer called the: Myocardium
The term blood type refers to the type of blood cell: Antigen
Interferon inhibits the spread of: Viruses and Cancer
Lymph capillaries called lacteals are located in the: Small Intestine
The spleen is located in the ____ region. Left Hypochondriac
The vibrissae function as: Filters
The trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs make up the: Lower Respiratory Tract
The tracahea divides at its lower end into two: Primary Bronchi
The small leaf-shaped cartilage that projects upward behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the: Epiglottis
The roof of the nose is seperated from the cranial activity by a portion of the ethmoid bone called the: Cribriform Plate
During respiration, the thorax: Becomes larger when the chest is raised
A common condition characterized by acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree is: Acute bronchitis
The ____ of each lung lies against the ribs and is rounded to match the contours of the thoracic cavity. Costal Surface
The structures that deflect air as it passes through the nose are called: Conchae
The structure in the neck known as the "Adam's apple" is the: Thyroid Cartilage
The total number of lobes in both lungs is: 5
Created by: bethnp
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