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Cranial Nerves
12 cranial nerves
Question | Answer |
I. Olfactory | Smell (sensory) |
II. Optic | Vision (sensory) |
III. Oculomotor | Raise eyelids, move eyes, regulate the size of pupils, focus of lenses (motor) |
IV. Trochlear | Eye movements, proprioception (motor) |
V. Trigeminal | Sensations of the head and face, chewing movements, and muscle sense (mixed) |
VI. Abducens | Produce movements of the eyes (motor) |
VII. Facial | Facial expressions, secretion of saliva, taste (mixed) |
VIII. Vestibulocochlear | Balance or equilibrium sense. Hearing. (sensory) |
IX.Glossopharyngeal | Taste or other sensations of tongue, swallowing, secretion of saliva, aid in reflex control of blood pressure, and respiration (mixed) |
X. Vagus | Transmit impulses to muscles associated with speech, swallowing, the heart, smooth muscles of visceral organs in the thorax, and abdomen (mixed) |
XI. Accessory (spinal) | Turning movements of the head, movements of the shoulder and viscera, voice production (motor) |
XII. Hypoglossal | Tongue movements (motor) |