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Nasal Polyps
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Mod A week 2 Lecture

Anatomy and physiology of the senses

Rhinitis reaction to airborne allergens
Nasal Polyps benign growth in nasal passage
Epistaxis bleeding from the nose
Candidiasis fungal infection of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat
Glossitis inflammation of tongue
Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) leading cause of blindness
General Senses pain, temperature, touch/pressure, body position
Special Senses smell, taste, vision, equillibrium/hearing
Choroid Layer contains the blood vessels
Melanin determines the color of the iris
Retina contains photoreceptors and is innermost layer
Photoreceptors rods for black/white and cones for color
Amblyopia causes the turning eye to become lazy, most prevalent in kids under 5
Arcus Senilis accompanies normal aging, thin grayish-white arc or circle not quite at the edge of the cornea.
Blepharitis inflammation of the edges of the eyelids involving the hair follicles and glands
Cataract gradually developing opacity of the lens, usually found in people over 70 yrs of age
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) inflammation of the conjunctiva
Corneal Abrasion scratch or trauma to cornea
Corneal Ulcers acute disease involving the cornea
Diabetic Retinopathy disease of the retina. From juvenile/adult onset diabetes and is the leading cause of acquired blindness
Glaucoma excessive intraocular pressure results in atrophy of optic nerve
Hordeolum (stye) infection of a gland of the eyelid produces an abcess around the eyelid
Iritis inflammation of the iris
Ptosis drooping upper eyelid
Retinal Detachment separation of the retina from the choroid layer
Strabismus eye diviates with the gaze being abnormally inward(cross-eyed), outward(wall-eyed) or higher/lower than the other eye. AKA squint
Meniere's Disease inner ear disorder
Otitis Externa infection of the external auditory canal
Otitis Media infection of the middle ear often associated with respiratory infections
Otosclerosis formation of spongy bone that immobilizes the stapes
Motion Sickness occurs when engaging in activities involving irregular movement
Myopia nearsightedness, rays focus in front of retina, concave glasses
Hyperopia farsightedness, rays focus behind the retina, convex glasses
Path of light Cornea, Anterior aqueous humor, Pupil, Posterior aqueous humor, Lens, Vitreous humor, Retina (CAPPLVR)
Created by: 1557496803
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