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Mod A week 2 Lecture
Anatomy and physiology of the senses
Question | Answer |
Rhinitis | reaction to airborne allergens |
Nasal Polyps | benign growth in nasal passage |
Epistaxis | bleeding from the nose |
Candidiasis | fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat |
Glossitis | inflammation of tongue |
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) | leading cause of blindness |
General Senses | pain, temperature, touch/pressure, body position |
Special Senses | smell, taste, vision, equillibrium/hearing |
Choroid Layer | contains the blood vessels |
Melanin | determines the color of the iris |
Retina | contains photoreceptors and is innermost layer |
Photoreceptors | rods for black/white and cones for color |
Amblyopia | causes the turning eye to become lazy, most prevalent in kids under 5 |
Arcus Senilis | accompanies normal aging, thin grayish-white arc or circle not quite at the edge of the cornea. |
Blepharitis | inflammation of the edges of the eyelids involving the hair follicles and glands |
Cataract | gradually developing opacity of the lens, usually found in people over 70 yrs of age |
Conjunctivitis | (pink eye) inflammation of the conjunctiva |
Corneal Abrasion | scratch or trauma to cornea |
Corneal Ulcers | acute disease involving the cornea |
Diabetic Retinopathy | disease of the retina. From juvenile/adult onset diabetes and is the leading cause of acquired blindness |
Glaucoma | excessive intraocular pressure results in atrophy of optic nerve |
Hordeolum | (stye) infection of a gland of the eyelid produces an abcess around the eyelid |
Iritis | inflammation of the iris |
Ptosis | drooping upper eyelid |
Retinal Detachment | separation of the retina from the choroid layer |
Strabismus | eye diviates with the gaze being abnormally inward(cross-eyed), outward(wall-eyed) or higher/lower than the other eye. AKA squint |
Meniere's Disease | inner ear disorder |
Otitis Externa | infection of the external auditory canal |
Otitis Media | infection of the middle ear often associated with respiratory infections |
Otosclerosis | formation of spongy bone that immobilizes the stapes |
Motion Sickness | occurs when engaging in activities involving irregular movement |
Myopia | nearsightedness, rays focus in front of retina, concave glasses |
Hyperopia | farsightedness, rays focus behind the retina, convex glasses |
Path of light | Cornea, Anterior aqueous humor, Pupil, Posterior aqueous humor, Lens, Vitreous humor, Retina (CAPPLVR) |