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A&P II Final, Pt 4

What is the digestive tract? What major structures does it include? GI Tract, muscular tube/ Passes through pharynx, esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines
2. Know the six major functions of the digestive system. (slides 5-8) Ingestion/ Mechanical/ Digestion/ Secretion/ Absorption/ Excretion/
3. How does material move through the digestive tract? Describe peristaltic motion. Circular muscles contract behind bolus while circular muscles ahead of bolus relax. Longitudinal muscles ahead of bolus contract, shortening adjacent segments. Wave of contraction in circular muscles forces bolus forward
4. What are the four major functions of the oral cavity? Sensory analysis/ Mechanical processing/ Lubrication/ Limited digestion
5. What are the functions of the tongue? Mechanical processing/ Manipulation to assist in chewing & preparing mats for swallowing/ Sensory analysis by touch, temp, and taste receptors/ Speech production
6. What is the esophagus? What is its function? Hollow muscular tube that carries solid food and liquids to stomach.
7. What are the major functions of the stomach? Storage of ingested food/ mech breakdown of food/ Disruption of chemical bonds in food mats by acid and enzymes
8. What is gastric juice? Where is it secreted from? Strong acid that aids in digestion
9. What is the approximate pH in the stomach? Is this more basic or acidic? pH is 2.0(very acidic)
10. What is chyme? Liquid that leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine. Made of gastric juices and partially digested food
11. What is the main function of the small intestine? Plays a key role in digestion and absorption of nutrients.
12. Where does 90% of nutrient absorption occur? In the small intestine
13. Describe the segments of the small intestine and their major functions. Duodenum: Segment of sml intestine/ Mixing bowl that received chyme from stomach and digestive secretions from pancreas and liver. Neutralizes acids
14. What products are secreted by the pancreas? Insulin and glucagon
15. What is the function of bile? Bile salts break dietary lipids (pancreatic lipase) apart
16. What does the gallbladder do? Stores and concentrates bile prior to excretion in to small intestine
17. What are the main functions of the large intestine? Reabsorbs water from mats/ Compacts contents into feces/ Absorbs of important vitamins produces by bacteria/ Storage of fecal mat prior to defecation
18. What are the major segments of the large intestine and their functions? Cecum: pouchlike first portion/ Colon: Largest portion/ Rectum: Last 15 cm of digestive tract
19. What are the regions of the colon? Ascending/ Descending/ Transverse/ Sigmoid
20. What kind of absorption takes place in the large intestine? Important vitamins produced by bacteria
1. What are the three main functions of the urinary system? Excretion: Removal of organic wastes from body fluids/ Elimination: Discharge of waste products/ Homeostatic Regulation: Of blood plasma volume and solute concentration
2. Where is urine produced? In the kidneys
3. What does it mean that the kidneys are retroperitoneal? Not contained inside the abdominopelvic cavity
4. About what percentage of cardiac output do kidneys receive? 20%-25%
5. What is a nephron? What is its function? Microscopic, tubular structures in cortex of each renal lobe where urine production begins
6. What are the two major portions of the nephron? Renal corpuscle and renal tubule
7. What happens if the kidneys fail to concentrate filtrate sufficiently? Body fills with fluid and wastes/ Symptoms include swelling, extreme fatigue, cramping, nausea, vomiting/ Total failure= coma, death
8. What is dialysis? Manual filtration of the blood in the case of severe or total kidney failure
9. About how much urine does a healthy adult produce in a day? 1200mL or 40 oz per day
10. What kind of epithelium allows structures of the urinary system to undergo cycles of distention and contraction? Transitional epithelium
11. Where are the ureters located? What is their function? Extends from kidneys to urinary bladder. Begins at renal pelvis/ Allows urine to flow down to urinary bladder
12. What is the main function of the urinary bladder? Temporary reservoir for urine storage
13. What are the differences between the MALE and female urethras? Has prostatic, membranous, and spongy urethra
14. Why do differences exist between the male and FEMALE urinary systems? Extends from bladder to vestibule/ External urethral orifice is near anterior wall of vagina
15. Why is conscious relaxation necessary for urination? to release urine from the body
16. What stimulates the micturition reflex? Stretching
1. Why is the reproductive system unique among all body systems? Only system that is not essential to the life of the individual
2. What are gametes? What are the male and female gametes? Produce and store specialized reproductive cells that combine to form new individuals
3. What are gonads? What are the male and female gonads? Organs that produce gametes and hormones/ M: Sperm, testes--F:Ovaries, oocytes
4. What are two functions of the testes? (slide 5) Secrete sex hormones (androgens)/ Produce male gametes (spermatozoa)
5. What is the process of sperm production called? Spermatogenesis
6. In males, the urethra is shared between which two systems? Reproductive and urinary systems
7. What are the three regions of the male urethra? Where is each located? Prostatic(passing through prostate)/ Membranous (Passing through urogenital diaphragm)/ Spongy (In penile tissue)
8. What is semen? Mixture of secretions from many glands, each with distinctive biochemical characteristics
9. What is the name of the male erectile organ? What are the functions of this organ? Penis/ Root: fixed portion that att to body wall/ Body(shaft): tubular & moveable. Three cylindrical columns of erectile tissue/Glands(head): expanded distal end
10. What are the important functions of testosterone? Stimulates spermatogenesis (sperm maturation)/ Affects CNS function/ Stimulates metabolism
11. What are three functions of the female reproductive system? Produces sex hormones and functional gametes/ Protects and supports developing embryo/ Nourishes newborn infant
12. What are the organs of the female reproductive system? Ovaries/ Uterine tubes/ Uterus/ Vagina/ External genitallia
13. What are the two main functions of ovaries? Produce immature female gametes (oocytes)/ Secretion of female sex hormones (estrogens, progestins)
14. Where are female gametes produced? Ovaries
15. What is the process of ovum production called? Oogenesis
16. At female puberty, rising hormone levels cause what to happen every month? Trigger the ovarian cycle
17. Where do oocytes travel after leaving the ovaries? Through the uterine tube to the uterus
18. What are the functions of the uterus? Develops embryo and fetus
19. Which is the thickest portion of the uterine wall with layers of muscles? What is the function of this layer? Myometrium/ Provides force to move fetus out of uterus into vagina
20. What is the function of the endometrium? Glandular and vascular tissues support physiological demands of growing fetus
21. What is menstruation? Process of endometrial sloughing/ lasts 1-7 days/ Sheds 35-50 mL of blood
22. What are three functions of the vagina? Passageway for elimination of menstrual fluids/ Receives sperm during sexual intercourse/ Forms inferior portion of birth canal
23. Know the structures of female external genitalia. Vulva: female external genitalia/ Vestibule: central space bounded by small folds. Covered with smooth, hairless skin
24. Know the structures of the breasts and mammary glands. (slide 83) Nipple, areola/ Mammary glands secrete milk to nourish and infant. Lie in pectoral fat pads deep to skin of chest
25. What are the effects of aging on the male and female reproductive systems? F: Menopause/ M: Andropause
Created by: Clinton Perdue
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