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Anatomy Week 6 - 12

Chemical signals diffuse between neurons at this location. synapse
These regions of the neuron direct electrical currents toward the cell body. dendrite
Neurons have very limited capacity to repair themselves.
What structure of the Schwann cell is essential to normal nerve growth and the regeneration of injured nerve fibers? neurilemma
Bundles of myelinated fibers make up the white matter of the nervous system.
The lower end of the spinal cord, with its attached spinal nerve roots, gives the appearance of a horse’s tail called the cauda equina.
Formation of the cerebrospinal fluid occurs in the choroid plexus.
The large fluid-filled spaces within the brain are called the ventricles
The dorsal root of each spinal nerve is easily recognized as a swelling called the dorsal root ganglion.
The innermost layer of the meninges is the: pia mater.
Which plexus contains nerves that innervate the lower part of the shoulder and the entire arm? Brachial
Pancreatic cell type that produces insulin. beta cells
Membrane attached to the stapes. oval window
Fluid filling the posterior segment of the eye. vitreous humor
The hormone produced by the heart increases the excretion of sodium in the urine.
The vagus is said to act as a “brake” on the heart. This situation is called vagal inhibition.
Inhibition of sympathetic vasoconstrictor impulses is considered a major mechanism of vasodilation.
The localized pressure gradient needed to maintain blood flow in a tissue is called perfusion pressure.
The internal iliac artery supplies blood to the pelvis.
The normal cardiac impulse that initiates mechanical contraction of the heart arises in the SA node.
The lymphatic system, like the circulatory system, is a closed circuit. False
A type of blood cell produced by lymph nodes is called a(n) monocyte.
Lymph capillaries called lacteals are located in the: small intestine.
Masses of lymphoid tissue located in a protective ring under the mucous membranes in the mouth and the back of the throat are called tonsils.
Hassall corpuscles are part of the: thymus.
The small leaf-shaped cartilage that projects upward behind the tongue and hyoid bone is the epiglottis.
The trachea divides at its lower end into two primary bronchi.
The trachea, bronchial tree, and lungs make up the lower respiratory tract.
A common condition characterized by acute inflammation of the tracheobronchial tree is acute bronchitis.
Created by: kayleee5865
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